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'''Christmas''' (literally, the ''[[Mass (liturgy)|Mass]] of [[Jesus|Christ]]'') is a [[holiday]] in the [[Christian calendar]], usually observed on [[December 25]], which celebrates the birth of [[Jesus]]. According to the Christian [[gospels]], Jesus was born to [[Mary, the mother of Jesus|Mary]] in [[Bethlehem]], where she and her husband [[Saint Joseph|Joseph]] had traveled to register in the [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] [[census]]. Christ's birth, or [[nativity]], was said by his followers to fulfill the [[prophecies]] of [[Judaism]] that a [[messiah]] would come, from the house of [[David]], to redeem the world from [[sin]]. Early Christians celebrated more the subsequent [[Epiphany (feast)|Epiphany]], when the baby Jesus was visited by the [[Magi]] (and this is still a primary time for celebration in Spain). Efforts to assign a date for his birth, though better known from Writings from some centuries later, would have been important to all Christians then, no less than now. The precise [[chronology of Jesus' birth and death]] as well as the [[historicity of Jesus]] are still debated.
[[Image:Adorazione del Bambino - Beato Angelico.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus. This scene, by Florentine painter [[Fra Angelico]], portrays Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. (''Adorazione del Bambino'' (Adoration of the Child), 1439-1443.)]]
'''Christmas''' or '''Christmas Day''' commemorates and celebrates the birth of [[Jesus]]. The word ''Christmas'' is derived from Middle English ''Christemasse'' and from Old English ''Cristes mæsse.''<ref>[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03724b.htm "Christmas"], ''The Catholic Encyclopedia,'' 1913. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> It is a contraction meaning "Christ's [[Mass|mass]]." The name of the holiday is sometimes shortened to '''Xmas''' because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter Χ ''(chi),'' an abbreviation for Christ (Χριστός).
Modernists contend that December 25 was only adopted in the fourth century as a Christian holiday by the Roman Emperor Constantine, to encourage a common religious festival for both the Christians and the Pagans.
Christmas in the West is traditionally observed on December 25, or January 7 in the [[Eastern Christianity|Eastern Orthodox Churches]]. In most Christian communities, the holiday is celebrated with great cheer, song, exchange of gifts, storytelling and family gatherings. The popularity of Christmas is due in large part to the "spirit of Christmas," a spirit of charity expressed through gift-giving and acts of kindness that celebrate the human heart of the Christian message.  
In predominantly Christian countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year, and it is also celebrated as a [[secular]] holiday in many countries with small Christian populations. It is largely characterized by exchanging gifts within families, and by gifts brought by [[Santa Claus]] or other mythical figures. Local and regional Christmas traditions are still rich and varied, despite the widespread influence of [[United States|American]] and [[United Kingdom|British]] Christmas motifs through literature, television, and other media.
Besides its Christian roots, many Christmas traditions have their origins in [[pagan]] winter celebrations. Examples of winter festivals that have influenced Christmas include the pre-Christian festivals of Yule, and [[Roman Empire|Roman]] [[Saturnalia]].<ref>[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/winter-solstice-pagan-yule_n_585970abe4b03904470af4c5 The Magical History Of Yule, The Pagan Winter Solstice Celebration] ''The Huffington Post'',  December 22, 2016. Retrieved July 17, 2021. </ref>
While Christmas began as a religious holiday, it has appropriated many secular characteristics over time, including many variations of the Santa Claus myth, decoration and display of the Christmas tree, and other aspects of consumer culture. Many distinct regional traditions of Christmas are still practiced around the world, despite the widespread influence of Anglo-American Christmas motifs disseminated in popular culture.
"Christmas" is a contraction of "Christ's Mass", derived from the Old English ''Cristes mæsse''. It is often abbreviated ''[[Xmas]]'', probably because X or Xt have often been used as a contraction for "Christ" ("X" resembles the [[Greek language|Greek]] letter [[Chi (letter)|&Chi;]] (Chi), the first letter of "Christ" in Greek (&Chi;&rho;&iota;&sigma;&tau;&#972;&sigmaf; [Christos]).
==The origins of Christmas==
===Origins of the holiday===
The historical development of Christmas is quite fascinating. According to the Bible, Jesus' birth was celebrated by many well-wishers including the Magi who came bearing gifts. The early Christians in the Roman Empire wished to continue this practice but found that celebrating Jesus' birth was very dangerous under Roman rule, where being a Christian could be punishable by death. Thus, Christians began to celebrate Christ’s birthday on December 25, which was already an important [[pagan]] festival, in order to safely adapt to Roman customs while still honoring Jesus' birth.
The Romans honored [[Saturn (mythology)|Saturn]], the ancient god of agriculture, each year beginning on December 17 in a festival called the [[Saturnalia]]. This festival lasted for seven days and included the winter solstice, which at that time fell on December 25 (today, following [[calendar reform]], it falls on December 21). During Saturnalia the Romans feasted, postponed all business and warfare, exchanged gifts, and temporarily freed their slaves. With the lengthening of daylight, these and other winter festivities continued through January 1, the festival of Kalends, when Romans marked the day of the new moon and the first day of the month and year.  
This is how Christmas came to be celebrated on the Roman holiday of [[Saturnalia]], and it was from the pagan holiday that many of the customs of Christmas had their roots. The celebrations of Saturnalia included the making and giving of small presents ''(saturnalia et sigillaricia).'' This holiday was observed over a series of days beginning on December 17 (the birthday of [[Saturn]]), and ending on December 25 (the birthday of [[Sol Invictus]], the "Unconquered Sun"). The combined festivals resulted in an extended winter holiday season. Business was postponed and even [[slavery|slaves]] feasted. There was drinking, [[gambling]] and singing, and nudity was relatively common. It was the "best of days," according to the poet Catullus.<ref>Julilla Sempronia, [https://ancientworlds.net/aworlds_direct/app_main.php?pageData=Article/242252 Ancient Voices: Saturnalia], ''AncientWorlds'' 2004. Retrieved July 17, 2021. </ref>
By the fourth century another factor was also at work. Many Romans also celebrated the solstice on December 25 with festivities in honor of the rebirth of [[Sol Invictus]], the "Invincible Sun God", or with rituals to glorify [[Mithra]], the ancient Persian god of light (see [[Mithraism]]). Sol Invictus was a cult to which both Constantine himself before his confession of Christianity, and his predecessor Diocletian who had rebuilt the Roman Empire, were especially devoted, and to whom the latter had attributed his military successes (though Constantine saw Christ as having delivered him from the former Roman order's designs - Diocletian at one time had had Constantine living under his eye, against his will, separating him from his father). Constantine is therefore assumed to have found it convenient to find a common major festival for both Sol Invictus and Christianity.
The feast of ''Sol Invictus'' on December 25 was a sacred day in the religion of [[Mithraism]], which was widespread in the [[Roman Empire]]. Its god, [[Mithras]], was a solar deity of [[Persia]]n origin, identified with the Sun. It displayed its unconquerability as "Sol Invictus" when it began to rise higher in the sky following the Winter Solstice—hence December 25 was celebrated as the Sun's birthday. In 274 C.E., Emperor [[Aurelian]] officially designated December 25 as the festival of Sol Invictus.
==The Christian story of Christmas==
Evidence that early Christians were observing December 25 as Jesus' birthday comes from [[Sextus Julius Africanus]]'s book ''Chronographiai'' (221 <small>C.E.</small>), an early reference book for Christians. Yet from the first, identification of Christ's birth with a pagan holiday was controversial. The theologian [[Origen]], writing in 245 <small>C.E.</small>, denounced the idea of celebrating the birthday of Jesus "as if he were a king pharaoh." Thus Christmas was celebrated with a mixture of Christian and secular customs from the beginning, and remains so to this day.  
[[Image:Joyful3.jpg|thumb|right|[[Joseph]] and [[Mary]] with baby [[Jesus]], at "the first Christmas"]]
Historians are unsure exactly when Christians first began celebrating the Nativity of Christ. However, most scholars believe that Christmas originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for the [[pagan]]  Festival of Saturn celebrations of the winter solstice.
The story of Christ's birth has been handed down for centuries, based primarily on the Christian gospels of [[Gospel of Matthew|Matthew]] and [[Gospel of Luke|Luke]]. The gospels of Mark and John do not address the childhood of Jesus, and those of Matthew and Luke give somewhat differing accounts, Luke's being closest to the public impression of the Christmas story and the version most often read in Christmas services.
Furthermore, in the opinion of many theologians, there was little basis for celebrating Christ's birth in December. Around 220 C.E., [[Tertullian]] declared that Jesus died on March 25. Although scholars no longer accept this as the most likely date for the [[crucifixion]], it does suggest that the 25th day of the month—March 25 being nine months before December 25th—had significance for the church even before it was used as a basis to calculate Christmas. Modern scholars favor a crucifixion date of April 3, 33 C.E. (These are Julian calendar dates. Subtract two days for a Gregorian date), the date of a partial lunar eclipse.<ref>Sten Odenwald, [http://holtz.org/Library/Social%20Science/History/Metals%20Age/Dating%20Jesus%20Death%20by%20Lunar%20Eclipse.htm Can you date the crucifixion of Jesus Christ using astronomy?] 1997. Retrieved July 17, 2021. </ref> By 240 C.E., a list of significant events was being assigned to March 25, partly because it was believed to be the date of the [[vernal equinox]]. These events include the creation, the fall of [[Adam]], and, most relevantly, the Incarnation.<ref>Frederick Holweck, [https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01542a.htm The Feast of the Annunciation] ''Catholic Encyclopedia,'' 1907 ed. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> The view that the Incarnation occurred on the same date as crucifixion is consistent with a Jewish belief that [[prophet]]s died at an "integral age," either an anniversary of their birth or of their conception.<ref name="Duchesne">Louis Duchesne, ''Les origines du culte chrétien: Etude sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne'' (Paris, 1889).</ref><ref>Thomas J. Talley, ''Origins of the Liturgical Year'' (New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1991).</ref>
According to Luke, Mary learned from an angel that she was with child, by virtue of impregnation by the [[Holy Spirit]] without intercourse. Shortly thereafter, she and her husband Joseph left their home in Nazareth to travel to Joseph's ancestral home, Bethlehem, to enroll in the census ordered by the Roman emperor, [[Augustus]]. Finding no room in inns in the town, they set up primitive lodgings in a stable. There Mary gave birth to Jesus in a [[manger]] or stall. Christ's birth in Bethlehem of Judea, the home of the house of David from which Joseph was descended, fulfilled the prophecy of [[Isaiah]].  
Impetus for the celebration of Christmas increased after Constantius, son of Emperor Constantine, decreed that all non-Christian temples in the empire be immediately closed and anyone who still offered sacrifices of worship to the gods and goddesses in these temples was to be put to death. The followers of [[Mithras]] were eventually forced to convert under these laws. In spite of their conversion, they adapted many elements of their old religions into Christianity. Among these, was the celebration of the birth of Mithras on December 25, which was now observed as the birthday of Jesus.
Matthew's gospel begins by recounting the genealogy and virgin birth of Jesus, and then moves to the coming of the [[Three Wise Men|Wise Men]] from the East to where Christ was staying after his birth in Bethlehem. This leaves ambiguous at whose home they were staying and whether Mary and Joseph were residents of Nazareth or, as their access to a home in Bethlehem suggests, of Bethlehem. The wise men, or [[Magi]], first arrived in Jerusalem and reported to the king of Judea, [[Herod the Great]], that they had seen a star heralding the birth of a king. Further inquiry led them to Bethlehem of Judea and the home of Mary and Joseph. They presented Jesus with treasures of "[[gold]], [[frankincense]], and [[myrrh]]". While staying the night, each Wise Man had a dream that contained a divine warning that King Herod had murderous designs on the child. Resolving to hinder the ruler, they returned home without notifying Herod of the success of their mission. Matthew then reports that the family next fled to Egypt to escape the murderous rampage of Herod, who had decided to have the children of Bethlehem killed in order to eliminate any local rivals to his power. When Jesus and his family returned, it was then that they settled in Nazareth, where they believed they might live more anonymously.
