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* Cook, Blanche Wiesen. ''Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2, The Defining Years, 1933-1938''. New York : Viking, c1992-1999 ISBN 0670844985   
* Cook, Blanche Wiesen. ''Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2, The Defining Years, 1933-1938''. New York : Viking, c1992-1999 ISBN 0670844985   
*  Lachman, Seymour P. "The Cardinal, the Congressmen, and the First Lady." ''Journal of Church and State'' 7 (Winter 1965): 35–66.
*  Lachman, Seymour P. "The Cardinal, the Congressmen, and the First Lady." ''Journal of Church and State'' 7, 1965 : pp.35–66 ISSN 0021-969X
* Lash, Joseph. ''Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers'' (1971).  
* Lash, Joseph. ''Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers'' (1971).  

Revision as of 23:38, 7 September 2006

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.gif
White House portrait
October 11, 1884
New York City, New York, USA
November 7, 1962
New York City, New York, USA

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (October 11 1884 – November 7 1962) was an American political leader who used her stature as First Lady of the United States, from 1933 to 1945 to promote the New Deal of her husband Franklin D. Roosevelt, as well as Civil Rights. After his death she built a career, as author and speaker, as a proponent of the New Deal Coalition and spokesperson for human rights. She was a First-wave feminist (although she opposed the Equal Rights Amendment) and created a new role model for First Lady. Roosevelt was a leader in forming the United Nations, the United Nations Association and Freedom House. She chaired the committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. President Harry S. Truman called her the First Lady of the World, in honor of her extensive travels to promote human rights.

Early life

Family background

Eleanor Roosevelt

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born at 56 West 37th St. New York City, New York to Elliott Roosevelt and Anna Eleanor Hall and was the favorite niece and goddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt. She rarely went by her real first name of Anna except in signing checks and other official documents and always preferred to be called Eleanor. Eleanor's family was descended from Claes Martenszen van Rosenvelt who emigrated to New Amsterdam (Manhattan) from the Netherlands in the 1640s. His grandsons, Johannes and Jacobus, began the Oyster Bay and Hyde Park, New York branches of the Roosevelt family. Eleanor was descended from the Johannes branch while her future husband, Franklin was descended from the Jacobus branch.

The former President was the surrogate father to the future First Lady. Roosevelt is also a descendant through her mother's family, of William Livingston, a signer of the U.S. Constitution. Two brothers followed young Anna Roosevelt. The Roosevelt family was completed with the addition of Elliott Jr. (1889-1893) and Hall Roosevelt (1891-1941).


Anna Eleanor and her father Elliot Roosevelt, 1889

Following her parents' deaths, young Anna Eleanor was raised by her maternal grandmother Mary Ludlow Hall (1843-1919), an emotionally cold woman, in Tivoli, New York. She was looked down upon by most of her mother's family, presumably because, to them, Eleanor had very plain looks and an uncommon six foot tall frame. Not only her mother's family thought less of her. Her Hyde Park Roosevelts cousin and future mother-in-law, Sara Delano Roosevelt used to say disparagingly of her less wealthy Manhattan Roosevelt cousins, "we got all the looks and the money." In her grandmother's home, Eleanor's Hall uncles were mostly wealthy alcoholic playboys and in recent times, there have surfaced allegations that Eleanor may have felt insecure around lecherous eyes. Multiple locks were placed on her room from the inside and one time she visited her aunt Bamie Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt's sister, broke down and in tears exclaimed, "Auntie I have no real home." Aunt Bamie was instrumental in trying to get her out of the Hall home and she tried to find educational opportunies that would take her far from that residence. The chance came for her to go to England as Bamie demanded Eleanor be sent to Allenswood, and Eleanor jumped at the opportunity. Eleanor's grandmother Mary Hall limited contact with the Roosevelts after Elliott's death. Uncle Ted, however, had Eleanor at his Sagamore Hill house where she was given special attention as an emotionally vulnerable child. The only other contact she had with young men was at a house party given by her aunt Corinne Robinson at Christmas and it was at one of these parties that she met her cousin and future huband Franklin Roosevelt.


