
From New World Encyclopedia
Azərbaycan Respublikası
Republic of Azerbaijan
Flag of Azerbaijan Coat of arms of Azerbaijan
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: none
Anthem: Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət Himni
(March of Azerbaijan)
Location of Azerbaijan
Capital File:Gerb Baku.GIF Baku
40°22′N 49°53′E
Largest city capital
Official languages Azerbaijani
Government Republic
 - President Ilham Aliyev
 - Prime Minister Artur Rasizade
Independence from the Soviet Union 
 - Declared August 30 1991 
 - Completed December 25 1991 
 - Total 86,600 km² (114th)
33,436 sq mi 
 - Water (%) negligible
 - 2005 estimate 8,411,000
 - 1999 census 7,953,438
 - Density 97/km²
251/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate
 - Total $38.71 billion
 - Per capita $4,601
HDI  (2003) 0.729 (medium)
Currency Manat (AZN)
Internet TLD .az
Calling code +994

Azerbaijan [ɑ:zɚbai'ʤɑ:n] (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan), officially the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Respublikası), is situated in the Caucasus region of Eurasia, north of Iran and east of the Caspian Sea..

Azerbaijan is the location of human and pre-human habitation dating back two million years. The site of numerous invasions over the centuries, the territory was briefly independent from 1918 to 1920, and regained its independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Azerbaijan was an early source of oil, discovered there in 1873, and became famous for its wealthy oil reserves in Baku.

Scientists consider the Apsheron Peninsula (including Baku and Sumqayit) and the Caspian Sea to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world because of severe air, soil, and water pollution.

Azerbaijan in 2007 had yet to resolve its conflict with Armenia over the Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.


Detailed map of Azerbaijan

There are two theories for the etymology of the name "Azerbaijan." In one theory, since the word “azer” means "fire,” the name could mean "land of fire," referring to the natural burning of surface oil deposits, or to the oil-fueled fires in temples of the Zoroastrian religion. In the second theory, “Atropaten” is an ancient name of the region, named after Atropat, who was a governor of Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C.E.).

Three physical features dominate Azerbaijan: the Caspian Sea, whose shoreline forms a natural boundary to the east; the Greater Caucasus mountain range to the north; and the extensive flatlands at the country's center.

About the size of Portugal or the state of Maine in the United States, Azerbaijan has a total land area of approximately 33,436 square miles (86,600 square kilometers, less than one percent of the land area of the former Soviet Union. Of the three Transcaucasian states, Azerbaijan has the greatest land area.

Special administrative subdivisions are the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, which is separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by a strip of Armenian territory, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, entirely within Azerbaijan. (The status of Nagorno-Karabakh was under negotiation in 1994.)

The Caspian Sea, viewed from Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Located in the region of the southern Caucasus Mountains, Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea to the east, Georgia and Russia to the north, Iran to the south, and Armenia to the southwest and west. A small part of Nakhichevan also borders Turkey to the northwest.

The elevation changes over a relatively short distance from lowlands to highlands; nearly half the country is considered mountainous. Notable physical features are the gently undulating hills of the subtropical south-eastern coast, which are covered with tea plantations, orange groves, and lemon groves; numerous mud volcanoes and mineral springs in the ravines of Kobustan Mountain near Baku; and coastal terrain that lies as much as 92 feet (28 meters) below sea level.

Except for its eastern Caspian shoreline and some areas bordering Georgia and Iran, Azerbaijan is ringed by mountains. To the northeast, bordering Russia's Dagestan Autonomous Republic, is the Greater Caucasus range; to the west, bordering Armenia, is the Lesser Caucasus range. To the extreme southeast, the Talysh Mountains form part of the border with Iran. The highest elevations occur in the Greater Caucasus, where Mount Bazar-dyuzi rises 14,714 feet (4485 meters) above sea level.