Another impetus for official Roman support for Christmas grew out of the [[Christology|Christological]] debates at the time of Constantine. The Alexandrian school argued that he was the divine word made flesh (see [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+1:14 John 1:14]), while the [[Nestorianism|Antioch school]] held that he was born human and infused with the Holy Spirit at the time of his baptism (see [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+1:9-11 Mark 1:9-11]). A feast celebrating Christ's birth gave the church an opportunity to promote the intermediate view that Christ was divine from the time of his incarnation.<ref name="Murray">Alexander Murray, [https://www.historytoday.com/archive/medieval-christmas Medieval Christmas] ''History Today'' 36(12) (December 1986): 31-39. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> [[Mary (mother of Jesus)|Mary]], a minor figure for early Christians, gained prominence as the [[theotokos]], or god-bearer. There were Christmas celebrations in Rome as early as 336 C.E. December 25 was added to the calendar as a feast day in 350 C.E.<ref name="Murray"/>
Another aspect of Christ's birth which has passed from the gospels into popular lore is the announcement by angels to nearby shepherds of Jesus' birth. Some Christmas carols refer to the shepherds observing a huge star directly over Bethlehem, and following it to the birthplace. The Magi, who Matthew reports seeing a giant star as well, have been variously interpreted as "wise men" or as kings, but the Magi might even have been women.  They are supposed to have come from Arabia, where they could have gotten their gifts of "gold, frankincense, and myrrh". Astronomers and historians have sought with varying success to explain what combination of traceable celestial events might explain the appearance of a giant star that had never before been seen.{{ref|Note1}}
===Medieval Christmas and related winter festivals===
Christmas soon outgrew the Christological controversy that created it and came to dominate the Medieval calendar.  
The major gaps in narrative details between Matthew and Luke, the absence of any reference to Christ's birth in the other gospels, and the fact that even the accounts of Matthew and Luke were written decades later, without confirmation by eyewitnesses, have led to much speculation about the accuracy of these reports. Christians generally accept the veracity of the story of Christmas as one of the tenets of their faith, apparent difficulties reconciling the different versions of events notwithstanding.
The 40 days before Christmas became the "forty days of Saint Martin," now [[Advent]]. Former Saturnalian traditions were attached to Advent. Around the twelfth century, these traditions transferred again to the "twelve days of Christmas" (i.e., Christmas to Epiphany).<ref name="Murray"/>
==Dates of celebration==
The fortieth day after Christmas was [[Candlemas]]. The Egyptian Christmas celebration on January 6 was adopted as [[Epiphany]], one of the most prominent holidays of the year during Early [[Middle Ages]]. Christmas Day itself was a relatively minor holiday, although its prominence gradually increased after [[Charlemagne]] was crowned on Christmas Day in 800 <small>C.E.</small>
Christmas is now celebrated on [[December 25]] in Catholic, Protestant, and most Orthodox churches. The [[Coptic Christianity|Coptic]], [[Orthodox Church of Jerusalem|Jerusalem]], [[Russian Orthodox Church|Russian]], [[Serbian Orthodox Church|Serbian]] and [[Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church|Georgian]] Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on [[January 7]]. This date results from their having accepted neither the reforms of the [[Gregorian calendar]] nor the [[Revised Julian calendar]], with their ecclesiastic December 25 thus falling on the civil ([[Gregorian calendar|Gregorian]]) date of [[January 7]] from [[1900]] to [[2099]]. The [[Armenian Church]] places much more emphasis on the [[Epiphany]], the visitation by the Magi, than on Christmas.
Some scholars suggest that December 25 is a date of convenience chosen for other reasons, related to the time of Emperor Constantine. December 25 in the Roman world was the ''Natalis Solis Invicti'', the Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun, but it may not have been as early as Christmas, if it was a Roman reaction to the Church being persecuted then. It may have served as an attempt to eclipse a precious Devotion of Christians, amidst attempts to kill all Christians off. Many of the earliest Christian Writings were destroyed during those persecutions. But this can be questioned insofar as early Christians regarded the celebration of birthdays to be pagan.  
Northern Europe was the last part to Christianize, and its pagan celebrations had a major influence on Christmas. Scandinavians still call Christmas ''Jul'' (Yule or Yultid), originally the name of a 12-day pre-Christian winter festival. Logs were lit to honor [[Thor]], the god of [[thunder]], hence the "Yule log." In Germany, the equivalent holiday is called ''Mitwinternacht'' (mid-winter night). There are also 12 ''Rauhnächte'' (harsh or wild nights).<ref> Dahna Barnett, [http://www.mythicjourneys.org/newsletter_dec06_midwinter_traditions.html Midwinter Traditions] ''Mythic Passages'', December 2006. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref>
St. Hippolytus, who was already knowledgably defending the Faith in Writing at the turn of the century, entering the third AD, said that Christ was born Wednesday, December 25, in the 42nd year of Augustus' reign (see his Commentary on Daniel - circa 204 C.E. -, Bk. 4, Ch. 23).
By the High Middle Ages, Christmas had become so prominent that chroniclers routinely noted where various magnates "celebrated Christmas." King Richard II of England hosted a Christmas feast in 1377 at which 28 oxen and three hundred sheep were eaten.<ref name="Murray"/> The "Yule boar" was a common feature of Medieval Christmas feasts. Caroling also became popular. Various writers of the time condemned caroling as lewd (largely due to overtones reminiscent of the traditions of Saturnalia and Yule).<ref name="Murray"/> "Misrule"—drunkenness, promiscuity, [[gambling]]—was also an important aspect of the festival. In England, gifts were exchanged on [[New Year's Day]], and there was special Christmas ale.<ref name="Murray"/>
Additional calculations are made on the basis of the 6-year almanac of Priestly Rotations, found among the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]]. Some believe that this almanac lists the week when John the Baptist's father would have served as a [[high priest]]. As it is implied John the Baptist could only be conceived during that particular week; and as his conception is believed to be tied to that of Jesus, it is claimed that an approximate date of December 25 can be arrived at for the birth of Jesus. However, most scholars (e.g. see Catholic Encyclopedia in sources), believe this calculation to be unreliable as it is based on a string of assumptions.
===The Reformation and modern times===
[[Image:1863 harpers.jpg|thumb|right|300px|[[Santa Claus]] hands out gifts to Union soldiers during the American Civil War in Thomas Nast's first Santa Claus cartoon, ''Harper's Weekly,'' 1863.]]
Dates for the more secular aspects of the Christmas celebration are similarly varied. In the [[United Kingdom]], the [[Christmas season]] traditionally runs for twelve days following Christmas Day. These [[twelve days of Christmas]], a period of feasting and merrymaking, end on [[Twelfth Night (holiday)|Twelfth Night]], the Feast of the [[Epiphany (feast)|Epiphany]]. This period corresponds with the liturgical season of Christmas. Medieval laws in Sweden declared a Christmas peace (''julefrid'') to be twenty days, during which fines for robbery and manslaughter were doubled. Swedish children still celebrate a party, throwing out the Christmas tree (''julgransplundring''), on the 20th day of Christmas ([[January 13]], Knut's day).
During the [[Reformation]], [[Protestantism|Protestant]]s condemned Christmas celebration as "trappings of popery" and the "rags of the Beast." The [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic Church]] responded by promoting the festival in a more religiously oriented form. When a [[Puritan]] parliament triumphed over the King, Charles I of England (1644), Christmas was officially banned (1647). Pro-Christmas rioting broke out in several cities. For several weeks, [[Canterbury]] was controlled by the rioters, who decorated doorways with holly and shouted royalist slogans.<ref>Chris Durston, [http://www.misterdann.com/earlyarlordsmisrule.htm Lords of Misrule: The Puritan War on Christmas 1642-60] ''History Today'' 35(12) (December 1985): 7-14. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> The [[English Restoration|Restoration]] (1660) ended the ban, but Christmas celebration was still disapproved of by the [[Anglican]] clergy.
In practice, the Christmas period has grown longer in some countries, including the [[United States]] and the United Kingdom, and now begins many weeks before Christmas, allowing more time for shopping and get-togethers. It extends beyond Christmas Day up to [[New Year's Day]]. This later holiday has its own parties. In some instances, including [[Scotland]]'s [[Hogmanay]]&mdash;which occurs at the New Year&mdash;it is celebrated more than Christmas.
By the 1820s, [[Sectarianism|sectarian]] tension had eased and British writers began to worry that Christmas was dying out. They imagined Tudor Christmas as a time of heartfelt celebration, and efforts were made to revive the holiday. [[Prince Albert]], from Bavaria, married Queen Victoria in 1840, introducing the German tradition of the 'Christmas tree' into Windsor castle in 1841. The book ''A Christmas Carol'' (1843) by [[Charles Dickens]] played a major role in reinventing Christmas as a holiday emphasizing family, goodwill, and compassion (as opposed to communal celebration and hedonistic excess).<ref name="Rowell">Geoffrey Rowell, [https://www.historytoday.com/archive/dickens-and-construction-christmas Dickens and the Construction of Christmas] ''History Today'' 43(12) (December 1993): 17-24. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref>
Countries that celebrate Christmas on December 25 recognize the previous day as [[Christmas Eve]], and vary on the naming of December 26. In the [[Netherlands]], [[Germany]], [[Scandinavia]], and [[Poland]], Christmas Day and the following day are called First and Second Christmas Day. In many [[Europe]]an and [[Commonwealth of Nations|Commonwealth]] countries, December 26 is referred to as [[Boxing Day]], while in [[Ireland]] and [[Romania]] it is known as [[St. Stephen's Day]].
The [[Puritan]]s of [[New England]] disapproved of Christmas and celebration was outlawed in [[Boston]] (1659-1681). Meanwhile, Christians in Virginia and [[New York]] celebrated freely. Christmas fell out of favor in the U.S. after the [[American Revolution]], when it was considered an "English custom." Interest was revived by several short stories by [[Washington Irving]] in ''The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon'' (1819) and by "Old Christmas" (1850) which depict harmonious warm-hearted holiday traditions Irving claimed to have observed in England. Although some argue that Irving invented the traditions he describes, they were imitated by his American readers. German immigrants and the homecomings of the [[American Civil War|Civil War]] helped promote the holiday. Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the United States in 1870.
[[Image:FatherChristmastrial.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Father Christmas persuades the jury of his innocence in ''The Examination and Tryal of Father Christmas'' (1686) by Josiah King<ref>[http://www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com/Poetry/examination__and__tryal_of.htm The Examination and Tryal of Old Father Christmas] ''hymnsandcarolsofchristmas''. Retrieved July 17, 2021. </ref>]]
==Customs and celebrations==
[[Washington Irving]], in his fake book purportedly written by by a man named Diedrich Knickerbocker, wrote of Saint Nicholas "riding over the tops of the trees, in that selfsame waggon wherein he brings his yearly presents to children."<ref>Washington Irving, ''A History of New York'' (Penguin Classics, 2008, ISBN 0143105612).</ref> The connection between Santa Claus and Christmas was popularized by the poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" (1822) by [[Clement Clarke Moore]], which depicts Santa driving a sleigh pulled by reindeer and distributing gifts to children. His image was created by German-American cartoonist [[Thomas Nast]] (1840-1902), who drew a new image annually beginning in 1863.<ref>Sam Ursu, [https://medium.com/@lifeinromania/12-fun-facts-about-christmas-in-america-ff658d495d82 The Weird History of Christmas in America] December 20, 2017. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> By the 1880s, Nast's Santa had evolved into the form we now recognize. The image was popularized by advertisers in the early twentieth century.<ref>David Mikkelson, [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-claus-that-refreshes/ Did Coca-Cola Invent the Modern Image of Santa Claus?] ''Snopes.com''. December 18, 2001. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref>
