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Featured Article: 2005 Kashmir earthquake

2005 Kashmir earthquake
The Kashmir earthquake of October 8, 2005 was a major earthquake with its epicenter in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir. In response to the catastrophe, India and Pakistan dropped their hostility over the Kashmir region and cooperated in relief efforts, and the Pakistan and India governments welcomed the assistance of the United States Air Force and United States Army. The cooperation saved countless lives.

Popular Article: Censorship

Book burning in 1933 in Berlin, Germany
Censorship is the editing, removing, or otherwise changing speech and other forms of human expression. In some cases, it is exercised by governing bodies but it is always and continuously carried out by the mass media. It most formally involves the suppression of ideas by criminalizing or regulating expression. What is censored may range from specific words to entire concepts. The most common reasons for censoring ("omitting") information are the particular interests of the distribution companies of news and entertainment, their owners, and their commercial and political connections.

Did you know?

Solomon Asch's experiments uncovered the tendency to conform among many people, but they also revealed the existence of independence in the face of erroneous group opinion. (source: Solomon Asch)