Eight large rivers flow down from the Caucasus ranges into the central Kura-Aras lowlands, alluvial flatlands and low delta areas along the sea coast designated by the Azerbaijani name for the Mtkvari River and its main tributary, the Aras. The Mtkvari, the longest river in the Caucasus region, forms the delta and drains into the Caspian a short distance downstream from the confluence with the Aras. The Mingechaur Reservoir, with an area of 234 square miles (605 square kilometres) that makes it the largest body of water in Azerbaijan, was formed by damming the Kura in western Azerbaijan. The waters of the reservoir provide hydroelectric power and irrigation of the KuraAras plain. Most of the country's rivers are not navigable. About 15 percent of the land in Azerbaijan is arable.

The Nabran Forest has some of the oldest trees in the world the avarage age is 500 years.

Azerbaijan contains nine of the 11 climatic zones. It is arid, dry, and subtropical with hot summers and mild winters. Temperatures vary by season and area. In the southeast lowland, temperatures average 43°Fahrenheit (6°Celsius) in the winter and 80°F (26°C) in the summer — though daily maxima typically reach 89°F (32°C). In the northern and western mountain ranges, temperatures average 55°F (12°C) in the summer and 20°F (–9°C) in the winter.

Annual rainfall over most of the country varies from eight to 16 inches (200 to 400 millimeters) and is generally lowest in the northeast. In the far southeast, however, the climate is much moister and annual rainfall can be as high as 51 inches (1300mm). For most of the country, the wettest periods are in spring and autumn, with summers being the driest. Droughts are a natural hazard.

Azerbaijan has a very rich flora, more than 4500 species of higher plants have been registered in the country. Due the unique climate in Azerbaijan, the flora is much richer in the number of species than the flora of the other republics of the South Caucasus. About 67 percent of the species growing in the whole Caucasus can be found in Azerbaijan.

Relict genera of the tertiary period can be frequently found in all the zones of Azerbaijan, especially in Lenkeran (Talysh regions). They are the iron tree (Parrotia persica), the Lenkoran acacia (Albizzia julibrissin), the basket oak (Quercus castaneifolia), the Caucasian persimmon (Diospyrus lotus), the evergreen shrub of Ruscus hyrcana, the box tree (Buxus hyrcana), etc. There are 240 endemic species of plants in Azerbaijan.

Downtown Baku

Local scientists consider the Abseron Yasaqligi (Apsheron Peninsula) (including Baku and Sumqayit) and the Caspian Sea to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world because of severe air, soil, and water pollution; soil pollution results from oil spills, from the use of DDT as a pesticide, and from toxic defoliants used in the production of cotton

The capital of Azerbaijan is the ancient city of Baku, which has the largest and best harbor on the Caspian Sea and has long been the center of the republic's oil industry. Modern Baku consists of three parts: the Old Town (İçəri Şəhər), the boomtown and the Soviet-built town. The population of Baku in 2003 was 2,074,300.


Gold clothing appliqué, showing two Scythian archers, 400-350 B.C.E. British Museum.

The cave of Azykh in the territory of the Fizuli district in the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered to be the site of one of the most ancient proto-human habitations in Eurasia. Remnants of the pre-Acheulean culture, a Stone Age culture dating back two million years, were found in the lowest layers of the Azykh cave. This nomadic hunter-gatherer Paleolithic (Homo Sapiens) period two million years ago in what is now Azerbaijan is represented by finds at Aveidag, Taglar, Damjily, Yatagery, Dash Salakhly and some other sites.

Carved drawings etched on rocks in Qobustan, south of Baku, demonstrate scenes of hunting, fishing, labor and dancing, and are dated to the Mesolithic period (20,000 B.C.E. to 12,150 B.C.E.). Many Neolithic (c. 6000 B.C.E. to 4000 B.C.E.). settlements have been discovered in Azerbaijan, and carbon-dated artifacts show that during this period, people built homes, made copper weapons, and were familiar with irrigated agriculture.

The influence of ancient peoples and civilizations including the Sumerians and Elamites came to a crossroads in the territory of Azerbaijan, and their ancient and distinct cultures still symbolize parts of Azerbaijan's modern character. A variety of Caucasian peoples appear to be the earliest inhabitants of the South Caucasus with the notable Caucasian Albanians being their most prominently known representative.