An enormous number of customs, with either secular, religious, or national aspects, surround Christmas, and vary from country to country. Most of the familiar traditional practices and symbols of Christmas, such as the [[Christmas tree]], the [[Christmas ham]], the [[Yule Log]], [[holly]], [[mistletoe]], and the giving of [[presents]], were adapted or appropriated by Christian missionaries from the earlier [[Ásatrú]] [[paganism|pagan]] midwinter holiday of [[Yule]]. This celebration of the [[winter solstice]] was widespread and popular in northern Europe long before the arrival of Christianity, and the word for Christmas in the Scandinavian languages is still today the pagan ''jul'' (=yule). The Christmas tree is believed to have first been used in Germany.
Rather than attempting to suppress every tradition owned by pagans, [[Pope]] [[Gregory I]] allowed Christian missionaries to allow the innocuous ones as a means to make things already familiar ready aids to re-education through such props for illustrating new understandings of things long before them but ignorantly percieved, giving a rich Christian significance to things that, for lack of such Understanding, stood to bear the reflection of heathen culture.{{ref|Note2}} The give and take between religious and governmental authorities and celebrators of Christmas continued through the years. Places where conservative Christian theocracies flourished, as in Cromwellian England and in the early New England colonies, were among those where celebrations were suppressed.{{ref|Note3}} After the [[Russian Revolution of 1917|Russian Revolution]], Christmas celebrations were banned in the [[Soviet Union]] for the next seventy-five years. A few newer religions, notably the [[Jehovah's Witnesses]], some [[Puritan]] groups, and some ultraconservative [[fundamentalist Christian|fundamentalist]] denominations, view Christmas as a pagan holiday not sanctioned by the Bible, and do not celebrate it (although they are coming at it from a view detached from the historic Church).
In the midst of [[World War I]], there was a Christmas truce between German and British troops in France (1914). Soldiers on both sides spontaneously began to sing Christmas carols and stopped fighting. The truce began on Christmas Day and continued for some time afterward. There was even a [[soccer]] game between the trench lines in which Germany's 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment is said to have bested Britain's Seaforth Highlanders 3-2.
===Secular customs===
==The Nativity==
[[Image:Christmas.house.arp.750pix.jpg|thumbnail|250px|right|A house decorated for Christmas in Yate, England]]
According to tradition, Jesus was born in the town of [[Bethlehem]] in a stable, surrounded by farm animals and shepherds, and Jesus was born into a manger from the [[Virgin Mary]] assisted by her husband [[Joseph]].  
Since the customs of Christmas celebration largely evolved in Northern Europe, many are associated with the Northern Hemisphere winter, whose motifs are prominent in Christmas decorations and in the [[Santa Claus]] myth.
====Santa Claus and other bringers of gifts====
Remembering or re-creating the Nativity (the birth of Jesus) is one of the central ways that [[Christian]]s celebrate Christmas. For example, the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]] practices the Nativity Fast in anticipation of the birth of Jesus, while the [[Roman Catholic Church]] celebrates [[Advent]]. In some [[Christian church]]es, children often perform plays re-creating the events of the Nativity, or sing some of the numerous Christmas carols that reference the event. Many Christians also display a small re-creation of the Nativity known as a crèche or [[Nativity scene]] in their homes, using small figurines to portray the key characters of the event. Live Nativity scenes are also re-enacted using human actors and live animals to portray the event with more realism.
Gift-giving is a near-universal part of Christmas celebrations. The concept of a mythical figure who brings gifts to children derives from [[Saint Nicholas]], a good hearted [[bishop]] of 4th-century [[Asia Minor]]. The [[the Netherlands|Dutch]] modeled a gift-giving Saint Nicholas around his feast day of December 6. In North America, English colonists adopted aspects of this celebration into their Christmas holiday, and [[Sinterklaas]] became [[Santa Claus]], or ''Saint Nick''. In the UK, whilst this name is widely known, "Father Christmas" is more common, and is also used in many West African countries. In the Anglo-American tradition, this jovial fellow arrives on Christmas Eve on a [[sleigh]] pulled by [[reindeer]], and lands on the roofs of houses. He then climbs down the chimney, leaves gifts for the children, and eats the food they leave for him. He spends the rest of the year making toys and keeping lists on the behavior of the children.
One belief in the United Kingdom which has been passed down the generations, is the idea of 'Good' and 'Bad' lists of children. Throughout the year, Santa would add names of children to either the good or bad list depending on their behaviour. When it got closer to Christmas time, parents would use the belief to encourage children to behave well. Those who were on the bad list and whose behaviour did not improve before Christmas were said to receive a piece of coal for their 'gift' on Christmas Eve rather than presents.
==Economics of Christmas==
The [[French language|French]] equivalent of Santa, Père Noël, evolved along similar lines, eventually adopting the Santa image [[Haddon Sundblom]] painted for a worldwide [[Coca-Cola]] advertising campaign in the [[1930]]s. In some cultures Santa Claus is accompanied by [[Knecht Ruprecht]], or ''Black Peter''. In some versions, [[elf|elves]] in a toy workshop make the holiday toys, and in some he is married to [[Mrs. Claus]]. Many shopping malls in North America and the United Kingdom have a holiday mall Santa Claus whom children can visit to ask for presents.
Christmas has become the greatest annual economic stimulus for many nations. Sales increase dramatically in almost all retail areas and shops introduce new merchandise as people purchase gifts, decorations, and supplies. In the United States, the Christmas shopping season generally begins on "Black Friday," the day after [[Thanksgiving]], celebrated in the United States on the third Thursday of November. "Black" refers to turning a profit, as opposed to the store being "in the red." Many stores begin stocking and selling Christmas items in October/November (and in the UK, even September/October).
[[Image:Jolly-old-saint-nick.gif|left|framed|A classic image of jolly old Saint Nick]]
[[Image:gifts_xmas.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Gifts under a Christmas tree.]]
More businesses and stores close on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. In the [[United Kingdom]], the Christmas Day (Trading) Act 2004 prevents all large shops from trading on Christmas Day.
In many countries, children leave empty containers for Santa to fill with small gifts such as toys, candy, or fruit. In the [[United States]], children hang a [[Christmas stocking]] by the fireplace on Christmas Eve, because Santa is said to come down the chimney the night before Christmas to fill them. In other countries, children place their empty shoes out for Santa to fill on the night before Christmas, or for Saint Nicholas on December 5. Gift giving is not restricted to these special gift-bringers, as family members and friends also bestow gifts on each other.
Most economists agree, however, that Christmas produces a deadweight loss under orthodox microeconomic theory, due to the surge in gift-giving. This loss is calculated as the difference between what the gift giver spent on the item and what the gift receiver would have paid for the item. It is estimated that in 2001 Christmas resulted in a $4 billion deadweight loss in the U.S. alone.<ref>[https://www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2001/12/20/is-santa-a-deadweight-loss Is Santa a deadweight loss?] ''The Economist'', December 20, 2001. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> Because of complicating factors, this analysis is sometimes used to discuss possible flaws in current [[microeconomics|microeconomic]] theory.
====Timing of gifts====
In North America, film studios release many high-budget movies in the holiday season, including Christmas theme films, fantasy movies, or high-tone dramas with rich production values.
In many countries, Saint Nicholas Day remains the principal day for gift giving. In much of Germany, children put shoes out on window sills on the night of December 5, and find them filled with candy and small gifts the next morning. In such places, including the [[Netherlands]], Christmas day remains more a religious holiday. In other countries, including [[Spain]], gifts are brought by the Magi at Epiphany on [[6 January]].
One of the many customs of gift timing is suggested by the song "[[Twelve Days of Christmas]]", celebrating an old British tradition of gifts each day from Christmas to Epiphany. In most of the world, Christmas gifts are given at night on Christmas Eve, or in the morning on Christmas Day. Until the recent past, gifts were given in the UK to nonfamily members on Boxing Day.
==Santa Claus and other bringers of gifts==
[[Image:Jolly-old-saint-nick.gif|right|300px|Saint Nicholas]]
In Western culture, the holiday is characterized by the exchange of gifts among friends and family members, some of the gifts being attributed to [[Santa Claus]] (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Basil and Father Frost).
====Christmas cards====
Father Christmas predates the Santa Claus character, and was first recorded in the fifteenth century,<ref name=Harper>Douglas Harper, [https://www.etymonline.com/word/Christ Christ], ''Online Etymology Dictionary''. Retrieved July 17, 2021.</ref> but was associated with holiday merrymaking and drunkenness. Santa Claus is a variation of a [[Dutch]] folk tale based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, or ''Sinterklaas,'' who gave gifts on the eve of his feast day of December 6. He became associated with Christmas in nineteenth century America and was renamed Santa Claus or Saint Nick. In Victorian Britain, Father Christmas's image was remade to match that of Santa. The French equivalent of Santa, Père Noël, evolved along similar lines, eventually adopting the Santa image.  
[[Christmas card]]s are extremely popular in the United States and Europe, in part as a way to maintain relationships with distant relatives and friends, and with business acquaintances. Many families enclose an annual family photograph, or a family newsletter telling activities of family members during the preceding year.
==== Decorations ====
In some cultures Santa Claus is accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht, or Black Peter. In other versions, elves make the holiday toys. His wife is referred to as Mrs. Claus.  
[[Image:Christmas tree.jpg|thumb|Christmas tree in a German home]]
Decorating a Christmas tree with [[Christmas lights|lights]] and [[Christmas ornaments|ornaments]], and the decoration of the interior of the home with garlands and [[evergreen]] foliage, particularly [[holly]] and [[mistletoe]], are common traditions. In North and South America and to a lesser extent Europe, it is traditional to decorate the outside of houses with lights, and sometimes with illuminated sleighs, snowmen, and other Christmas figures.
The traditional Christmas flower is the [[poinsettia]]. Other popular holiday plants are [[holly]], red [[amaryllis]] and [[Christmas cactus]].
The current tradition in several [[Latin America]]n countries (such as [[Venezuela]]) holds that while Santa makes the toys, he then gives them to the Baby Jesus, who is the one who actually delivers them to the children's homes. This story is meant to be a reconciliation between traditional religious beliefs and modern day [[globalization]], most notably the iconography of Santa Claus imported from the United States.
Municipalities often sponsor decorations as well, hanging Christmas banners from street lights or placing Christmas trees in the town square. In the United States, decorations once commonly included religious themes. This practice has led to much adjudication, as opponents insist that it amounts to the government endorsing one particular religious faith. In 1984 the [[Supreme Court of the United States|U.S. Supreme Court]] ruled (Lynch v. Donnelly) that a city-owned Christmas display including a Christian [[nativity]] scene was depicting the historical origins of Christmas, and was not in violation of the [[First Amendment to the United States Constitution|First Amendment]] ("separation of church and state").
==The Christmas Tree==
[[Image:Juletræet.jpg|right|300px|thttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fd/Button_blockquote.pnghumb|A Christmas tree in a Danish home.]]