Eleanor in 1898, as a student in England

With the encouragement of her aunt, Anna Cowles, Theodore Roosevelt's sister, she was sent to Allenswood, a girls' boarding school outside of London where she studied from 1899 to 1902. At Allenswood the headmistress, Mademoiselle Marie Souvestre (1830-1905), made a lasting impression. Souvestre had a fierce interest in liberal causes and the summers Eleanor spent traveling Europe with her as well as her studies in history, language and literature gave her an abiding interest in social justice as well as the knowledge and poise to articulate her opinions clearly and eloquently. At this school, Eleanor won the affection both of the instructors as well as the students. One of her proudest moments at Allenswood was when she made the field hockey team. She was one of the school's favorite students and would be highly missed when she returned to the States. Eleanor would list Souvestre as one of the three major influences in her life and said of her: "Mlle. Souvestre shocked one into thinking, and that on the whole was very beneficial." At that school, Eleanor seemed to come out of her shell of childhood loneliness and isolation. She thrived both academically and emotionally. When it was time for her to return to New York, her mentor, Mll. Souvestre did her best to prepare her for a return to the far less structured world of the Hyde Park Roosevelts.

Eleanor and Franklin

File:ER FDR Campobello 1903.jpg
Eleanor and Franklin at Campobello Island in 1903

In 1902 Eleanor ran into her cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Harvard student, and they began a discreet courtship which led to their engagement in November 1903. Eleanor and Franklin were fifth cousins, once removed. Sara Ann Roosevelt, FDR's mother, was dead set against the match and managed to delay their marriage for 16 months. In a vain attempt to pre-occupy Franklin's mind in hopes that he would forget Eleanor, she sent him on a trip with friends for an extended period of time. Most of Eleanor's Hall and Roosevelt clans approved the match with only one of Eleanor's Hall aunts asking "what does she see in him?" Theodore Roosevelt "Uncle Ted" approved as well and sent Franklin a letter and after the wedding ceremony told him "Well Franklin, there's nothing like keeping the name in the family."

On St. Patrick's Day (17 March) 1905, she married Franklin D. Roosevelt; President Theodore Roosevelt took the place of his late brother in giving Eleanor away in marriage. Her cousins Alice Roosevelt and Corinne Robinson were bridesmaids along with Isabella Greenway. Eleanor's mother-in-law insisted on dominating the young couple's daily life. "Mother" went so far as to choose their first home, three blocks from her own; she also decorated and furnished it to her tastes and hired the staff to run it.

Their marriage produced six children, Anna Eleanor Jr., James, Franklin Delano Jr. (1909-1909), Elliott, Franklin Delano Jr. and John Aspinwall. As the children grew older and married, Mrs. Roosevelt was often depressed and disappointed by the "lack of self-discipline" her children displayed. Eleanor Roosevelt often felt more miserable about her children's unsuccessful private lives than she did about her husband's infidelity. In her later years, she frequently commented after arguments with her adult son that she "would be better off dead" and that her "being alive caused them to compete because she had overshadowed" them.

Following the death of her husband in 1945, Roosevelt continued to live on the Hyde Park Estate, in Val-Kill, the house that her husband had remodeled for her near the mainhouse. Originally built as a small furniture factory for Val-Kill Industries, it afforded Eleanor a level of privacy that she had wanted for many years. The home served as a private sanctuary from her domineering and oppresive mother-in-law, Sara Delano Roosevelt (Faber 1983). Roosevelt also entertained her circle of friends in informal gatherings at the house. The site is now the home of the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill.

First Lady of the United States

During Franklin Roosevelt's terms as President, Eleanor was very vocal about her support of the American Civil Rights Movement and of African-American rights. However, her husband needed the support of Southern Democrats to advance other parts of his agenda. FDR therefore did not adopt the cause of civil rights. Eleanor became the connection to the African-American population instead, helping Franklin Roosevelt to win its votes.