In the eighth century B.C.E., the semi-nomadic Cimmerians and Scythians settled in the territory of kingdom of Mannai. The Assyrians also had a civilization that flourished to the west of Lake Urmia in the centuries prior to creation of Media and Albania.

Ancient countries of Caucasus: Armenia, Iberia, Colchis and Albania.

Caucasian Albanians are believed to be the earliest inhabitants of Azerbaijan. Early invaders included the Scythians in the ninth century B.C.E. The South Caucasus was eventually conquered by the Achaemenids around 550 B.C.E. During this period, Zoroastrianism spread in Azerbaijan. The Achaemenids in turn were defeated by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C.E. Following the decline of the Seleucids in Persia in 247 B.C.E., an Armenian Kingdom exercised control over parts of Azerbaijan between 190 B.C.E. to 428 C.E.

The satrapies of Atropatene and Caucasian Albania were established in the fourth century B.C.E., and included the approximate territories of the present-day Azerbaijan nation-state and southern parts of Dagestan. Caucasian Albanians established a kingdom in the first century B.C.E. and largely remained independent until the Sassanids made the kingdom a vassal state in 252 C.E. Caucasian Albania's ruler, King Urnayr, officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the fourth century C.E., and Albania would remain a Christian state until the eighth century. Sassanid control ended with their defeat by Muslim Arabs in 642 C.E.

Median Empire.
Achaemenid empire at its greatest extent.

Islam spread rapidly in Azerbaijan following the Arab conquests during the seventh and eighth centuries. After the power of the Arab Khalifate waned, several semi-independent states have been formed, the Shirvanshah kingdom being one of them. In the eleventh century, the conquering Seljuk Turks became the dominant force in Azerbaijan and laid the ethnic foundation of contemporary Azerbaijanis. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the country experienced Mongol-Tatar invasions.

The first state with the name "Azerbaijan" was proclaimed in July 1501, when Shah Ismail Safavi, the founder of Turkic-speaking Safavid Dynasty, crowned himself as the Shah of Azerbaijan. A year later, Azerbaijan became part of the larger Safavid state of Persia.

Azerbaijan underwent a brief period of feudal fragmentation in the mid-eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries, and consisted of independent khanates. Following the two wars between Qajar Iranian Empire, as well as the Ganja, Guba, Baku and other independent khanates, and the Russian Empire, Azerbaijan was acquired by Russia through the Treaty of Gulistan in 1813, and the Treaty of Turkmenchay in 1828, and several earlier treaties between the Russian tsar and the khans concluded in the first decade of the nineteenth century.

In 1873, oil ("black gold") was discovered in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan's future capital. By the beginning of the twentieth century almost half of the oil reserves in the world had been extracted in Baku.

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A stone with inscriptions in the ancient Albanian language, found in the city of Mingachevir, Azerbaijan.

After the collapse of the Russian Empire during World War I, Azerbaijan together with Armenia and Georgia became part of the short-lived Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. When the republic dissolved in May 1918, Azerbaijan declared independence as the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The ADR was the first parliamentary Muslim republic in the world and lasted only two years, from 1918 to 1920, before the Soviet Red Army invaded Azerbaijan. In March 1922, Azerbaijan, along with Armenia and Georgia, became part of the Transcaucasian SFSR within the newly-formed Soviet Union. In 1936, the TSFSR was dissolved and Azerbaijan became constituent republic of the USSR as the Azerbaijan SSR.

During World War II, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The primary objective of Adolf Hitler's Operation Edelweiss offensive was to capture Azerbaijan's oil-rich capital of Baku. For the war effort, Soviet oil workers were obliged to work non-stop and citizens were to dig entrenchments and antitank obstacles into order to block a possible enemy invasion. However, Operation Edelweiss was unsuccessful. The German army was at first stalled in the mountains of Caucasus, then decisively defeated at the Battle of Stalingrad.