The [[Christmas tree]] is often explained as a Christianization of the ancient [[Paganism|pagan]] idea that evergreen trees like, pine and juniper, symbolize hope and anticipation of a return of spring, and the renewal of life. The phrase "Christmas tree" is first recorded in 1835 and represents the importation of a tradition from Germany, where such trees became popular in the late eighteenth century.<ref name=Harper/> Christmas trees may be decorated with lights and ornaments.  
====Social aspects and entertainment====
Since the nineteenth century, the [[poinsettia]] ''(Euphorbia pulcherrima),'' an indigenous flowering plant from Mexico, has been associated with Christmas. Other popular holiday plants include [[holly]], red amaryllis, and Christmas cactus ''(Zygocactus)'', all featuring the brilliant combination of red and green.
In many countries, businesses, schools, and communities have Christmas parties and dances during the several weeks before Christmas Day. Christmas pageants, common in [[Latin America]], may include a retelling of the story of the birth of Christ. Groups may go ''caroling'', visiting neighborhood homes to sing Christmas songs. Others are reminded by the holiday of man's fellowship with man, and do volunteer work, or hold fundraising drives for charities.
<!--[[Image:Now is it Christmas again (1907) by Carl Larsson.jpg|thumbnail|300px|"Now it is Christmas again" by Carl Larsson]]—>
On Christmas Day or on Christmas Eve, a special meal of [[Christmas dishes]] is usually served, for which there are traditional menus in each country. In some regions, particularly in [[Eastern Europe]], these family feasts are preceded by a period of fasting. Candy and treats are also part of the Christmas celebration in many countries.
Along with a Christmas tree, the interior of a home may be decorated with garlands, wreaths, and evergreen foliage, particularly holly ''(Ilex aquifolium or Ilex opaca)'' and mistletoe ''(Phoradendron flavescens or Viscum album).'' In Australia, North and South America, and to a lesser extent Europe, it is traditional to decorate the outside of houses with lights and sometimes with illuminated sleighs, snowmen, and other Christmas figures.
[[Image:CandyCane.JPG|left|thumb|Candy canes are a popular Christmas treat, and may double as a decoration or Christmas ornament]]
===Religious customs and celebrations===
Municipalities often sponsor decorations as well. Christmas banners may be hung from street lights and Christmas trees placed in the town square. While some decorations such as a tree are considered secular in many parts of the world, the [[Saudi Arabia|Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]] bans such displays as symbols of Christianity.
The religious celebrations begin with [[Advent]], the anticipation of Christ's birth, around the start of December. These observations may include Advent carols and Advent calendars, sometimes containing sweets and chocolate for children. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services may include a midnight mass or a Mass of the Nativity, and feature [[Christmas carol]]s and hymns.  
Other faiths have emphasized their own winter holidays to serve as a Christmas surrogate, including [[Judaism]]'s [[Hanukkah]], which has evolved a similar tradition of gift-giving. Christmas has some acceptance in the [[Islam]]ic world, where Jesus is regarded as a prophet. Many secular aspects of Christmas are becoming common in developed Muslim nations.
In the Western world, rolls of brightly colored paper with secular or religious Christmas motifs are manufactured for the purpose of wrapping gifts.
===Regional customs and celebrations===
==Regional customs and celebrations==
{{see|Christmas worldwide}}
Christmas celebrations include a great number and variety of customs with either secular, religious, or national aspects, which vary from country to country:
==Christmas in the arts and media==
After the Russian Revolution, Christmas celebration was banned in that country from 1917 until 1992.
{{main|Christmas in the media}}
Many fictional Christmas stories capture the spirit of Christmas in a modern-day [[fairy tale]], often with heart-touching stories of a Christmas [[miracle]]. Several have become part of the Christmas tradition in their countries of origin. [[Image:Dvd-cover-white-christmas.jpg|thumb|Unlike many films, which date rapidly, Christmas movies are the reliable annuals of the movie business.]]
Several Christian denominations, notably the [[Jehovah's Witnesses]], [[Puritans]], and some [[Fundamentalism|fundamentalists]], view Christmas as a [[pagan]] holiday not sanctioned by the Bible.
[[Tchaikovsky]]'s [[The Nutcracker]] ballet tells of a Christmas ornament come to life in a young Russian girl's dream. [[Charles Dickens]]' ''[[A Christmas Carol]]'' is the tale of curmudgeonly miser [[Ebenezer Scrooge]]. Scrooge rejects compassion and philanthropy, and Christmas as a symbol of both, until he is visited by the ''Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future'', who show him the consequences of his ways. Dickens is sometimes credited with shaping the modern  Christmas of English-speaking countries (tree, plum pudding, carols, etc.) and the movement to close businesses on Christmas day.
In the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas is during the summer. This clashes with the traditional winter iconography, resulting in oddities such as a red fur-coated Santa Claus surfing in for a turkey barbecue on Australia's Bondi Beach.  
[[Thomas Nast]] and [[Clement Clarke Moore|Clement Moore]] provided the English-speaking countries with their popular images of Santa Claus. Nast's 19th-century cartoons gave Santa his familiar form (''Harper's Weekly'', 1863), while Moore's poem [[A Visit from St. Nicholas|"A Visit from Saint Nicholas"]] (''Sentinel'', 1823, popularly known as "The Night Before Christmas") supplied the rotund Santa and his sleigh landing on rooftops on Christmas Eve.  
Japan has adopted Santa Claus for its secular Christmas celebration, but [[New Year's Day]] is a far more important holiday.
In 1881, the Swedish magazine ''Ny Illustrerad Tidning'' published [[Viktor Rydberg]]'s poem "Tomten" featuring the first painting by [[Jenny Nyström]] of this traditional Swedish mythical character ([[tomte]], elf, goblin) which she turned into the white-bearded friendly figure associated with Christmas. It was further developed in 1931 by [[Haddon Sundblom]] for the Coca-Cola Company.
In India, Christmas is often called ''bada din'' ("the big day"), and celebration revolves around Santa Claus and shopping.
Although these Christmas icons have become widespread through television and movies, Christmas is still a time when national traditions are strong, and both Santa's appearance and the stories told vary from country to country. Some Scandinavian Christmas stories are less cheery than Dickens', notably [[Hans Christian Andersen|H. C. Andersen]]'s "The Little Match Girl". The destitute little slum girl walks barefoot through snow-covered streets on Christmas Eve, trying in vain to sell her matches, and peeking in at the celebrations in the homes of the more fortunate. She dares not go home because her father is drunk. Unlike the principals of Anglophone Christmas lore, she meets a tragic end.
In South Korea, Christmas is celebrated as an official holiday.
Many Christmas stories have been popularized as [[film|movie]]s and [[TV special]]s. Since the [[1980s]], many video editions are sold and resold every year during the holiday season. A notable example is the film ''[[It's a Wonderful Life]]'', the theme of which mirrors ''A Christmas Carol''. Its hero, George Bailey, is a businessman who sacrificed his dreams to help his community. On Christmas Eve, a guardian angel finds him in despair and prevents him from committing suicide, by magically showing him how much he meant to the world around him. Perhaps the most famous animated production is ''[[A Charlie Brown Christmas]]'' where [[Charlie Brown]] tries to address his feeling of dissatisfaction with the Holidays by trying to find a deeper meaning to them.
In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas' Day (December 6) remains the principal day for gift giving while Christmas Day is a more religious holiday.
A few true stories have become enduring Christmas tales. The story behind the Christmas carol "[[Silent Night]]" and the story of "[[Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus]]" are among the most well-known of these.
In much of Germany, children put shoes out on window sills on the night of December 5, and find them filled with candy and small gifts the next morning. The main day for gift giving in Germany is December 24, when gifts are brought by Santa Claus or are placed under the Christmas tree.
Radio and television also cultivate Christmas themes. Radio stations broadcast [[Christmas carol]]s and [[Christmas song]]s, including classical music such as the Hallelujah chorus from [[Handel]]'s ''[[Messiah (Handel)|Messiah]]''. Among other classical Christmas pieces are the [[Nutcracker Suite]], adapted from Tchaikovsky's ballet score, and [[Johann Sebastian Bach]]'s ''Christmas Oratorio'' (BWV 248). Television networks add Christmas themes, run traditional holiday movies, and produce a variety of Christmas specials.
In Poland, Santa Claus (Polish: Święty Mikołaj) gives gifts on two occasions: on the night of December 5 (so that children find them on the morning of December 6, (Saint Nicholas Day) and on [[Christmas Eve]] (so that children find gifts that same day).
==Economics of Christmas==
In Hungary, Santa Claus (Hungarian: ''Mikulás'') or for non-religious people Father Winter (Hungarian: ''Télapó'') is often accompanied by a black creature called ''Krampusz.''
Christmas is typically the largest annual stimulus for the economies of celebrating nations.  Sales increase in almost all retail areas and shops introduce new products, as people purchase gifts, decorations, and supplies. In the United States, the ''Christmas shopping season'' now begins on [[Black Friday (shopping)|Black Friday]], the day after [[Thanksgiving]]. Christmas Day is the only day in the year that most shops and businesses are closed. The economic impact continues after the holiday, with Christmas sales and New Year's sales, when stores sell off excess inventories. 
Many [[Christians]], as well as anti-[[consumerism|consumerist]]s both religious and secular, decry the "commercialization" of Christmas. They accuse the Christmas season of being dominated by money and greed, at the expense of the holiday's more important values. Frustrations over these issues and others can lead to a rise in Christmastime social problems.
In Spain, gifts are brought by the [[Magi]] on Epiphany (January 6), although the tradition of leaving gifts under the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve (December 24) for the children to find and open the following morning has been widely adopted as well. Elaborate ''"Nacimiento"'' nativity scenes are common, and a midnight meal is eaten on ''Noche-Buena,'' the good night, Christmas Eve.
In North America, studios release many high-budget movies in the holiday season, most of them being Christmas films and [[fantasy]] movies, both to capture holiday crowds and to position themselves for [[Academy Award|Oscar]]s. Next to summer, this is the second most lucrative season for the industry.  Christmas movies generally open no later than late November, as their themes are not so popular once the season is over. The winter movie season spans from the first week of November until mid-February.
In Russia, ''Grandfather Frost'' brings presents on New Year's Eve, and these are opened on the same night. The patron saint of Russia is Saint Nicola, the Wonder Worker, in the Orthodox tradition, whose Feast Day is celebrated December 6.
==Social impact of Christmas==
In Scotland, presents were traditionally given on [[Hogmanay]], which is New Year's Eve. However, since the establishment of Christmas Day as a legal holiday in 1967, many Scots have adopted the tradition of exchanging gifts on Christmas morning.
Because of the focus on celebration, friends, and family, people who are without these, or who have recently suffered losses, are more likely to suffer from [[clinical depression|depression]] during Christmas. This increases the demands for counseling services during the period.
[[Suicide]] and [[murder]] rates may spike during the holiday season, but the peak months for suicide are May and June. Because of holiday celebrations involving [[alcohol]], [[drunk driving]]-related fatalities may also increase.
The Declaration of Christmas Peace has been a tradition in [[Finland]] since the Middle Ages. It takes place in the Old Great Square of Turku, Finland's official Christmas City and former capital.
Non-Christians in predominantly Christian nations may be left bereft of entertainment around Christmas. The cliché recreation for them is "movies and [[Chinese food]]"; movie theaters remaining open to bring in holiday dollars and Chinese restaurants being less likely to be closed. However, that is generally only in large urban areas; in other communities, practically everything is closed.
===Social aspects and entertainment===
In many countries, businesses, schools, and communities have Christmas celebrations and performances in the weeks before Christmas. Christmas pageants may include a retelling of the story of the birth of Christ. Groups visit neighborhood homes, hospitals, or nursing homes, to sing Christmas carols. Others do volunteer work or hold fundraising drives for charities.
