Merkel, Angela

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==Chancellor of Germany==
==Chancellor of Germany==
On November 22, 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany, a position she held until December 8, 2021.  
On November 22, 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany, a position she held for four terms until December 8, 2021.  
=== First CDU–SPD grand coalition, 2005–2009 ===
The [[First Merkel cabinet]] was sworn in at 16:00 [[Central European Time|CET]] on 22 November 2005. On 31 October 2005, after the defeat of his favoured candidate for the position of Secretary General of the SPD, [[Franz Müntefering]] indicated that he would resign as party chairman, which he did in November. Ostensibly responding to this, [[Edmund Stoiber]] (CSU), who was originally nominated as Minister for Economics and Technology, announced his withdrawal on 1 November 2005. While this was initially seen as a blow to Merkel's attempt at forming a viable coalition, the manner in which Stoiber withdrew earned him much ridicule and severely undermined his position as a Merkel rival. Separate conferences of the CDU, CSU, and SPD approved the proposed Cabinet on 14 November 2005. The [[Second Merkel cabinet|second Cabinet of Angela Merkel]] was sworn in on 28 October 2009.<ref name="cabinet2009">{{cite news|url=,,4836127,00.html |title=Merkel's new cabinet sworn in |publisher=[[Deutsche Welle]] |date=30 October 2009 |access-date=1 November 2009 |last=Penfold |first=Chuck |url-status = live|archive-url= |archive-date=1 June 2010 }}</ref>
On 22 November 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany following a [[2005 German federal election|stalemate election]] that resulted in a [[Grand coalition (Germany)|grand coalition]] with the [[Social Democratic Party of Germany|SPD]]. The coalition deal was approved by both parties at party conferences on 14 November 2005.<ref>{{cite news|date=14 November 2005 |work=BBC News |url= |title=German parties back new coalition |archive-date=11 January 2009 |archive-url= |url-status = live}}</ref> Merkel was elected Chancellor by the majority of delegates (397 to 217) in the newly assembled Bundestag on 22 November 2005, but 51 members of the governing coalition voted against her.<ref>{{cite news|url= |title=Merkel becomes German chancellor |date=22 November 2005 |work=BBC News |archive-date=9 December 2005 |archive-url= |url-status = live}}</ref>
Reports at the time indicated that the grand coalition would pursue a mix of policies, some of which differed from Merkel's political platform as leader of the opposition and candidate for Chancellor. The coalition's intent was to cut public spending whilst increasing [[VAT]] (from 16 to 19%), [[social insurance]] contributions and the top rate of [[income tax]].<ref>{{cite news|title=German coalition poised for power |date=11 November 2005 |url= |work=BBC News |archive-url= |archive-date=25 November 2005 |url-status = live}}</ref>
When announcing the coalition agreement, Merkel stated that the main aim of her government would be to reduce unemployment, and that it was this issue on which her government would be judged.<ref>{{cite news|title=Merkel defends German reform plan |work=BBC News |url= |date=12 November 2005 |archive-url= |url-status = live|archive-date=15 March 2006 }}</ref>
[[File:Angela-merkel-ebw-01.jpg|thumb|upright|left|Merkel in 2007]]
=== CDU–FDP coalition, 2009–2013 ===
Her party was [[2009 German federal election|re-elected in 2009]] with an increased number of seats, and could form a governing coalition with the [[Free Democratic Party (Germany)|FDP]]. This term was overshadowed by the [[European debt crisis]]. [[Conscription in Germany]] was abolished and the [[Bundeswehr]] became a [[volunteer military]]. Unemployment sank below the mark of 3 million unemployed people.<ref>{{cite news |title=Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosigkeit 2011 meist unter drei Millionen |trans-title=Labour market: Unemployment in 2011 mostly below three million |website=Focus online |url= |agency=dpa |date=27 October 2010 |language=de |access-date=18 May 2021 |archive-date=31 May 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
[[File:Unterzeichnung des Koalitionsvertrages der 18. Wahlperiode des Bundestages (Martin Rulsch) 079.jpg|thumb|upright|Merkel at the signing of the coalition agreement for the 18th election period of the Bundestag, December 2013]]
In the [[2013 German federal election|election of September 2013]], Merkel won one of the most decisive victories in German history, achieving the best result for the CDU/CSU since reunification and coming within five seats of the first absolute majority in the Bundestag since 1957.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=German election: Angela Merkel secures historic third win|last1=Connolly|first1=Kate|date=23 September 2013|work=The Guardian|access-date=26 March 2017|last2=Oltermann|first2=Philip|language=en-GB|issn=0261-3077|archive-date=27 March 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> However, their preferred coalition partner, the FDP, failed to enter parliament for the first time since 1949, being below the minimum of 5% of votes required to enter parliament.<ref name="cwn" /><ref>{{cite news |url= |first=Geir |last=Moulson |agency=AP |title=Angela Merkel reaches deal with SPD to form German-Grand-Coalition |work=The Independent |date=27 November 2013 |access-date=23 December 2017 |archive-date=23 December 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