In 1990, Azeris gathered to protest Soviet rule and push for independence. The demonstrations were brutally suppressed by Soviet intervention in what Azeris today refer to as Black January. In 1991, however, Azerbaijan re-established its independence upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, the early years of its independence were overshadowed by a war with Armenia and separatist Armenians over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite a cease-fire in place since 1994, Azerbaijan has yet to resolve its conflict with Armenia over the predominantly ethnic Armenian territory. Since the end of the war, Azerbaijan lost control of about 16 percent of its territory including Nagorno-Karabakh itself. As a result of the conflict, both countries faced problems with refugees and internally displaced persons as well as economic hardships.

However, former Soviet Azeri leader Heydar Aliyev changed this pattern in Azerbaijan and sought to exploit its wealthy oil reserves in Baku, something that Azerbaijan has become famous for. Aliyev also cleaned up gambling and was able to cut down the country's unemployment rate substantially. He also sought closer relations with Turkey while simultaneously making efforts to resolve the Karabakh conflict peacefully with Armenia. Aliyev’s son Ilham became president in October, 2003.

Government and politics

Azerbaijan is a presidential republic. The president is elected by popular vote to a five-year term, and is eligible for a second term. An election was last held in October 2003, and the next will be held in October 2008. The prime minister and first deputy prime ministers are appointed by the president and confirmed by the National Assembly. Council of Ministers, or cabinet, is appointed by the president and confirmed by the National Assembly.

Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan.

Members are elected to the 125-seat unicameral National Assembly, or Milli Mejlis, by popular vote to serve five-year terms. Elections were last held in November, 2005. Azerbaijan has universal suffrage above the age of 18.

The judicial branch is headed by a Constitutional Court, which is a high court whose main role is to rule on whether or not challenged laws are in fact unconstitutional, and conflicting with constitutionally established rights and freedoms. The judiciary is only nominally independent. The Supreme Court supervises the lower courts and applies the law as established by the constitution. In 2005, there was some some uncertainty as the system was in transition. Although citizens' rights are guaranteed by the constitution, people have little faith that they will receive a fair trial or honest treatment unless they belong to the right circles.

When Azerbaijan declared its independence from the former Soviet Union on August 30, 1991, Ayaz Mutalibov, the former First Secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist Party, became the country's first President.

Following a massacre of Azerbaijanis at Khojali in Nagorno-Karabakh in March 1992, Mutalibov resigned, to be returned to power in May 1992. But less than a week later his efforts to suspend scheduled presidential elections and ban all political activity prompted the opposition Popular Front Party (PFP) to organize a resistance movement and take power. The PFP dissolved the predominantly Communist Supreme Soviet and transferred its functions to the 50-member upper house of the legislature, the National Council.

Elections in June 1992 resulted in the selection of PFP leader Abülfaz Elçibay as the country's second president. The PFP-dominated government, however, proved incapable of managing the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, or managing the economy. Many PFP officials came to be perceived as corrupt and incompetent. Growing discontent culminated in June 1993 in an armed insurrection in Ganja, Azerbaijan's second-largest city. President Elçibəy fled to his native province of Nakhchivan. He died in 2000.

The National Council conferred presidential powers upon its new Speaker, Heydar Aliyev, former First Secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist Party (1969-81) and later a member of the U.S.S.R. Politburo, the KGB, and USSR Deputy Prime Minister (until 1987). Elçibəy was formally deposed by a national referendum in August 1993, and Aliyev was elected to a five-year term as President in October with only token opposition. Aliyev won re-election to another five-year term in 1998, in an election marred by serious irregularities.

Azerbaijan's first Parliament was elected in 1995. The present 125-member unicameral Parliament was elected in November 2000 in an election that showed improvements in democratic processes, but still did not meet international standards as free and fair. A majority of parliamentarians are from the President's "New Azerbaijan Party." Opposition parties are represented in Parliament, but are suppressed and are not totally free to campaign before elections.

Azerbaijan has a strong presidential system in which the legislative and judicial branches have only limited independence. The president is an absolute ruler. Demonstrations are often suppressed with violence, there are reports of torture and a strong censorship enables a personality cult.