==Theories regarding the origin of the date of Christmas==
On Christmas Day or [[Christmas Eve]], a special meal is usually served. In some regions, particularly in Eastern Europe, these family feasts are preceded by a period of fasting. Candy and treats are also part of Christmas celebration in many countries.
[[Image:The visit of the wise-men.jpg|thumb|right|[[Three Wise Men|Wise Men]] visiting [[Jesus]] on [[Twelfth Night (holiday)|Twelfth Night]] after his birth on Christmas]]
{{main|Chronology of Jesus' birth and death}}
Many different dates have been suggested for the celebration of Christmas.  No explanation of why it is celebrated on December 25 is universally accepted. Theories include the following:
Another tradition is for people to send Christmas cards, first popularized in London in 1842, to friends and family members. Cards are also produced with secular generic messages such as "season's greetings" or "happy holidays," as a gesture of inclusiveness for senders and recipients who prefer to avoid the religious sentiments and symbolism of Christmas, yet still participate in the gaiety of the season.
*The [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03724b.htm ''Catholic Encyclopedia'' article on "Christmas"] offers a starting point for Christmas, which does not appear among the earliest lists of Christian feasts, those of [[Irenaeus]] and [[Tertullian]]. The earliest evidence of celebration is from Alexandria, about AD 200, when [[Clement of Alexandria]]  says that certain Egyptian theologians "over curiously" assign not just the year but the actual day of Christ's birth{{ref|Note4}}, on 25 Pachon (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus. By the time of the [[Council of Nicaea]], AD 325, the Alexandrian church had fixed a ''dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniae''. The December feast reached Egypt in the 5th century. In Jerusalem, [[Egeria (nun)|Egeria]] the 4th-century pilgrim from Bordeaux, witnessed the feast of the Presentation, forty days after January 6, which must have been the date of the Nativity there. At [[Antioch]], probably in 386, St [[John Chrysostom]] urged the community to unite in celebrating Christ's birth on December 25, a part of the community having already kept it on that day for at least ten years.  
==Christmas in the arts and media==
Many fictional Christmas stories capture the spirit of Christmas in a modern-day fairy tale, often with heart-touching stories of a Christmas [[miracle]]. Several have become part of the Christmas tradition in their countries of origin.
* It is an appropriation of the pagan Midwinter festivals, such as the Germanic [[Yule]] and the Roman [[festival of the Unconquered Sun|festival of the birth of Unconquered Sun]], celebrated on the day after the [[winter solstice]], or the Roman festival of [[Saturnalia]].
Among the most popular are [[Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky|Tchaikovsky]]'s ballet ''The Nutcracker'' based on the story by German author [[E.T.A. Hoffman]], and [[Charles Dickens]]' novel ''A Christmas Carol.'' ''The Nutcracker'' tells of a nutcracker that comes to life in a young [[Germany|German]] girl's dream. Charles Dickens' ''A Christmas Carol'' is the tale of the rich and miserly curmudgeon Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge rejects compassion, philanthropy, and Christmas until he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, who show him the consequences of his ways.
* It derives from the tradition that Jesus was born during the Jewish Festival of Lights ([[Hanukkah]], the 25th of Kislev and the beginning of [[Tevet]]). Kislev is generally accepted as corresponding with December. Under the Old Julian calendar, the popular choice of 5 B.C.E. for the year of Jesus' birth would place the 25th of Kislev on the 25th of November.
Some Scandinavian Christmas stories are less cheery than Dickens'. In [[Hans Christian Andersen|H. C. Andersen]]'s ''The Little Match Girl,'' a destitute little girl walks barefoot through snow-covered streets on [[Christmas Eve]], trying in vain to sell her matches, and peeking in at the celebrations in the homes of the more fortunate.
* The date of Christmas is based on the date of [[Good Friday]], the day Jesus died. Since the exact date of Jesus' death is not stated in the Gospels, early Christians sought to calculate it, and arrived at either March 25 or April 6. To then calculate the date of Jesus' birth, they followed the ancient idea that Old Testament prophets died at an "integral age"&mdash;either an anniversary of their birth or of their conception. They reasoned that Jesus died on an anniversary of the [[Incarnation]] (his conception), so the date of his birth would have been nine months after the date of Good Friday&mdash;either December 25 or January 6. Thus, rather than the date of Christmas being appropriated from pagans by Christians, the opposite is held to have occurred. [See Duchesne (1902) and Talley (1986).]
In 1881, the Swedish magazine ''Ny Illustrerad Tidning'' published Viktor Rydberg's poem ''Tomten'' featuring the first painting by Jenny Nyström of the traditional Swedish mythical character ''tomte,'' which she turned into the friendly white-bearded figure and associated with Christmas.
*The apparition of the [[angel]] [[Gabriel]] to [[Zechariah]], announcing that he was to be the father of [[John the Baptist]], was believed to have occurred on [[Yom Kippur]]. This was due to a belief (not included in the [[Gospel]] account) that Zechariah was a [[high priest]] and that his vision occurred during the high priest's annual entry into the [[Holy of Holies]]. If John's conception occurred on Yom Kippur in late September, then his birth would have been in late June. (The traditional date is June 24.) If John's birth was on June 24, then the [[Annunciation]] to the [[Blessed Virgin Mary]], said by the Gospel account to have occurred three month's before John's birth, would have been in late March.  (Tradition fixed it on March 25.) The birth of Jesus would then have been on December 25, nine months after His conception. As with the previous theory, proponents of this theory hold that Christmas was a date of significance to Christians before it was a date of significance to pagans.
Many Christmas stories have been popularized as movies and television specials. A notable example is the classic Hollywood film ''It's a Wonderful Life.'' Its hero, George Bailey, is a businessman who sacrificed his dreams to help his community. On Christmas Eve, a guardian angel finds him in despair and prevents him from committing suicide by magically showing him how much he meant to the world around him.
[[Image:Now is it Christmas again (1907) by Carl Larsson.jpg|thumbnail|450px|right|"Now it is Christmas again" (1907) by Carl Larsson.]]
A few true stories have also become enduring Christmas tales themselves. The story behind the Christmas carol ''[[Silent Night]],'' and the editorial by Francis P. Church ''Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus'' first published in ''The New York Sun'' in 1897, are among the most well-known of these.
* It was appropriated from the birthday of [[Mithras]], a savior figure of a Greco-Roman [[mystery religion]] who was popular with the [[Roman Legion|Roman Legions]].
Radio and television programs aggressively pursue entertainment and ratings through their cultivation of Christmas themes. Radio stations broadcast [[Christmas carol]]s and Christmas songs, including classical music such as the "Hallelujah chorus" from [[Handel]]'s ''[[Messiah (Handel)|Messiah]].'' Among other classical pieces inspired by Christmas are the ''[[Nutcracker Suite]],'' adapted from [[Tchaikovsky]]'s ballet score, and [[Johann Sebastian Bach]]'s ''Christmas Oratorio'' (BWV 248). Television networks add Christmas themes to their standard programming, run traditional holiday movies, and produce a variety of Christmas specials.
==See also==
*[[Christmas worldwide]]
*[[Christmas carol]]
*[[Christmas dish]]es
*[[Christmas season]]
*[[Christmas song]]
*[[Christmas tree]]
*[[Pagan Beliefs Surrounding Christmas]]
<li>1.{{note|Note1}}  David van Biema, "Behind the First Noel", ''Time'' magazine, Dec.13, 2004, pp.49-61.
<li>2.{{note|Note2}}  The [[8th-century]] [[England|English]] historian [[Bede]]'s ''[[Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum]]'' ("Ecclesiastic History of the English People") contains a letter from [[Pope]] [[Gregory I]] to [[Saint Mellitus]], who was then on his way to England to conduct missionary work among the [[heathen]] [[Anglo-Saxon]]s. The Pope suggests that converting heathens is easier if they are allowed to retain the outward forms of their traditional pagan practices and traditions, while recasting those traditions spiritually towards the one true God instead of to their pagan gods (whom the Pope refers to as "devils"), "to the end that, whilst some gratifications are outwardly permitted them, they may the more easily consent to the inward consolations of the grace of God". [http://www.englishheathenism.homestead.com/popesletter.html] The Pope sanctions such conversion tactics as Biblically acceptable, pointing out that God did much the same thing with the ancient [[Israelite]]s and their pagan sacrifices. Although he never spoke of Christmas as a mere concession.
<li>3.{{note|Note3}}  After [[Oliver Cromwell]]'s Puritans took over England in [[1645]], the observance of Christmas was prohibited in 1652 as part of a Puritan effort to rid the country of decadence. This proved unpopular, and when [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] was restored to the throne, he restored the celebration. The [[Pilgrims]], a group of Puritanical English separatists who came to North America in [[1620]], also disapproved of Christmas, and as a result it was not a holiday in [[New England]]. The celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed from [[1659]] to [[1681]] in Boston, a prohibition enforced with a fine of five shillings. The English of the [[Jamestown]] settlement and the Dutch of [[New Amsterdam]], on the other hand, celebrated the occasion freely. Christmas fell out of favor again after the [[American Revolution]], as it was considered an "English custom." Interest was revived by [[Washington Irving]]'s Christmas stories, German immigrants, and the homecomings of the [[American Civil War|Civil War]] years. December 25 was declared a federal holiday in the United States on [[June 26]], [[1870]].
<li>4.{{note|Note4}} In ''Stromateis'', I, xxi in P.G., VIII, 888.
== References ==
* Duchesne, Louis. ''Origines Du Culte Chretien: Etude Sur La Liturgie Latine Avant Charlemagne''. Nabu Press, 2010. ISBN 1148818758
* Heindel, Max. ''Mystical Interpretation of Christmas''. Holos Arts Project Publishing Company, 1920. ISBN 0911274650
* Irving, Washington. ''A History of New York''. Penguin Classics, 2008. ISBN 0143105612
* Nissenbaum, Stephen. ''The Battle for Christmas: A Social and Cultural History of Our Most Cherished Holiday''. Vintage, 1997. ISBN 0679740384
* Restad, Penne L., ''Christmas in America: A History.'' New York, Oxford University Press. 1995. ISBN 0195093003
* Talley, Thomas J. ''The Origins Of The Liturgical Year''. Pueblo Books, 1991. ISBN 0814660754
==External Links==
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03724b.htm "Christmas"] (1913). ''The Catholic Encyclopedia''. 
All links retrieved December 10, 2023.
* {{catholic}}
*[https://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/christmas-the-curious-origins-of-a-popular-holiday Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday]
* "Christmas" (1975). ''The New Columbia Encyclopedia''. New York and London: Columbia University Press.
*[http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9082431/Christmas Christmas] Encyclopaedia Britannica.
* [http://gosouthamerica.about.com/od/christmas/ Christmas in South America].
*[http://festivalsinindia.net/christmas/index.html Christmas in India]
* [[Louis Duchesne|Duchesne, Louis]] (1889). ''Les origines du culte chrétien: Etude sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne''. Paris.
* Talley, Thomas J. (1986). ''The Origins of the Liturgical Year''. New York: Pueblo Publishing Company.
* ''Time'' magazine, Dec. 13, 2004.
* Restad, Penne L. (1995). ''Christmas in America: A History''. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509300-3
==External links==
* [http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/culture/christmas.html Christmas in Japan] How the Western Santa and Asian customs fused to produce this unique holiday
* [http://www.vistawide.com/german/christmas/german_christmas_traditions.htm Christmas in Germany] German holiday traditions and their origins, foods and recipes, Christmas carols.
* [http://www.komar.org/xmas/ The custom of celebrating with Christmas Lights] Videos and pictures of some extreme forms of holiday lighting
* [http://www.benbest.com/history/xmas.html Exhaustive recap of Christmas history]
* [http://ozhanozturk.com/content/view/399/1/ Christmas in Istanbul]
* [http://www.cresourcei.org/cyxmas.html The Christmas Season] at the Christian Resource Institute
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Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus. This scene, by Florentine painter Fra Angelico, portrays Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. (Adorazione del Bambino (Adoration of the Child), 1439-1443.)

