Yitzhak Rabin

From New World Encyclopedia
Yitzhak Rabin
Yitzhak Rabin

5th Prime Minister of Israel
In office
1974 – 1977
1992 – 1995
Preceded by Golda Meir
Yitzhak Shamir
Succeeded by Menachem Begin
Shimon Peres

Born March 1 1922
Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel)
Died November 4 1995
Tel Aviv, Israel
Political party Labor Party

(Hebrew: יִצְחָק רָבִּין), (March 1, 1922 - November 4, 1995) was an Israeli politician and general. The fifth Prime Minister of Israel, he was also the Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff, a former Ambassador to the United States and a member of the Knesset.

Rabin was the first native-born Prime Minister of Israel, the only Prime Minister to be assassinated and the second to die in office, following Levi Eshkol.

Rabin had the reputation of being a candid leader, direct and at times blunt, with a brilliant analytical mind. During his tenure both the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians and the Treaty of Peace with Jordan were signed.

He was assassinated on November 4 1995 while leaving a mass rally for peace, by Yigal Amir, a right-wing activist who had strenuously opposed Rabin's signing of the Oslo Accords.

Childhood, Education, Marriage

Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem, in what was then known as the British Mandate of Palestine in March 1922.

His father Nehemiah Rubitzov, born in the Ukriane in 1886, had immigrated to Israel from the United States, and in World War I served as a volunteer in the Jewish Legion.

His mother, Rosa Cohen, was born in White Russia in 1890. She was one of the first members of the Haganah, the mainstream Jewish defense organization. [1] She arrived in Palestine in 1919 as part of the Third Aliya (immigration wave) pioneers.

Nehemiah and Rosa married in 1921. Yitzhak was born the following year in Jerusalem. The family lived briefly in Haifa, then in Tel Aviv where Yitzhak grew up. His sister Rachel was born there in 1925.

Rabin’s parents were volunteer activists for most of their lives and the home had a permanent atmosphere of commitment to public service. Rosa was active in the Haganah defense organization, in Mapai – the Eretz Israel Workers’ Party – and was a Tel Aviv Municipal Council member. She died of an illness when Yitzhak was fifteen years old. His father had died when he was a mere child.

Yitzhak attended the School for Workers’ Children in Tel Aviv for eight years. This school, which was established in 1924 by the Histadrut, the General Federation of Labor, aimed to instill in the city’s young people a love of the country and practically, to raise a generation to till the land. Pupils were taught to honor responsibility, sharing and solidarity, and to be actively involved in social issues. Rabin later wrote that this school was his second home, appreciating especially the style of teaching outside of the typical classroom.

Rabin then spent two years at the intermediary regional school of Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha. He then enrolled in the Kadoorie Agricultural School, at the foot of northern Mount Tabor, from which he graduated in 1940 with distinction.

A number of Kadoorie alumni later became commanders in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and leaders of the new state. The school insisted on old world principles of honor, trust and truth. [2]

In 1948, in the midst of the War of Independence, Rabin married Leah Schlossberg. Mrs. Rabin was born in the then-German town of Koenigsberg (later part of Russia) in 1928. Her family emigrated to Israel immediately following Hitler's rise to power.

The Rabins had two children, Dalia and Yuval. Dalia Rabin-Pelossof is a lawyer serving in the Knesset, and Yuval, who founded a peace group after his father's assassination now represents an Israeli firm in the United States.

Mrs. Rabin was known as a staunch supporter of her husband throughout his army and political career. Following his assassination, she took up the torch for peace, becoming a fierce advocate of his legacy. [3]

The Palmach

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly agreed to implement the Palestine Partition Plan, to set up a Jewish and an Arab state in modern day Israel, which was then under British mandate.

Dissenting Arabs began attacking the Yishuv (the pre-state Jewish community) to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. They attacked Jewish settlements and towns and opened fire on Jewish vehicles on the roads. Poorly armed and ill equipped, the Jewish defense forces, especially the permanently mobilized arm of the Haganah, the Palmach, fought back as best they could. Six thousand Jews, one percent of the entire Yishuv, fell during the full period of the fight for independence.

On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion proclaimed an independent State of Israel in Tel Aviv. The next day, the regular armies of the surrounding Arab states invaded the new-born state and the full-blown War of Independence began.