In 1939, the African-American opera singer Marian Anderson was refused permission to perform at Constitution Hall (owned by the Daughters of the American Revolution) in Washington. She also resigned her membership in the D.A.R. over the incident. Interestingly, she did not raise a similar protest when the District of Columbia school board, then under the jurisdiction of President Roosevelt and the Democratically-controlled Congress, had turned down Anderson's request to give the performance to an integrated audience at the auditorium of a white public high school.

Later in the year, Secretary of State Harold L. Ickes, at the suggestion of Walter White of the NAACP, arranged for Anderson to perform on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Anderson sang to a live audience of 70,000, and a nationwide audience of millions on radio.

World War II

Eleanor Roosevelt was very active on the homefront. At one point she cochaired a national committee on civil defense. She made innumerable visits to civilian and military centers to boost war morale. She especially supported more opportunities for African Americans and women. In 1943, Eleanor, along with Wendell Willkie and other Americans concerned about the mounting threats to peace and democracy during World War II, established Freedom House.

Eleanor opposed her husband's decision to sign Executive Order 9066 which resulted in the internment of 110,000 Japanese nationals and American citizens of Japanese descent in internment camps in the western United States. Eleanor earned large amounts of money from advertising activities. The Pan-American Coffee Bureau, which was supported by tax revenues from eight foreign governments, paid Roosevelt $1000 a week for advertising. When the State Department found out that the First Lady was being paid so handsomely by foreign governments, they unsuccessfully tried to have the deal cancelled.

Postwar Politics

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Eleanor Roosevelt and Madame Chiang Kai-shek

After World War II, Roosevelt played an instrumental role, along with René Cassin, John Peters Humphrey and others, in drafting the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Roosevelt served as the first chairman of the U.N. Human Rights Commission (Glendon 2000). On the night of September 28, 1948, Roosevelt spoke on behalf of the Declaration calling it "the international Magna Carta of all mankind" (James 1948). The Declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 (Kenton 1948). The vote of the General Assembly was unanimous except for eight abstentions. The Declaration was Roosevelt's crowning achievement.

From the 1920s until her death in 1962, Roosevelt remained involved heavily in politics. She opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because it would prevent Congress and the states from passing special protective legislation that she thought women workers needed (Pfeffer 1996).

The Catholic issue

In July 1949, her ambivalent attitude toward American Catholics caused a high visibility fight with Francis Cardinal Spellman, the Catholic Archbishop of New York. In her columns, Eleanor had attacked proposals for federal funding of certain (nonreligious) activities, such as bus transportation for students, of Catholic schools. Spellman pointed out that the Supreme Court had recently upheld such provisions, and accused her of anti-Catholicism. Most Democrats rallied behind Roosevelt, so Spellman came to Eleanor's Hyde Park home to bury the hatchet. However, Eleanor never could shake her belief that Catholic schools were less than 100% democratic and did not deserve federal aid. She seems to have paid attention to the anti-Catholic polemics of people like Paul Blanshard. Privately, she said that if Catholics got school aid, "Once that is done they control the schools, or at least a great part of them." Mrs. Roosevelt was never as popular among Catholics as her husband. While he kept the country neutral in the Spanish Civil War, she openly favored the republican Loyalists (who were anticlerical) against General Francisco Franco's Nationalists (whom many American Catholics favored). After 1945, she opposed normalizing relations with Franco's Spain. She told Spellman bluntly that "I cannot however say that in European countries the control by the Roman Catholic Church of great areas of land has always led to happiness for the people of those countries." Catholics resented her quiet support of Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement, and her prewar sponsorship of the American Youth Congress, in which the Communists had been heavily represented, but Catholic youth groups were not represented. (Lash, Eleanor: The Years Alone pp 156-65.)

New York and national politics

In 1954, Tammany Hall boss Carmine DeSapio campaigned against Eleanor's son, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., during the New York Attorney General elections, which Franklin (Jr.) lost. Roosevelt held DeSapio responsible for her son's defeat and grew increasingly disgusted with his political conduct through the rest of the 1950s.