Christmas or Christmas Day commemorates and celebrates the birth of Jesus. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse and from Old English Cristes mæsse.[1] It is a contraction meaning "Christ's mass." The name of the holiday is sometimes shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter Χ (chi), an abbreviation for Christ (Χριστός).

Christmas in the West is traditionally observed on December 25, or January 7 in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. In most Christian communities, the holiday is celebrated with great cheer, song, exchange of gifts, storytelling and family gatherings. The popularity of Christmas is due in large part to the "spirit of Christmas," a spirit of charity expressed through gift-giving and acts of kindness that celebrate the human heart of the Christian message.

Besides its Christian roots, many Christmas traditions have their origins in pagan winter celebrations. Examples of winter festivals that have influenced Christmas include the pre-Christian festivals of Yule, and Roman Saturnalia.[2]

While Christmas began as a religious holiday, it has appropriated many secular characteristics over time, including many variations of the Santa Claus myth, decoration and display of the Christmas tree, and other aspects of consumer culture. Many distinct regional traditions of Christmas are still practiced around the world, despite the widespread influence of Anglo-American Christmas motifs disseminated in popular culture.


Origins of the holiday

The historical development of Christmas is quite fascinating. According to the Bible, Jesus' birth was celebrated by many well-wishers including the Magi who came bearing gifts. The early Christians in the Roman Empire wished to continue this practice but found that celebrating Jesus' birth was very dangerous under Roman rule, where being a Christian could be punishable by death. Thus, Christians began to celebrate Christ’s birthday on December 25, which was already an important pagan festival, in order to safely adapt to Roman customs while still honoring Jesus' birth.