At the start of the war, Jerusalem was cut off from the center of the country by enemy positions. Yitzhak Rabin’s first task was to safeguard convoys of food, ammunition and medical supplies to the beleaguered city.

In April 1948, the Palmach Harel Brigade was established with Rabin as commander. The fiercest battles were on the central front, in the corridor leading to Jerusalem, and within the city. Rabin played a major role in all of them.

The first truce was declared in June 1948. Rabin, now chief operations officer on the central front, was also deputy commander to the front’s chief commander, Yigal Allon. Operation Danny – the conquest of Lod, Ramle, Lod Airport and more territory southeast of Tel Aviv – was successfully completed and Allon and Yitzhak Rabin moved on to the southern front, which then became the critical one.

In the late 1970s, when Rabin wrote his memoirs in Hebrew, Pinkas Sherut, he described this episode of the 1948 war that had troubled him ever since, the forced expulsion by the IDF of 50,000 Arab civilians from the towns of Lod-Ramle. A cabinet committee which checks ministerial memoirs for security leaks ordered that the section be removed and indeed, against Rabin's wishes, it was. The story was revealed by the English translator of the book and published in The New York Times (Peter Halban Publishers, 1996, 26).

For the next few months of 1948, Rabin served as chief operations officer there and masterminded successful campaign that drove the Egyptians and Jordanians from the Negev desert in Operations Yoav, Lot, Assaf, Horev and Uvdah.

The War of Independence came to an end in 1949 with the signing of the armistice agreements. Rabin took part in the Israeli-Egyptian armistice talks in Rhodes. It was his first brush with diplomacy.

Years later Yitzhak Rabin wrote: “Standing now at a crossroads in my personal life, I felt a profound sense of moral responsibility, a kind of debt of honor towards the men whose courage and whose very bodies had blocked the Arabs’ advance. It was to these soldiers that I swore an oath of loyalty...I stayed in the army, and together with my comrades fulfilled my pledge to the heroes of the War of Independence. We built a mighty army.” (The Rabin Memoirs, p. 45) [4]

IDF Commander

Yitzhak Rabin was appointed commander of the Israeli Defense Forces’ first course for battalion commanders and later head of the general staff’s Operations Division. One of the most important charges of the Operations Division at the beginning of the 1950s was the transit camps, which housed more than 100,000 new immigrants who arrived in Israel in the waves of aliya after independence, many of them from Moslem countries. The camps were hit by severe floods in 1951 and 1952 and the IDF’s help to the immigrants was vital.

Along with his junior officers, Rabin formulated the IDF’s combat doctrine, with special emphasis on the instruction and training standards and principles of the various army units, from the individual level to division level.

In May 1959 Rabin became chief of the Operations Branch, the second highest position in the IDF, under Chief of Staff Chaim Laskov. It was the first time he was faced with tackling the problems of every facet of the defense forces from a strategic position. Four main topics were high on his agenda – building a superior army; ensuring current security; fostering ties with armed forces around the world; and political aspects of the military task.

While chief of the Operations Branch, he had attempted to reduce Israel’s dependence on France, which was the country's major arms supplier during the 1950s and ‘60s, in favor of the United States.

In 1961 Rabin became deputy chief of staff. Three years later he was chief of staff, a position he held from 1964 to 1968. He made great efforts to strengthen the IDF, changing the structure; it developed its own military doctrine along with new training and combat methods. New weapons were acquired and top priority was given to the Air Force and the Armored Corps.

Rabin devoted his first three years as chief of staff to preparing the IDF for all possible contingencies. The Arab states strongly opposed the National Water Carrier Project, a pipeline bringing water from the Sea of Galilee to southern Israel. Syria tried to divert the Jordan River tributaries, but failed because of IDF counter-operations under Rabin’s command. [5]

Under his command, the IDF achieved an overwhelming victory over Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the Six-Day War in 1967. After the Old City of Jerusalem was captured by the IDF, Rabin was among the first to visit, delivering a famous speech on the top of Mount Scopus at Hebrew University. During the buildup to the war Rabin had suffered a nervous breakdown, caused by mounting pressure over his inability to prevent the war, and was incapacitated for 48 hours. His incapacitation was not disclosed to the public, and he resumed full command over the IDF.