Eventually, she would join with her old friends Herbert Lehman and Thomas Finletter to form the New York Committee for Democratic Voters, a group dedicated to enhancing the democratic process by opposing DeSapio's reincarnated Tammany. Their efforts were eventually successful, and DeSapio was removed from power in 1961.

With Frank Sinatra, 1960

Roosevelt was a close friend of Adlai Stevenson and was a strong supporter of his candidacies in the 1952 and 1956 presidential elections. When President Truman backed New York Governor W. Averell Harriman, who was a close associate of Carmine DeSapio, for the Democratic presidential nomination, Roosevelt was disappointed but continued to support Stevenson who ultimately won the nomination. She backed Stevenson once again in 1960 but John F. Kennedy received the presidential nomination instead.

Roosevelt was responsible for the establishment, in 1964, of the 2,800 acre (11 km2) ([1]) Roosevelt Campobello International Park on Campobello Island, New Brunswick. This followed a gift of the Roosevelt summer estate to the Canadian and American governments.

Eleanor Roosevelt was outspoken on numerous causes and continued to galvanize the world with her comments and opinions well into her 70s.

Family matters

Relationship with mother-in-law

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Eleanor and her future mother-in-law, Sara Delano Roosevelt Aug 1904

Eleanor had a sometimes contentious relationship with her domineering mother-in-law, Sara Delano Roosevelt, who at 5'10" was only 2 inches shorter than Eleanor. [1] Long before Eleanor fell in love with her future husband and distant cousin, Franklin, she already had a relationship with Sara as a distant but highly engaging cousin with whom she corresponded. Although they had a somewhat contentious relationship, Sara sincerely wanted to be a mother to Eleanor and did her best before and during the marriage to fill this role. Sara had her own reasons for attempting to prevent their marriage and historians continue to discuss them. Historians also have had widely diverging opinions on the plusses and minuses of this relationship. [2] From Eleanor's perspective, she was relatively young, inexperienced and with a mother long dead, lacked the support that her own mother, Anna Eleanor, might have given had she lived. In any case, Sara Delano Roosevelt, despite her forceful personality, and her rather domineering manner with her son, Franklin, had much to offer her new daughter-in-law on virtually all the areas that a young wife of means might need to know. Eleanor, while sometimes resenting Sara's domineering nature, nevertheless highly valued her opinion in the early years of her marriage until she developed the experience and confidence that any young wife gains from the school of marriage "hard knocks." [3]

From Sara's perspective, she was bound and determined to ensure her son's success in all areas of life including his marriage. Sara had doted on her son to the point of spoiling him, and now intended to help him make a success of his marriage with a woman that she evidently viewed as being totally unprepared for her new role as chatelaine of a great family. Sara would continue to give huge presents to her new grandchildren, but sometimes Eleanor had problems with the influence that came with "mother's largesse." [4]

Tensions with some Oyster Bay Roosevelts

Although Eleanor was always in the good graces of her Uncle Theodore Roosevelt, the paterfamilas of the Oyster Bay Roosevelts, she often found herself at odds with his eldest daughter, Alice Roosevelt. Uncle Theodore felt Eleanor's conduct to be far more responsible, socially acceptable and cooperative: in short, more "Rooseveltian" than that of the beautiful, highly photogenic but rebellious and self-absorbed Alice, to whom he would ask, "Why can't you be more like 'cousin Eleanor'?" These early experiences laid the foundation for life-long strain between the two high-profile cousins. Eleanor's relationship with her cousin and other Oyster Bay Roosevelts would also be strained by the growing political gulf between the Hyde Park and Oyster Bay families as Franklin D. Roosevelt's political career began to take off. Characteristically caustic comments by "cousin Alice," such as her later description of Franklin as "two-thirds mush and one-third Eleanor" did not help either. When Franklin was inaugurated president in 1933, Alice was invited to attend along with her brothers Kermit and Archie, both of whom Eleanor was close to.