This is how Christmas came to be celebrated on the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, and it was from the pagan holiday that many of the customs of Christmas had their roots. The celebrations of Saturnalia included the making and giving of small presents (saturnalia et sigillaricia). This holiday was observed over a series of days beginning on December 17 (the birthday of Saturn), and ending on December 25 (the birthday of Sol Invictus, the "Unconquered Sun"). The combined festivals resulted in an extended winter holiday season. Business was postponed and even slaves feasted. There was drinking, gambling and singing, and nudity was relatively common. It was the "best of days," according to the poet Catullus.[3]

The feast of Sol Invictus on December 25 was a sacred day in the religion of Mithraism, which was widespread in the Roman Empire. Its god, Mithras, was a solar deity of Persian origin, identified with the Sun. It displayed its unconquerability as "Sol Invictus" when it began to rise higher in the sky following the Winter Solstice—hence December 25 was celebrated as the Sun's birthday. In 274 C.E., Emperor Aurelian officially designated December 25 as the festival of Sol Invictus.

Evidence that early Christians were observing December 25 as Jesus' birthday comes from Sextus Julius Africanus's book Chronographiai (221 C.E.), an early reference book for Christians. Yet from the first, identification of Christ's birth with a pagan holiday was controversial. The theologian Origen, writing in 245 C.E., denounced the idea of celebrating the birthday of Jesus "as if he were a king pharaoh." Thus Christmas was celebrated with a mixture of Christian and secular customs from the beginning, and remains so to this day.

Furthermore, in the opinion of many theologians, there was little basis for celebrating Christ's birth in December. Around 220 C.E., Tertullian declared that Jesus died on March 25. Although scholars no longer accept this as the most likely date for the crucifixion, it does suggest that the 25th day of the month—March 25 being nine months before December 25th—had significance for the church even before it was used as a basis to calculate Christmas. Modern scholars favor a crucifixion date of April 3, 33 C.E. (These are Julian calendar dates. Subtract two days for a Gregorian date), the date of a partial lunar eclipse.[4] By 240 C.E., a list of significant events was being assigned to March 25, partly because it was believed to be the date of the vernal equinox. These events include the creation, the fall of Adam, and, most relevantly, the Incarnation.[5] The view that the Incarnation occurred on the same date as crucifixion is consistent with a Jewish belief that prophets died at an "integral age," either an anniversary of their birth or of their conception.[6][7]

Impetus for the celebration of Christmas increased after Constantius, son of Emperor Constantine, decreed that all non-Christian temples in the empire be immediately closed and anyone who still offered sacrifices of worship to the gods and goddesses in these temples was to be put to death. The followers of Mithras were eventually forced to convert under these laws. In spite of their conversion, they adapted many elements of their old religions into Christianity. Among these, was the celebration of the birth of Mithras on December 25, which was now observed as the birthday of Jesus.

Another impetus for official Roman support for Christmas grew out of the Christological debates at the time of Constantine. The Alexandrian school argued that he was the divine word made flesh (see John 1:14), while the Antioch school held that he was born human and infused with the Holy Spirit at the time of his baptism (see Mark 1:9-11). A feast celebrating Christ's birth gave the church an opportunity to promote the intermediate view that Christ was divine from the time of his incarnation.[8] Mary, a minor figure for early Christians, gained prominence as the theotokos, or god-bearer. There were Christmas celebrations in Rome as early as 336 C.E. December 25 was added to the calendar as a feast day in 350 C.E.[8]

Medieval Christmas and related winter festivals

Christmas soon outgrew the Christological controversy that created it and came to dominate the Medieval calendar.

The 40 days before Christmas became the "forty days of Saint Martin," now Advent. Former Saturnalian traditions were attached to Advent. Around the twelfth century, these traditions transferred again to the "twelve days of Christmas" (i.e., Christmas to Epiphany).[8]

The fortieth day after Christmas was Candlemas. The Egyptian Christmas celebration on January 6 was adopted as Epiphany, one of the most prominent holidays of the year during Early Middle Ages. Christmas Day itself was a relatively minor holiday, although its prominence gradually increased after Charlemagne was crowned on Christmas Day in 800 C.E.

Northern Europe was the last part to Christianize, and its pagan celebrations had a major influence on Christmas. Scandinavians still call Christmas Jul (Yule or Yultid), originally the name of a 12-day pre-Christian winter festival. Logs were lit to honor Thor, the god of thunder, hence the "Yule log." In Germany, the equivalent holiday is called Mitwinternacht (mid-winter night). There are also 12 Rauhnächte (harsh or wild nights).[9]

By the High Middle Ages, Christmas had become so prominent that chroniclers routinely noted where various magnates "celebrated Christmas." King Richard II of England hosted a Christmas feast in 1377 at which 28 oxen and three hundred sheep were eaten.[8] The "Yule boar" was a common feature of Medieval Christmas feasts. Caroling also became popular. Various writers of the time condemned caroling as lewd (largely due to overtones reminiscent of the traditions of Saturnalia and Yule).[8] "Misrule"—drunkenness, promiscuity, gambling—was also an important aspect of the festival. In England, gifts were exchanged on New Year's Day, and there was special Christmas ale.[8]

The Reformation and modern times

Santa Claus hands out gifts to Union soldiers during the American Civil War in Thomas Nast's first Santa Claus cartoon, Harper's Weekly, 1863.

During the Reformation, Protestants condemned Christmas celebration as "trappings of popery" and the "rags of the Beast." The Catholic Church responded by promoting the festival in a more religiously oriented form. When a Puritan parliament triumphed over the King, Charles I of England (1644), Christmas was officially banned (1647). Pro-Christmas rioting broke out in several cities. For several weeks, Canterbury was controlled by the rioters, who decorated doorways with holly and shouted royalist slogans.[10] The Restoration (1660) ended the ban, but Christmas celebration was still disapproved of by the Anglican clergy.

By the 1820s, sectarian tension had eased and British writers began to worry that Christmas was dying out. They imagined Tudor Christmas as a time of heartfelt celebration, and efforts were made to revive the holiday. Prince Albert, from Bavaria, married Queen Victoria in 1840, introducing the German tradition of the 'Christmas tree' into Windsor castle in 1841. The book A Christmas Carol (1843) by Charles Dickens played a major role in reinventing Christmas as a holiday emphasizing family, goodwill, and compassion (as opposed to communal celebration and hedonistic excess).[11]

The Puritans of New England disapproved of Christmas and celebration was outlawed in Boston (1659-1681). Meanwhile, Christians in Virginia and New York celebrated freely. Christmas fell out of favor in the U.S. after the American Revolution, when it was considered an "English custom." Interest was revived by several short stories by Washington Irving in The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon (1819) and by "Old Christmas" (1850) which depict harmonious warm-hearted holiday traditions Irving claimed to have observed in England. Although some argue that Irving invented the traditions he describes, they were imitated by his American readers. German immigrants and the homecomings of the Civil War helped promote the holiday. Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the United States in 1870.

Father Christmas persuades the jury of his innocence in The Examination and Tryal of Father Christmas (1686) by Josiah King[12]

Washington Irving, in his fake book purportedly written by by a man named Diedrich Knickerbocker, wrote of Saint Nicholas "riding over the tops of the trees, in that selfsame waggon wherein he brings his yearly presents to children."[13] The connection between Santa Claus and Christmas was popularized by the poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" (1822) by Clement Clarke Moore, which depicts Santa driving a sleigh pulled by reindeer and distributing gifts to children. His image was created by German-American cartoonist Thomas Nast (1840-1902), who drew a new image annually beginning in 1863.[14] By the 1880s, Nast's Santa had evolved into the form we now recognize. The image was popularized by advertisers in the early twentieth century.[15]

In the midst of World War I, there was a Christmas truce between German and British troops in France (1914). Soldiers on both sides spontaneously began to sing Christmas carols and stopped fighting. The truce began on Christmas Day and continued for some time afterward. There was even a soccer game between the trench lines in which Germany's 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment is said to have bested Britain's Seaforth Highlanders 3-2.

The Nativity

According to tradition, Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in a stable, surrounded by farm animals and shepherds, and Jesus was born into a manger from the Virgin Mary assisted by her husband Joseph.

Remembering or re-creating the Nativity (the birth of Jesus) is one of the central ways that Christians celebrate Christmas. For example, the Eastern Orthodox Church practices the Nativity Fast in anticipation of the birth of Jesus, while the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Advent. In some Christian churches, children often perform plays re-creating the events of the Nativity, or sing some of the numerous Christmas carols that reference the event. Many Christians also display a small re-creation of the Nativity known as a crèche or Nativity scene in their homes, using small figurines to portray the key characters of the event. Live Nativity scenes are also re-enacted using human actors and live animals to portray the event with more realism.

Economics of Christmas

Christmas has become the greatest annual economic stimulus for many nations. Sales increase dramatically in almost all retail areas and shops introduce new merchandise as people purchase gifts, decorations, and supplies. In the United States, the Christmas shopping season generally begins on "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving, celebrated in the United States on the third Thursday of November. "Black" refers to turning a profit, as opposed to the store being "in the red." Many stores begin stocking and selling Christmas items in October/November (and in the UK, even September/October).

Gifts under a Christmas tree.

More businesses and stores close on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. In the United Kingdom, the Christmas Day (Trading) Act 2004 prevents all large shops from trading on Christmas Day.

Most economists agree, however, that Christmas produces a deadweight loss under orthodox microeconomic theory, due to the surge in gift-giving. This loss is calculated as the difference between what the gift giver spent on the item and what the gift receiver would have paid for the item. It is estimated that in 2001 Christmas resulted in a $4 billion deadweight loss in the U.S. alone.[16] Because of complicating factors, this analysis is sometimes used to discuss possible flaws in current microeconomic theory.

In North America, film studios release many high-budget movies in the holiday season, including Christmas theme films, fantasy movies, or high-tone dramas with rich production values.

Santa Claus and other bringers of gifts

Saint Nicholas

In Western culture, the holiday is characterized by the exchange of gifts among friends and family members, some of the gifts being attributed to Santa Claus (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Basil and Father Frost).