File:Generals Rabin Dayan Narkis Jerusalem 1967.jpg
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan (center), flanked by Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Yitzhak Rabin (right) and Major General Uzi Narkiss (left), enter Old Jerusalem in 1967

The Six-Day War

Tension in the Middle East had been rising steadily since the beginning of the 1960s. Israeli-Syrian border incidents erupted often, initiated by both sides. At the beginning of 1967, clashes increased on the northern border. In one, the Israeli Air Force shot down six Syrian jet fighters that invaded Israel’s air space. Shortly afterwards, the Soviet Union gave the Arabs disinformation about Israeli troop formations along the northern border. This implied that Israel intended to launch an all-out attack on Syria. Damascus turned to Egyptian President, Gamal Abdel Nasser and urged him to start a war with Israel.

In May 1967, President Nasser escalated the tension by massing troops in the Sinai, which contravened the 1957 agreements. He expelled the United Nations forces that since 1957 had been based in Sinai as a buffer between the Egyptian and Israeli armies. Nasser stepped up his war rhetoric, promising to conquer Tel Aviv. Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq signed mutual defense treaties, and Israel again stood alone as the danger of another full-scale Arab attack mounted.

Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin recommended that the government order a preemptive strike. But the government was still trying to garner international support before resorting to force, especially since the United States had promised to guarantee the freedom of navigation in the Strait of Tiran.

Prime Minister Levi Eshkol was deemed unsuitable to lead in this national emergency. Under public pressure a national unity government was formed with Moshe Dayan as minister of defense. The new government decided to accept Rabin’s advice and attack.

On June 5, 1967, virtually all the Air Force’s combat planes took to the air in a massive assault on Arab air forces. Taken by surprise, most of their planes were caught on the ground and destroyed. With total air superiority, the armored and infantry forces had a clear road to invade the Sinai. The Egyptian army was defeated within days and pulled back to the Suez Canal.

The Jordanian army, despite pleas from Israel not to get involved, opened fire in the Jerusalem area, opening another front. Within two days, IDF paratroopers stormed and conquered East Jerusalem, reaching the Western Wall in the Old City. Most of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) was invaded and occupied. With the war with Egypt and Jordan settled, the IDF attacked the Syrians on the Golan Heights, removing their threat to the northern Jordan Valley.

In six days, the IDF had fought on three fronts and defeated the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan that had been considered a formidable threat. This achievement, considered one of the greatest in world military history, was reached under the command of Yitzhak Rabin as chief of staff.

The State of Israel had also been transformed. Its territory had more than tripled in size, and it had demonstrated invincible military supremacy over the Arab states. Most of historical Eretz Israel (Land of Israel), including a reunited Jerusalem, had come under Israeli rule. A new stage began in Israel’s political and diplomatic life. The bitter dispute over the country’s borders, which seemed to have ended with the conclusion of the War of Independence, was now reopened.

After the war, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem conferred an honorary doctorate on Major-General Yitzhak Rabin. [6]

Ambassador to the United States, Minister in Knesset

Yitzhak Rabin left the IDF at the beginning of 1968, after 27 years of service. He was appointed as Ambassador to the United States of America, a post he held for five years. Cold War rivalry was at its height and Rabin considered Israel’s relationship with the United States of supreme importance to balance strong Soviet Union support for the Arab countries. The two main topics that pre-occupied him during his tenure as ambassador were fostering solid U.S.-Israeli ties, and opening a peace process with Arab states.

During this time U.S. aid to Israel increased dramatically as Washington became Israel’s major supplier of arms and military equipment. Diplomatically, Washington deepened its perception of Israel as its most important and trustworthy ally in the Middle East. [7]

When he returned from Washington in 1973, Yitzhak Rabin joined the Labor Party. In the election he won a place as number 20 on Labor’s list for the Eighth Knesset. The Yom Kippur War broke out in October 1973 with a surprise attack launched jointly by Egypt and Syria.

Rabin did not serve in any official capacity during the war, which produced a vast rupture within Israeli society: all at once, the unflinching faith in the IDF’s ability to vanquish any and every enemy was shattered. As a result, the realization began to set in among the public that the solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict was to be found in the diplomatic arena, and not necessarily in the military arena.