FDR's affair

Despite its happy start, the Roosevelts' marriage almost split over Franklin's affair with Eleanor's social secretary Lucy Mercer (later Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd). Eleanor immediately threatened a divorce if the affair continued. Franklin told his mother that he was considering a divorce. So implacable was Sara's opposition to this proposition that she warned that she would disinherit him. By the time of this affair, Sara had grown extremely fond of Eleanor. Eleanor was told by Sara that "Roosevelts don't do divorce," and pointed out to Eleanor that if a divorce were to materialize, she would have to raise five children alone. Aunt Corinne and Uncle Ted were influential in convincing their niece to remain in the marriage, likely for reasons similar to Sara's. Theodore who was widely considered a candidate for the presidency in 1920 could not afford the threat of a damaging family scandal. Furthermore, Lucy was a Roman Catholic which made any thought of her marrying a divorced Protestant problematic at best. Finally, Franklin agreed not to see Lucy, but much evidence points to a continued affair or at least much personal contact between him and Lucy, stretching right up to Franklin's death in 1945. At this time, Eleanor would learn not only that Lucy Mercer had been there, but that some of Eleanor's children (most notably her daughter Anna Roosevelt Boettiger) knew this as well. By the fall of 1944, almost everyone in the family knew that FDR was extremely ill from a host of ailments, and the children saw Lucy's presence as a way for their dying father to find some comfort in his last months.

Controversy over her sexuality

Although seemingly never causing a problem within her marriage, Eleanor is believed by some historians today to have been bisexual. This continues to be a controversial topic. In 1928, she met Associated Press reporter Lorena Hickok, a White House correspondent. They became close friends after Hickok conducted a series of interviews with Roosevelt in 1932, and remained so for the rest of their lives. Hickok suggested the idea for what would eventually become Roosevelt’s column My Day. My Day was a daily newspaper column which started in 1935, in which she talked about interesting things that happened to her each day.

After a few years away from Washington, in 1940, Hickok returned and lived in the White House with the first family. Eleanor Roosevelt and Hickok maintained a personal correspondence in which Roosevelt wrote to Hickok in 1933:

"My Pictures are nearly all up and I have you in my sitting room where I can look at you most of my waking hours! I can't kiss you [in person] so I kiss your picture good night and good morning...Most clearly I remember your eyes, with a kind of teasing smile in them, and the feeling of that soft spot just northeast of the corner of your mouth against my lips."

Other letters between Hickok and Roosevelt are published in Roger Streitmatter's 1998 book Empty Without You: The Intimate Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok.

Roosevelt family members refused to consider the idea that Eleanor may have been bisexual. Her son James Roosevelt maintained that his mother "did not know what a homosexual was" and believed that his mother who grew up in the Victorian era often used tones that could seem overly affectionate leading to her statements being misconstrued. Her cousin Alice Longworth refuted the claim, stating loudly in a fashionable restaurant one day, "I don't care what they say. I simply cannot believe that Eleanor Roosevelt is a lesbian." Eleanor Seagraves has stated in recent years that her grandmother Eleanor did indeed love Lorena Hickok but determined to remain asexual in the years following the affair of her husband. A longtime friend of Roosevelt's, Esther Lape, a lesbian herself, reviewed the contents of some of the letters. After reading them she said that "Eleanor never expressed herself on homosexuals" and that she still did not believe that Eleanor was a lesbian. The two lived together at a cottage in Hyde Park along with Lape's partner, Nancy Cook, for several years.

However, these ambiguous letters, as well as the fact that Hickok burned Roosevelt's letters after her death, have led some to conclude that Eleanor Roosevelt and Hickok might have been lovers. The biographer Doris Faber rejected the idea. Blanche Wiesen Cook, by contrast, made a well-documented argument for a love relationship between the two in her work. Doris Kearns Goodwin, who wrote a prize-winning biography of Franklin and Eleanor ("No Ordinary Time"), has publicly disputed Cook's assessment that Roosevelt had a lesbian side.

