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New World Encyclopedia integrates facts with values. Written by certified experts.

Featured Article: Charlotte Corday

Charlotte Corday, painted at her request a few hours before her execution
Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont (July 27, 1768 – July 17, 1793), known as Charlotte Corday, was a figure of the French Revolution. A provincial woman who had supported the revolution and was a supporter of the Girondins, she became concerned over the course of the Revolution, particularly the purge of the Girondins. She devised a plan to assassinate Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat, who was in part responsible for the more radical course the Revolution had taken through his role as a politician and journalist. In 1793, she was executed by guillotine for the assassination of Marat.

Popular Article: Noah's Ark

A painting by the American Edward Hicks (1780–1849), showing the animals boarding Noah's Ark two by two
According to the Abrahamic religions, Noah's Ark was a large ship built at God's command to save Noah, his family, and a pair of all animals from the Great Flood. The story is recounted in the Torah's Book of Genesis (Chapters 6-9), with later variations found in the Qur'an and in a number of other sources. These texts state that God decided to destroy humankind due to its wickedness. However, God selected Noah, a man "righteous in his generation," to build an ark and to take on board his family and representatives of all the animals and birds. God's then destroyed the remaining life on earth through a massive flood, saving only those on the ark. Eventually, the waters abated and dry land reappeared. The story ends with God entering into a covenant with Noah and his descendants that is sealed by a rainbow.

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Calvin's doctrine of predestination teaches that salvation is given only to those whom God has chosen, and that it is a free gift not contingent on anything they have done or will do (source: John Calvin)

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