The Speaker of Parliament stood next in line to the president, but the constitution was changed at the end of 2002, to make it possible for the son of the 80-year old Heydar, İlham Aliyev to succeed his father, who was admitted to a Turkish hospital on July 8, 2003 because of heart problems. In August, 2003, İlham was appointed as premier, though Artur Rasizade, who had been prime minister since 1996, continued to fulfill the duties of that office so that İlham could concentrate on his presidential election bid.

In the 2003 presidential elections, İlham was announced winner while international observers reported several irregularities. He was sworn in as president at the end of the month, and Rasizade became premier again.

A map of Azerbaijan showing the location of its cities and regions.

Azerbaijan is divided into 59 “rayons”, 11 cities, and one autonomous republic, Nakhichevan. Nakhichevan itself is subdivided into seven rayons and one city. The city of Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan is a secular state, and has been a member of the Council of Europe since 2001, EU's European Neighborhood Policy partner since 2006, NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) member since 1994, NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) since 2004 and Commonwealth of Independent States's member since 1991. The nation was elected to the newly established Human Rights Council of the United Nations in 2006.

The Azerbaijan Armed Forces consists of four military branches: the army, navy, air force, air defense forces and two independent branches the Coast Guard and Border Guard. A further independent branch, the Interior Guard, would be used for emergencies.

Despite Azerbaijan being a member of human rights bodies, several independent bodies, such as the Human Rights Watch, have deemed human rights there to be subpar at best. Democratic and personal freedoms have been diminished by the government, wary of revolutions in Central Asia spreading to home turf.

Elections there have widely been contested as fraudulent and seriously flawed. Until June 2005, the Azerbaijani people did not enjoy freedom of assembly. Torture, police abuse, and excessive use of force are rife. Defendants are often subjected to severe beating to try to coerce a confession, although electric shock, threats of rape, and threats against members of the defendant's family are also used as torture.

International pressure has been exerted on Azerbaijan to release its number of political prisoners. Since joining the Council of Europe, the Azerbaijani government has released one hundred political prisoners, but many remain in custody, and opposition supporters continue to be detained without proof of wrongdoing.

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (an exclave of Azerbaijan) borders Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, and Turkey to the northwest. The Nagorno-Karabakh region in the southwest of Azerbaijan proper declared itself independent from Azerbaijan in 1991, but it is not recognized by any nation and considered a legal part of Azerbaijan.

Despite a 1994 cease-fire, Azerbaijan in 2007 had yet to resolve its conflict with Armenia over the Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh enclave (largely Armenian populated). Azerbaijan has lost 16 percent of its territory and must support some 528,000 internally displaced persons as a result of the conflict. Corruption is ubiquitous, and the promise of widespread wealth from Azerbaijan's undeveloped petroleum resources remains largely unfulfilled.


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The National Bank of Azerbaijan in Baku.

Azerbaijan's number one export is oil. Azerbaijan's oil production declined through 1997, but has registered an increase every year since. Negotiation of production-sharing arrangements (PSAs) with foreign firms, which have thus far committed $60-billion to long-term oilfield development, should generate the funds needed to spur future industrial development. Oil production under the first of these PSAs, with the Azerbaijan International Operating Company, began in November 1997. A consortium of Western oil companies began pumping 1 million barrels a day from a large offshore field in early 2006, through a $4 billion pipeline it built from Baku to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. Economists estimate that by 2010 revenues from this project will double the country's GDP, which was $38.71-billion in 2005.