Evidence has surfaced in recent years to suggest that besides the alleged lesbian affair, Roosevelt had other affairs with men, including her longtime bodyguard Earl Miller. [citation needed] This affair began around the same time as and eclipsed the lesbian affair beginning in 1933. Unlike the alleged affair with Hickok that took a downturn after FDR's death, her intimate association with Miller lasted 29 years until ER's death. Roosevelt and Miller frequently took extended camping trips with others and more often than not, alone to Lake Chazzy.

Some rather controversial letters to her physician David Gureswitch have also raised some questions and the possiblity of an affair. Roosevelt and Gureswitch were frequent travel companions and was a regular guest at ER's Hyde Park home. Before and after Gureswitch's marriage, he resided with Roosevelt at both her Hyde Park home and in her New York City residences.

"David dear, I am not stupid and know that twenty years lie between you and me. I know you love youth and beauty and independence and I would not want to keep you from those joys, but I would be so happy and so grateful if there were ways when you wanted me to do something for you.. What I have in the few years I have left is yours before it is anyone else's. My whole heart is yours..." [citation needed]


In 1961, all volumes of her autobiography were compiled into The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt, which is still in print some 45 years later.

Eleanor Roosevelt survived her husband by nearly 20 years. In 1960, by the age of 76 she had been diagnosed with anaplastic anemia. During treatment of the disease, she developed bone marrow tuberculosis, recurring from a primary 1919 infection, and died at her Manhattan apartment on the evening of November 7, 1962 at the age of 78. At her memorial service, Adlai Stevenson asked, "What other single human being has touched and transformed the existence of so many?"

Mrs. Roosevelt was buried next to Franklin D. Roosevelt in Hyde Park, New York on November 10, 1962. So revered was she among the public that a commemorative cartoon published at the time simply showed two angels looking down towards an opening in the clouds with the caption "She's here", since no introduction was needed.

Mrs. Roosevelt maintained a strong loyalty to "Uncle Ted" even nearly forty-five years after his death. Among her belongings was her membership card for the Theodore Roosevelt Association.

In 1968 she was awarded one of the United Nations Human Rights Prizes. There was an unsuccessful campaign to award her a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize; however, the Nobel Prize has only once been awarded posthumously. [2] Roosevelt is the ninth most admired person in the 20th century, according to Gallup.


  • Roosevelt was an accomplished archer, and one of the first modern women to participate in the sport of bowhunting. Her exploits as a 20th-century Diana are well documented in the writings of her male bowhunting contemporaries Fred Bear, Howard Hill and Saxton Pope. A close personal friendship with J.E. Davis, editor of Ye Sylvan Archer, which was a popular bowhunting magazine of the time, led to an invitation to author several articles for that publication. Roosevelt's tales of her hunting excursions were well received, though they did not serve to further the cause of women's liberation: in keeping with the chauvinistic standards of the time, Roosevelt's stories were published under the masculine pseudonym "Chuck Painton" to avoid offending the magazine's overwhelmingly male readership.
  • One of Roosevelt's prized trophies, the taking of which was immortalized in her poignant 1937 account Outwitting the Rompala Buck (Ye Sylvan Archer, v2), for many years graced the mantle above the fireplace in her husband Franklin's presidential library. It is now held as one of the organizing artifacts of the Community Forum Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.
  • After her death, her son Elliott Roosevelt wrote a series of best-selling fictional murder mysteries wherein she acted as a detective, helping the police solve the crime, while she was First Lady. They feature actual places and celebrities of the time.
  • Roosevelt received 35 honorary degrees during her life, compared to 31 awarded to her husband. Her first, a Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) on June 13, 1929, was also the first honorary degree awarded by Russell Sage College in Troy, New York. Her last was a Doctor of Law (L.L.D.) degree granted by what is now Clark Atlanta University in June 1962. [3]
  • Roosevelt is believed to be the tallest of all First Ladies: she was six feet tall.
  • She is the only first lady to be the wife of one U.S. President and the niece of another.
  • Was one of the first women not to change her legal name after marrying.
  • Was offered the first White House wedding in 1905 by her aunt Edith Roosevelt.