After the war, the Labor Party won new elections and Rabin was appointed minister of labor in Prime Minister Golda Meir’s government. The Agranat Commission Report, and civil protests that spread across the country over Israel’s lack of military preparedness for the Yom Kippur War, forced the resignation of Golda Meir. Rabin was elected as head of the Labor Party, and went on to become prime minister.

First term as Prime Minister, 1974 - 1977

On June 2, 1974, Yitzhak Rabin was elected Party leader and succeeded Golda Meir as Prime Minister of Israel.

During this first term as prime minister, Rabin conducted stubborn and exhausting negotiations over post-war interim agreements with Egypt and Syria. These talks were mediated by U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger in his famous shuttle diplomacy.

The interim agreement with Egypt was the forerunner of the Middle East peace process that eventually led to the Camp David Accords. While seeking peace with the Arab states, Rabin continued to employ an iron-fisted policy against the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which, in those years, operated as an international terrorist organization that did not hesitate to attack civilians.

Rabin believed in never negotiating with terrorists, especially in hostage situations. However, he had no problem negotiating with an accepted national leader like King Hussein of Jordan, with whom he eventually formed a deep friendship. Rabin accepted territorial compromise on the West Bank in exchange for peace.

Israel’s refusal to capitulate to terrorism was dramatically demonstrated in the world-famed Entebbe Operation when the IDF’s long arm reached deep into Uganda to rescue hostages hijacked by the PLO.

Rabin resigned from office after two crises hit him: the arrival of four F-15 jets on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) led to the breaking up of his coalition; and the exposure of a US Dollar bank account held by his wife Leah Rabin, an act forbidden at that time by Israeli currency regulators. Rabin took responsibility for his wife's account and resigned from office. He was later hailed by many commentators for his resignation, who said this signified his character of integrity and responsibility.

From 1977 to 1984, Yitzhak Rabin was in the background, serving as a regular Knesset member. During this period he devoted a great deal of time to his family, and to writing essays on current affairs, politics and strategy. [8]

Minister of Defense

Following his resignation, Likud's Menachem Begin was elected in 1977. Until 1984 Rabin was a member of Knesset and a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. These were difficult years for Yitzhak Rabin.

During the years 1984 to 1990 Rabin was a Minister of Defense in several unity governments under prime ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Shimon Peres. During these years the image of Rabin as "Mister Security" (Mar Bitachon) was strengthened on and beyond the Six Day War and Entebbe Operation.

When he came into office Israeli troops were still stationed deep in Lebanon since the Lebanon War. Rabin had the Israeli troops withdraw to a "Security Zone" on the Lebanese side of the Israeli border. In this area (and little beyond) the South Lebanon Army was active along with the Israeli forces. The withdrawal and "Security Zone" proved initially successful.

When the first Intifada broke out he first enacted harsh measures to break the riots. He was quoted as saying 'We should break their arms and legs', probably referring to Palestinian rioters. While the intifada continued Rabin's attitude softened and he became more convinced that the solution to the violence should be found around the negotiation table.

From 1990 to 1992 he was an MP and member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee again. This time he used the opposition years to battle for the leadership of his party that Shimon Peres held since 1977.

When King Hussein unexpectedly announced that Jordan was relinquishing its sovereignty over the West Bank (Israeli-occupied since the Six-Day War), Rabin realized that only the Palestinians could be the real partners in any settlement. He began to look for credible channels of communication with them.

After the elections of 1988, a second national unity government was formed, and Rabin continued as minister of defense. In early 1989 he presented his plan for negotiations with the Palestinians, which became in time the foundation for the Madrid International Peace Conference and the start of the peace process. The main thrust of the plan was to foster a credible local Palestinian leadership separate from the PLO by calling for elections in the territories. Palestinians continued to regard the PLO as their sole legitimate representative. Following an attempt by the Labor Party to topple the government in 1990, the national unity government collapsed. The Labor Party, including Rabin, returned to the opposition benches. [9]

Prime Minister 1992-1995

Second term as Prime Minister

Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat during the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993

In 1992 Rabin was elected as chairman of the Israeli Labor Party. In the elections that same year his party, strongly focusing on the popularity of its leader, won a clear victory over the Likud of incumbent Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.