Industries also include machine manufacture, other mining, petroleum refining, textile production, and chemical processing. Agriculture accounts for one-third of Azerbaijan’s economy. Most of the nation’s farms are irrigated. In the lowlands, farmers grow cotton, fruit, grain, tea, tobacco, and many types of vegetables. Silkworms are raised for the production of natural silk for the clothing industry. Azerbaijan’s herders raise cattle, domestic sheep and goats near the mountain ranges. Seafood, including caviar and fish are obtained from the nearby Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan shares all the formidable problems of the former Soviet republics in making the transition from a command to a market economy, but its considerable energy resources brighten its long-term prospects. Baku has only recently begun making progress on economic reform, and old economic ties and structures are slowly being replaced. Several other obstacles impede Azerbaijan's economic progress: the need for stepped up foreign investment in the non-energy sector, the continuing conflict with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, and the pervasive corruption. Trade with Russia and the other former Soviet republics is declining in importance while trade is building with Turkey and the nations of Europe. Long-term prospects will depend on world oil prices, the location of new pipelines in the region, and Azerbaijan's ability to manage its oil wealth.

In the Soviet period, there was no private land. As the country changed to a market economy, laws for private land ownership were introduced. Subsequently, houses and apartments may be privately owned.

Exports totalled $12.51-billion in 2006. Export commodities comprised oil and gas (which together constituted 90 percent), machinery, cotton, and foodstuffs. Export partners were Italy 30.3 percent, France 9.4 percent, Russia 6.6 percent, Turkey 6.3 percent, Turkmenistan 6.3 percent, Georgia 4.8 percent, Israel 4.5 percent, and Croatia 4.1 percent.

Imports totalled $5.176-billion in 2006. Import commodities comprised machinery and equipment, oil products, foodstuffs, metals, and chemicals. Import partners were Russia 17 percent, UK 9.1 percent, Singapore 9.1 percent, Turkey 7.4 percent, Germany 6.1 percent, Turkmenistan 5.8 percent, Ukraine 5.4 percent, and China 4.1 percent.

Per capital GDP was $4,601 in 2005, ranked 106th on a list of 181 countries


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A Khinalug and his child from the ancient Caucasian village of Xınalıq, Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan had population of 8.5 million in 2005, 90.6 percent of whom are ethnic Azerbaijani (also called Azeris). Life expectancy for the total population was 63.85 years in 2006 —59.78 years for males, and 68.13 years for females.


The second largest ethnic group are Russians, who in 2006 formed roughly 1.8 percent of the population, most having emigrated since independence. Numerous Dagestani peoples live around the border with Dagestan. The main peoples are the Lezgis, Caucasian Avars and the Tsakhurs. Smaller groups include the Budukh, Udis, Kryts and Khinalug/Ketsh around the village of Xinalıq.

Azerbaijan also contains numerous smaller groups of Georgians, Kurds, Talysh, Tatars and Ukrainians. Around the town of Quba in the north live the Tats, also known as the Mountain Jews, who are also to be found in Dagestan. Many Tats have emigrated to Israel in years, though this trend has slowed and even reversed. The country’s large Armenian population mostly emigrated to Armenia and to other countries with the beginning of the Armenian-Azeri conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. During the same period, Azerbaijan also received a large influx of Azerbaijanis fleeing Armenia and later Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent provinces occupied by the Armenians. Virtually all of Azerbaijan’s Armenians now live in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region.


A Mosque in Baku.

Azerbaijan is a secular country, in article 48 of its constitution ensures the liberty of worship to everyone. Azerbaijan is 93.4 percent Muslim and most Azerbaijanis are Twelver Shia Muslim. They represent about 60 percent of the Muslim population. Other religions or beliefs are Sunni Islam, the Armenian Apostolic Church (in Nagorno-Karabakh), the Russian Orthodox Church, and various other Christian and Muslim sects. Mountain Jews in Quba, as well as several thousand Ashkenazim Jews in Baku, follow Judaism. Adherence to religious dogmas is nominal for the majority of the population and attitudes are secular. Traditionally, villages around Baku and the Lenkoran region are considered stronghold of Shi‘ism, and in some northern regions populated by Sunni Dagestani people, the Salafi sect has gained a following. Folk Islam is widely practiced, but an organized Sufi movement is absent.