=== Second CDU–SPD grand coalition 2013–2017 ===
The CDU/CSU turned to the SPD to form the third [[Grand coalition (Germany)|grand coalition]] in postwar German history and the second under Merkel's leadership. The [[third Merkel cabinet|third Cabinet of Angela Merkel]] was sworn in on 17 December 2013.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Deutscher Bundestag – Bundeskanzlerin und Bundeskabinett vereidigt|last=Müller|first=Volker|website=Deutscher Bundestag|language=de|access-date=14 December 2018|archive-date=2 July 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
Midway through her second term, Merkel's approval plummeted in Germany, resulting in heavy losses in state elections for her party.<ref>{{cite news|url= |title=Angela Merkel's party crushed in Hamburg poll |newspaper=The Guardian |date=21 February 2011 |access-date=23 August 2011 |location=London |first=Helen |last=Pidd |archive-date=24 February 2011 |archive-url= |url-status = live}}</ref> An August 2011 poll found her coalition had only 36% support compared to a rival potential coalition's 51%.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=German opposition hits 11-year high in polls |publisher=[[France 24]] |date=5 August 2011 |access-date=23 August 2011 |archive-date=11 October 2011 |url-status = dead|archive-url=  }}</ref> However, she scored well on her handling of the recent euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and her approval rating reached an all-time high of 77% in February 2012 and again in July 2014.<ref>{{cite news|title=Union dank Merkel im Umfrage-Aufwind |url= |newspaper=[[Stern (magazine)|Stern]] |language=de |date=10 February 2012 |access-date=12 February 2012 |archive-date=12 February 2012 |archive-url= |url-status = dead}}</ref>
Merkel's approval rating dropped to 54% in October 2015, during the [[European migrant crisis]], the lowest since 2011.<ref>{{cite news |url= |first=Rainer |last=Buergin |title=Merkel Approval Rating Drops to Four-Year Low on Refugee Crisis |work=Bloomberg |date=2 October 2015 |access-date=18 May 2021 |archive-date=7 March 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> According to a poll conducted after [[List of Islamist terrorist attacks in 2016|terror attacks]] in Germany Merkel's approval rating dropped to 47% (August 2016).<ref>{{cite web |url= |date=4 August 2016 |title=ARD-Deutschlandtrend: Mehrheit gegen EU-Beitritt der Türkei |last=Ehni |first=Ellen | |language=de-DE |access-date=9 November 2016 |archive-date=23 May 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Half of Germans did not want her to serve a fourth term in office compared to 42% in favor.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Turner|first1=Zeke|last2=Fairless|first2=Tom|title=Half of Germans Oppose Fourth Term for Angela Merkel, Survey Finds|url=|access-date=29 August 2016|work=[[The Wall Street Journal]]|date=28 August 2016|archive-date=28 August 2016|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> However, according to a poll taken in October 2016, her approval rating had been found to have risen again, 54% of Germans were found to be satisfied with work of Merkel as Chancellor.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|first=Ellen|last=Ehni|title=ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Merkel überwindet ihr Tief|date=6 October 2016|publisher=ARD-tagesschau|language=de-DE|trans-title=ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Merkel overcomes her low point.|access-date=9 November 2016|archive-date=13 April 2019|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> According to another poll taken in November 2016, 59% were to found to be in favour of a renewed Chancellor candidature of Merkel in 2017.<ref>{{Cite news |url= |agency=dpa |title=Forsa-Umfrage: Mehrheit für erneute Kanzlerkandidatur Merkels |newspaper=Westfälische Nachrichten |language=de-DE |trans-title=Forsa Poll: Majority for renewed chancellor candidature of Merkel |access-date=9 November 2016 |archive-date=18 May 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> According to a poll carried out just days after the [[2016 Berlin truck attack]], in which it was asked which political leader(s) Germans trust to solve their country's problems; 56% named Merkel, 39% Seehofer (CSU), 35% Gabriel (SPD), 32% Schulz (SPD), 25% Özdemir (Greens), 20% Wagenknecht (Left Party), 15% Lindner (FDP), and just 10% for Petry (AfD).<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Flüchtlingskrise wird 2017 die größte Herausforderung|last1=Gaugele|first1=Jochen|date=27 December 2016|last2=Kammholz|first2=Karsten|newspaper=Berliner Morgenpost|language=de-DE|trans-title=Refugee crisis to be biggest challenge in 2017|access-date=27 December 2016|archive-date=23 April 2019|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