Father Christmas predates the Santa Claus character, and was first recorded in the fifteenth century,[17] but was associated with holiday merrymaking and drunkenness. Santa Claus is a variation of a Dutch folk tale based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, or Sinterklaas, who gave gifts on the eve of his feast day of December 6. He became associated with Christmas in nineteenth century America and was renamed Santa Claus or Saint Nick. In Victorian Britain, Father Christmas's image was remade to match that of Santa. The French equivalent of Santa, Père Noël, evolved along similar lines, eventually adopting the Santa image.

In some cultures Santa Claus is accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht, or Black Peter. In other versions, elves make the holiday toys. His wife is referred to as Mrs. Claus.

The current tradition in several Latin American countries (such as Venezuela) holds that while Santa makes the toys, he then gives them to the Baby Jesus, who is the one who actually delivers them to the children's homes. This story is meant to be a reconciliation between traditional religious beliefs and modern day globalization, most notably the iconography of Santa Claus imported from the United States.

The Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree in a Danish home.

The Christmas tree is often explained as a Christianization of the ancient pagan idea that evergreen trees like, pine and juniper, symbolize hope and anticipation of a return of spring, and the renewal of life. The phrase "Christmas tree" is first recorded in 1835 and represents the importation of a tradition from Germany, where such trees became popular in the late eighteenth century.[17] Christmas trees may be decorated with lights and ornaments.

Since the nineteenth century, the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), an indigenous flowering plant from Mexico, has been associated with Christmas. Other popular holiday plants include holly, red amaryllis, and Christmas cactus (Zygocactus), all featuring the brilliant combination of red and green.

Along with a Christmas tree, the interior of a home may be decorated with garlands, wreaths, and evergreen foliage, particularly holly (Ilex aquifolium or Ilex opaca) and mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens or Viscum album). In Australia, North and South America, and to a lesser extent Europe, it is traditional to decorate the outside of houses with lights and sometimes with illuminated sleighs, snowmen, and other Christmas figures.

Municipalities often sponsor decorations as well. Christmas banners may be hung from street lights and Christmas trees placed in the town square. While some decorations such as a tree are considered secular in many parts of the world, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia bans such displays as symbols of Christianity.

In the Western world, rolls of brightly colored paper with secular or religious Christmas motifs are manufactured for the purpose of wrapping gifts.

Regional customs and celebrations

Christmas celebrations include a great number and variety of customs with either secular, religious, or national aspects, which vary from country to country:

After the Russian Revolution, Christmas celebration was banned in that country from 1917 until 1992.

Several Christian denominations, notably the Jehovah's Witnesses, Puritans, and some fundamentalists, view Christmas as a pagan holiday not sanctioned by the Bible.

In the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas is during the summer. This clashes with the traditional winter iconography, resulting in oddities such as a red fur-coated Santa Claus surfing in for a turkey barbecue on Australia's Bondi Beach.

Japan has adopted Santa Claus for its secular Christmas celebration, but New Year's Day is a far more important holiday.

In India, Christmas is often called bada din ("the big day"), and celebration revolves around Santa Claus and shopping.

In South Korea, Christmas is celebrated as an official holiday.

In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas' Day (December 6) remains the principal day for gift giving while Christmas Day is a more religious holiday.

In much of Germany, children put shoes out on window sills on the night of December 5, and find them filled with candy and small gifts the next morning. The main day for gift giving in Germany is December 24, when gifts are brought by Santa Claus or are placed under the Christmas tree.

In Poland, Santa Claus (Polish: Święty Mikołaj) gives gifts on two occasions: on the night of December 5 (so that children find them on the morning of December 6, (Saint Nicholas Day) and on Christmas Eve (so that children find gifts that same day).

In Hungary, Santa Claus (Hungarian: Mikulás) or for non-religious people Father Winter (Hungarian: Télapó) is often accompanied by a black creature called Krampusz.

In Spain, gifts are brought by the Magi on Epiphany (January 6), although the tradition of leaving gifts under the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve (December 24) for the children to find and open the following morning has been widely adopted as well. Elaborate "Nacimiento" nativity scenes are common, and a midnight meal is eaten on Noche-Buena, the good night, Christmas Eve.

In Russia, Grandfather Frost brings presents on New Year's Eve, and these are opened on the same night. The patron saint of Russia is Saint Nicola, the Wonder Worker, in the Orthodox tradition, whose Feast Day is celebrated December 6.

In Scotland, presents were traditionally given on Hogmanay, which is New Year's Eve. However, since the establishment of Christmas Day as a legal holiday in 1967, many Scots have adopted the tradition of exchanging gifts on Christmas morning.

The Declaration of Christmas Peace has been a tradition in Finland since the Middle Ages. It takes place in the Old Great Square of Turku, Finland's official Christmas City and former capital.

Social aspects and entertainment

In many countries, businesses, schools, and communities have Christmas celebrations and performances in the weeks before Christmas. Christmas pageants may include a retelling of the story of the birth of Christ. Groups visit neighborhood homes, hospitals, or nursing homes, to sing Christmas carols. Others do volunteer work or hold fundraising drives for charities.

On Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, a special meal is usually served. In some regions, particularly in Eastern Europe, these family feasts are preceded by a period of fasting. Candy and treats are also part of Christmas celebration in many countries.

Another tradition is for people to send Christmas cards, first popularized in London in 1842, to friends and family members. Cards are also produced with secular generic messages such as "season's greetings" or "happy holidays," as a gesture of inclusiveness for senders and recipients who prefer to avoid the religious sentiments and symbolism of Christmas, yet still participate in the gaiety of the season.

Christmas in the arts and media

Many fictional Christmas stories capture the spirit of Christmas in a modern-day fairy tale, often with heart-touching stories of a Christmas miracle. Several have become part of the Christmas tradition in their countries of origin.

Among the most popular are Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker based on the story by German author E.T.A. Hoffman, and Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol. The Nutcracker tells of a nutcracker that comes to life in a young German girl's dream. Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is the tale of the rich and miserly curmudgeon Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge rejects compassion, philanthropy, and Christmas until he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, who show him the consequences of his ways.

Some Scandinavian Christmas stories are less cheery than Dickens'. In H. C. Andersen's The Little Match Girl, a destitute little girl walks barefoot through snow-covered streets on Christmas Eve, trying in vain to sell her matches, and peeking in at the celebrations in the homes of the more fortunate.

In 1881, the Swedish magazine Ny Illustrerad Tidning published Viktor Rydberg's poem Tomten featuring the first painting by Jenny Nyström of the traditional Swedish mythical character tomte, which she turned into the friendly white-bearded figure and associated with Christmas.

Many Christmas stories have been popularized as movies and television specials. A notable example is the classic Hollywood film It's a Wonderful Life. Its hero, George Bailey, is a businessman who sacrificed his dreams to help his community. On Christmas Eve, a guardian angel finds him in despair and prevents him from committing suicide by magically showing him how much he meant to the world around him.

"Now it is Christmas again" (1907) by Carl Larsson.

A few true stories have also become enduring Christmas tales themselves. The story behind the Christmas carol Silent Night, and the editorial by Francis P. Church Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus first published in The New York Sun in 1897, are among the most well-known of these.

Radio and television programs aggressively pursue entertainment and ratings through their cultivation of Christmas themes. Radio stations broadcast Christmas carols and Christmas songs, including classical music such as the "Hallelujah chorus" from Handel's Messiah. Among other classical pieces inspired by Christmas are the Nutcracker Suite, adapted from Tchaikovsky's ballet score, and Johann Sebastian Bach's Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248). Television networks add Christmas themes to their standard programming, run traditional holiday movies, and produce a variety of Christmas specials.


  1. "Christmas", The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  2. The Magical History Of Yule, The Pagan Winter Solstice Celebration The Huffington Post, December 22, 2016. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  3. Julilla Sempronia, Ancient Voices: Saturnalia, AncientWorlds 2004. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  4. Sten Odenwald, Can you date the crucifixion of Jesus Christ using astronomy? 1997. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  5. Frederick Holweck, The Feast of the Annunciation Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907 ed. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  6. Louis Duchesne, Les origines du culte chrétien: Etude sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne (Paris, 1889).
  7. Thomas J. Talley, Origins of the Liturgical Year (New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1991).
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Alexander Murray, Medieval Christmas History Today 36(12) (December 1986): 31-39. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  9. Dahna Barnett, Midwinter Traditions Mythic Passages, December 2006. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  10. Chris Durston, Lords of Misrule: The Puritan War on Christmas 1642-60 History Today 35(12) (December 1985): 7-14. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  11. Geoffrey Rowell, Dickens and the Construction of Christmas History Today 43(12) (December 1993): 17-24. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  12. The Examination and Tryal of Old Father Christmas hymnsandcarolsofchristmas. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  13. Washington Irving, A History of New York (Penguin Classics, 2008, ISBN 0143105612).
  14. Sam Ursu, The Weird History of Christmas in America December 20, 2017. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  15. David Mikkelson, Did Coca-Cola Invent the Modern Image of Santa Claus? Snopes.com. December 18, 2001. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  16. Is Santa a deadweight loss? The Economist, December 20, 2001. Retrieved July 17, 2021.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Douglas Harper, Christ, Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved July 17, 2021.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Duchesne, Louis. Origines Du Culte Chretien: Etude Sur La Liturgie Latine Avant Charlemagne. Nabu Press, 2010. ISBN 1148818758
  • Heindel, Max. Mystical Interpretation of Christmas. Holos Arts Project Publishing Company, 1920. ISBN 0911274650
  • Irving, Washington. A History of New York. Penguin Classics, 2008. ISBN 0143105612
  • Nissenbaum, Stephen. The Battle for Christmas: A Social and Cultural History of Our Most Cherished Holiday. Vintage, 1997. ISBN 0679740384
  • Restad, Penne L., Christmas in America: A History. New York, Oxford University Press. 1995. ISBN 0195093003
  • Talley, Thomas J. The Origins Of The Liturgical Year. Pueblo Books, 1991. ISBN 0814660754

External Links

All links retrieved December 10, 2023.


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