Zoroastrianism in Azerbaijan goes back to the first millennium B.C.E., and for at least a thousand years remained the predominant religion in Azerbaijan. Today the religion, culture and traditions of Zoroastrianism remains highly respected in Azerbaijan, and Novruz continues to be the main holiday in the country. Zoroastrianism has left a deep history mark in the history of Azerbaijan. Traces of the religion are still visible in Ramana, Khinalyg, and Yanar Dag.


The official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, a member of the Oghuz subdivision of the Turkic language family, and is spoken by around 95 percent of the republic's population, as well as about a quarter of the population of Iran. Its closest relatives are Turkish and Turkmen. As a result of the language policy of the Soviet Union, Russian is also commonly spoken as a second language among the urbane. Two percent speak Armenian, and six percent speak other languages

Marriage and the family

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The fire of the Yanar Dag.

Men are the breadwinners, although there are no restrictions on women's participation in work and in public life. Women are most respected for their role as mothers, and women in rural areas usually control domestic and ritual life.

Marriages are increasingly arranged according the partners' wishes. Economic security is a concern for women. As well as a civil marriage ceremony, some couples marry according to Islamic law.

The domestic unit is either a nuclear family, or two generations in one household, tending to include the husbands parents. In urban areas, newlyweds live with the man's parents. The head of the household is the oldest man in the family. In rural areas, an extended family may live in one compound or house shared by the sons' families and their parents. Women engage in food preparation, child rearing, carpet weaving, and other tasks within the compound, while men take care of the animals and do the hard physical work. Children inherit equally, although males may inherit the family house if they live with their parents.

Women seldom smoke in public. Bodily contact between the same sexes is usual while talking or walking arm in arm. Men usually greet each other by shaking hands and also by hugging if they have not seen each other for a while. Children of all ages are expected to be obedient, but boys' misbehavior is tolerated more. Girls are encouraged to help their mothers, stay calm, and have good manners.


The education system reflects its Soviet past, but was reformed in the early 1990s. Statistics for 1998–1999 show there were 691,259 pupils attending primary schools, 1,020,131 pupils attending secondary school, 30,400 students receiving vocational and teacher training, and 170,678 students receiving higher education.

Higher education has been important for Azeris. Having higher education makes both boys and girls more attractive as prospective marriage partners. Parents go to great lengths to pay fees for higher education. Institutes of higher education include the Baku State University, and the Azerbaijan Technical University.

Of the total population, 98.8 percent aged 15 and over can read and write – for males 99.5 percent, and for females 98.2 percent.


Under Soviet rule, the urban merchant class and industrial bourgeoisie lost their wealth. An urban-rural divide is the most significant social stratification, although educational opportunities and principles of equality of the Soviet period altered this. Russians, Jews, and Armenians were urban white-collar workers. For Azerbaijanis, education and family background remain vital to social status. Higher government positions brought political power and wealth during the Soviet era. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, wealth became a more important criterion for respect and power. Refugees and displaced persons with a rural background are considered the underclass.


Azeri musicians

The culture of Azerbaijan has developed as a result of many influences, including its Turkic peoples, Persian, Islamic, and Central Asian heritage as well as Russian influences due to its former status as a Soviet republic. Today, Western influences, including globalized consumer culture, are strong.


Traditionally, urban dwellers lived in quarters that developed along ethnic lines. Modern Azerbaijan adopted the plain and anonymous Soviet style of architecture. Baku has a Maiden Tower and an old town with narrow streets as well as a mixture of European styles that date back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Soviet-era governmental buildings are large and solid with no ornamentation.


In rural areas, flat white bread is baked. Kufte bozbash (meat and potatoes in a thin sauce) is popular, as is filled pepper and grape leaves and soups. Green coriander, parsley, dill, and spring onions, are served during meals both as a garnish and as salad. Borsch soup and other Russian dishes are part of the cuisine. Restaurants offer varieties of kebabs and, in Baku, an increasingly international cuisine.