Rabin played a leading role in the signing of the Oslo Accords, which created the Palestinian Authority and granted it partial control over parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Prior to the signing of the accords, Rabin received a letter from PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat renouncing violence and officially recognizing Israel, and on the same day Rabin sent Arafat a letter officially recognizing the PLO on September 9, 1993. (See: Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition.) During this term of office, Rabin also oversaw the signing of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace (1994).

For his role in the creation of the Oslo Accords, Rabin was awarded the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres. The Accords greatly polarized his image in Israeli society, some seeing him as a hero for advancing the cause of peace and some seeing him as a traitor for giving away land they saw as rightfully belonging to Israel. Also, Rabin's government was kept in office with the tacit support of Arab-Israeli parties in the Knesset.

Assassination and aftermath

The monument at the site of the assassination: Ibn Gevirol Street between the Tel Aviv City Hall and Gan Ha'ir (in the back)
Yitzhak and Leah Rabin's grave on Mount Herzl

On November 4, 1995, Rabin was assassinated by Yigal Amir, a right-wing radical who had strenuously opposed Rabin's signing of the Oslo Accords, after attending a rally promoting the Oslo process at Tel Aviv's Kings of Israel Square (which was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square after his death). Rabin died of massive blood loss and a punctured lung on the operating table at the nearby Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was a shock for most of the Israeli public, which held rallies and memorials near the place of the assassination, his home, the Knesset and the home of the assassin. Rabin's funeral was attended by many world leaders, among them U.S. president Bill Clinton, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and King Hussein of Jordan.

At his funeral, King Hussein spoke thus: "He was a man of courage, a man of vision, and he was endowed with one of the greatest virtues that any man can have. He was endowed with humility. He felt with those around him, and in a position of responsibility, he placed himself, as I do and have done, often, in the place of the other partner to achieve a worthy goal. And we achieved peace, an honorable peace and a lasting peace. He had courage, he had vision, and he had a commitment to peace, and standing here, I commit before you, before my people in Jordan, before the world, myself to continue with our utmost, to ensure that we leave a similar legacy. And when my time comes, I hope it will be like my grandfather's and like Yitzhak Rabin's." [10]

A national memorial day for Rabin is set on his death date, and the square in which he was assassinated was named after him, as well as many streets and public institutions.

Today, Rabin is remembered by most as Israel's great man of peace, despite his military career. After his untimely death, Rabin was turned into a national symbol, especially for the Israeli left. There is some disagreement on the relation between his untimely death and the ensuing halt to the peace process and rise of the Israeli Right.

See also

Further reading

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Horovitz, David, "Yitzhak Rabin Soldier of Peace". London, England: Peter Halban Publishers, 1996. ISBN 1870015622

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Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces
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Golda Meir
Leader of the Labor Party
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Shimon Peres
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Golda Meir
Prime Minister of Israel
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Menachem Begin
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Moshe Arens
Defense Minister of Israel
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Yitzhak Shamir
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Yitzhak Shamir
Prime Minister of Israel
Succeeded by:
Shimon Peres
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Moshe Arens
Defense Minister of Israel
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Shimon Peres
Preceded by:
Shimon Peres
Leader of the Labor Party
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Shimon Peres

ar:إسحاق رابين bs:Jitzhak Rabin bg:Ицхак Рабин ca:Isaac Rabin da:Yitzhak Rabin de:Jitzchak Rabin es:Isaac Rabin eo:Jicĥak Rabin eu:Isaak Rabin fr:Yitzhak Rabin gl:Yitzhak Rabin hr:Yitzhak Rabin io:Ichak Rabin id:Yitzhak Rabin os:Рабин, Ицхак it:Yitzhak Rabin he:יצחק רבין lt:Ichakas Rabinas nl:Yitzhak Rabin ja:イツハク・ラビン no:Yitzhak Rabin pl:Icchak Rabin pt:Yitzhak Rabin ru:Рабин, Ицхак simple:Yitzhak Rabin sl:Jicak Rabin sr:Јицак Рабин fi:Jitzhak Rabin sv:Yitzhak Rabin tl:Yiẕẖaq Rabin vi:Yitzhak Rabin zh:伊扎克·拉宾


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