See also

Further reading

  • Beasley, Maurine H., Holly C. Shulman, and Henry R. Beasley, ed. The Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2001 ISBN 0313301816 Foreword by Blanche Wiesen Cook ; introduction by James McGregor Burns.
  • Cook, Blanche Wiesen. Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 1: 1884-1933. New York : Viking, c1992-1999 ISBN 067080486X
  • Cook, Blanche Wiesen. Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2, The Defining Years, 1933-1938. New York : Viking, c1992-1999 ISBN 0670844985
  • Lachman, Seymour P. "The Cardinal, the Congressmen, and the First Lady." Journal of Church and State 7, 1965 : pp.35–66 ISSN 0021-969X
  • Lash, Joseph. Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers (1971).
  • Lash, Joseph. Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972)
  • Roosevelt, David B. Grandmère: A Personal History of Eleanor Roosevelt, Warner Books, 2002, Hardcover, 256 pages, ISBN 0-446-52734-3
  • Goodwin, Doris Kearns. No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II, 768 pages, ISBN 0-684-80448-4
  • Streitmatter, Roger. Empty Without You: The Intimate Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok, Free Press, 1998, Hardcover, 336 pages, ISBN 0-684-84928-3

For Young Readers

  • Weidt, Maryann N. Stateswoman to the World: a Story about Eleanor Roosevelt. illus. by Lydia M. Anderson. Lerner Publications, 1991. ISBN 0-87614-663-9

External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:


  1. Roosevelt, Eleanor (1992). The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt. Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-306-80476-X. , pages 56, 60, 65, 95-96, 116, 117-118, 135-136, 235
  2. Cook, Blanche Wiesen (1992). Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One, 1884-1933. Viking Press. ISBN 0-670-80486-X. , pages 132-133, 142-143, 150-151, 155, 157, 159-160, 167-169, 174-177, 180-181, 183, 202, 226-228, 229, 233, 250-252, 256-57, 283, 310-312, 330-331, 333-335, 419
  3. Cook, Blanche Wiesen (1999). Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume Two, 1933-1938. Viking Press. ISBN 0-14-017894-5. , pages 34, 94-96,191-192, 255-256, 290, 398
  4. Lash, Joseph P. (1971). Eleanor and Franklin. W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN 1-56852-075-1. , pages 108-110, 111-113, 145, 152-155, 160, 162-163, 174-175, 179, 193-196, 198, 220-221, 225-227, 244-245, 259, 273-274, 275, 276, 297, 293-294, 302-303

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Faber, Harold. "An Upstate Focus for Eleanor Roosevelt Centennial." New York Times 6 Nov. 1983, Metropolitan Desk: 54. Academic. LEXIS-NEXIS. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Glendon, M.A. "John P. Humphrey and the Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." Journal of the History of International Law 2000: 250-260. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • James, Michael. "Soviet Rights Hit by Mrs. Roosevelt." New York Times 29 Sept. 1948: A4. ABI/Inform Global. ProQuest. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Kenton, John. "Human Rights Declaration Adopted by U.N. Assembly." New York Times 11 Dec. 1948: A1. ABI/Inform Global. ProQuest. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt, The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt, Da Capo Press ed., 1992, paperback, 439 pages, ISBN 03680476X Template:Invalid isbn, dacapopress.com
  • Manly, Chesly. "U.N. Adopts 1st Declaration on Human Rights." Chicago Daily Tribune 11 December. 1948: 4. ProQuest. EBSCO. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Pfeffer, Paula F. "Eleanor Roosevelt and the National and World Women's Parties." Historian Fall 1996: 39-58. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • "The Draft Declaration of Human Rights." The New York Times 19 June 1948. ProQuest. EBSCO. Indiana University, Bloomington.
Preceded by:
Lou Henry Hoover
First Lady of the United States
Succeeded by:
Bess Truman


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