Pulov (steamed rice) with apricots and raisins, a dish at celebrations, is eaten with meat, fried chestnuts, and onions. During the Novruz holiday, wheat is fried with raisins and nuts (gavurga). Baklava, a diamond-shaped thinly layered pastry filled with nuts and sugar, and shakarbura, a pie of thin dough filled with nuts and sugar, feature at celebrations. Pulov and kebabs are accompanied by alcohol and sweet non-alcoholic drinks are part of weddings. At funerals, the main course is usually pulov and meat, served with shyra, a sweet non-alcoholic drink, and followed by tea.


Painted miniatures were important in the nineteenth century, while the twentieth century was marked by examples of Soviet social realism and Azeri folklore. Sattar Bakhulzade painted landscapes in a style like "Van Gogh in blue." Togrul Narimanbekov depicted figures from Azeri folk tales in rich colors. Rasim Babayev cultivated his own "primitivism" to paint allegories on the Soviet regime in bright colors, with no perspective, and numerous characters inspired by folktales and legends.


Azerbaijani literature has a rich literary heritage at least from the Book of Dede Korkut, written in the eleventh century, is the most famous epic story of the Oghuz Turks (also known as Turkmens or Turcomans), which allows all of its direct descendant peoples, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, as well as to a lesser degree Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, to claim heritage of.

The country's literature in the twentieth century was profoundly influenced by political events that took place early in the nineteenth century]] — Russia, winning the Russo-Persian Wars annexed Persia's Caucasian territories, which included the territory of the present day Republic of Azerbaijan.

Under Soviet rule, Azeri writers who did not conform to the party line were persecuted, particularly while Josef Stalin was in power.

An influential piece of post World War II Azerbaijani poetry, Heydar Babaya Salam (Greetings to Heydar Baba) was written by Iranian poet Mohammad Hossein Shahriar who had already established himself as a notable Persian poet. This poem, published in Tabriz in 1954 and written in colloquial Azerbaijani, became popular among Iranians and the people of Azerbaijan Republic.


Front and rear views of an oud. This one was built by Viken Najarian.

The music of Azerbaijan includes various styles that reflect influences from the musics of the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Iran. Azerbaijan also has a lot in common with Armenian and Persian music.

The classical music of Azerbaijan is called mugam, and is usually a suite with poetry and instrumental interludes. The sung poetry sometimes includes tahrir segments, which use a form of throat singing similar to yodelling. The poetry is typically about divine love and is most often linked to Sufi Islam.

The stringed instruments tar (skin-faced lute), the kamancha (skin-faced spike fiddle), the oud, originally barbat, and the saz (long necked lute); the reeded wind instrument balaban, the frame drum ghaval, the cylindrical double faced drum naghara (davul), and the goshe nagara (Naqareh) (pair of small kettle drums). Other instruments include the garmon (small accordion), tutek (whistle flute), garmon (accordion), daf and dhol (drum).

Ashiqs are travelling bards who sing and play the saz, a form of lute. Their songs are semi-improvised around a common base.

The most famous contemporary Azeri musicians are perhaps jazz singer Aziza Mustafa Zadeh and her father, Vagif Mustafa Zadeh, who are quite popular internationally in jazz circles.

Pop music is popular, having developed under Russian, Western, and Azeri influences. The Soviet system helped popularize a systematic musical education, and people from all sectors of society participate in and perform music of different styles.


Football (soccer) is the main sport in Azerbaijan. The national football team competes in the FIFA World Cup. Other sports include martial arts and motor racing.

A bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics has been placed by Azerbaijan, with Baku as the host city.


The new year's holiday is celebrated on January 1, January 20 commemorates the victims killed by Soviet troops in Baku in 1990, and March 8 is International Women's Day. March 21–22 is Novruz (the new year), an old Persian holiday celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. Novruz is the most distinctive Azeri holiday, accompanied by extensive cleaning and cooking in homes. Other holidays are May 9, Victory Day; May 28, Day of the Republic; October 9, Armed Forces Day; October 18, State Sovereignty Day; November 12, Constitution Day; November 17, Day of Renaissance; and December 31, Day of Solidarity of World Azeris.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Forrest, Brett (Nov. 28, 2005). "Over a Barrel in Baku". Fortune, pp. 54–60.

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