In the [[2017 German federal election|2017 federal election]], Merkel led her party to victory for the fourth time. Both CDU/CSU and SPD received a significantly lower proportion of the vote than they did in 2013, and attempted to form a coalition with the FDP and Greens.<ref>{{cite news |agency=dpa |url=|title=Koalition: Merkel lädt ab Mittwoch kommender Woche zu Jamaika-Gesprächen|date=9 October 2017|work=Der Spiegel|access-date=28 October 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=15 October 2017|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | last1=Paun | first1=Carmen | title=Angela Merkel Ready to Move Forward with Jamaica Coalition | url= | date=7 October 2017 | work=[[Politico]] | access-date=9 October 2017 | archive-url= | archive-date=7 October 2017 | url-status=dead }}</ref> The collapse of these talks led to stalemate.<ref name="Connolly">{{cite news|last1=Connolly|first1=Kate|title=Germany's SPD is ready for talks to end coalition deadlock|url=|newspaper=The Guardian|access-date=24 November 2017|location=Berlin|date=24 November 2017|archive-date=24 November 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The German President [[Frank-Walter Steinmeier]] subsequently appealed successfully to the SPD to change their hard stance and to agree to a third grand coalition with the CDU/CSU.<ref name=GrosseKoalition>{{cite news|title=Bundestag wählt Angela Merkel zum vierten Mal zur Bundeskanzlerin|date=14 March 2018|newspaper=[[Neue Zürcher Zeitung]]|url=|agency=dpa|access-date=5 April 2019|archive-date=3 June 2019|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
A YouGov survey published in late December 2017 found that just 36 percent of all respondents wanted Merkel to stay at the helm until 2021, while half of those surveyed voters called for a change at the top before the end of the legislature.<ref>{{Cite news |url= |first=Daniel |last=Delhaes |date=28 December 2017 |title=Waning support puts Merkel's future in doubt |newspaper=Handelsblatt Global |access-date=29 December 2017 |archive-date=30 November 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
=== Third CDU–SPD grand coalition, 2018–2021 ===
The [[Fourth Merkel cabinet]] is the incumbent government of Germany, and was sworn in on 14 March 2018.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|date=14 March 2018|title=Deutscher Bundestag – Angela Merkel mit 364 Stimmen zur Bundeskanzlerin gewählt|last=Müller|first=Volker|website=Deutscher Bundestag|language=de|access-date=14 December 2018|archive-date=12 July 2019|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The negotiations that led to a Grand Coalition agreement with the Social Democrats (SPD) were the longest in German post-war history, lasting almost six months.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Germany's never-ending coalition talks break record |date=20 December 2017 |work=Deutsche Welle |access-date=14 December 2018 |archive-date=15 December 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Merkel secures fourth term in power after SPD backs coalition deal|last=Oltermann|first=Philip|date=4 March 2018|work=The Guardian|access-date=14 December 2018|language=en-GB|issn=0261-3077|archive-date=15 December 2018|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
In October 2018, Merkel announced that she had decided not to run for re-election in the [[2021 German federal election|2021 federal election]]. In August 2019, 67% of Germans wanted Merkel to stay till the end of her term in 2021, while only 29% wanted her to step down earlier.<ref>{{Cite news |url= |date=11 March 2019 |work=[[n-tv]] |title=Zwei Drittel für volle Amtszeit |access-date=7 August 2019 |archive-date=26 August 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
In September 2021, she referred to her party after she leaves the chancellery, and said that "after 16 years one does not automatically ... return to the chancellery, that was clear to everyone in the CDU and CSU", describing the close opinion polls about the upcoming election. The remarks came as the Social Democrats had overtaken her conservatives in recent polls.<ref>{{cite news |title=Merkel says her conservatives face hard battle after 16 years in power |url= |access-date=9 September 2021 |work=[[Reuters]] |date=9 September 2021 |archive-date=9 September 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
On 26 September 2021, elections proved inconclusive, although the SPD won the most votes. This necessitated long negotiations among the various parties to form a government. On 23 November 2021, a new coalition was announced, with [[Olaf Scholz]] nominated to succeed Merkel.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Welle (|first=Deutsche|title=Germany's SPD, FDP and Greens unveil governing coalition deal {{!}} DW {{!}} 24.11.2021|url=|access-date=2021-11-25|website=DW.COM|language=en-GB|archive-date=25 November 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Merkel continued to serve as chancellor in a caretaker capacity until 8 December 2021, when Scholz was sworn in.<ref>{{Cite news |url= |title=Olaf Scholz elected as Germany's new Chancellor, replacing Angela Merkel |website=ABC News |date=8 December 2021 |access-date=8 December 2021 }}</ref>
===Foreign policy===
===Foreign policy===

Revision as of 21:46, 20 January 2022

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel

Merkel in 2019

Chancellor of Germany
In office
November 22, 2005 – December 8, 2021
  • Horst Köhler
  • Christian Wulff
  • Joachim Gauck
  • Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Preceded by Gerhard Schröder
Succeeded by Olaf Scholz

Leader of the Christian Democratic Union
In office
April 10, 2000 – December 7, 2018
Preceded by Wolfgang Schäuble
Succeeded by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Leader of the Opposition
In office
September 22, 2002 – November 22, 2005
Preceded by Friedrich Merz
Succeeded by Wolfgang Gerhardt

Leader of the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag
In office
September 22, 2002 – November 21, 2005
Preceded by Friedrich Merz
Succeeded by Volker Kauder

Member of the Bundestag
for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
In office
20 December 1990 – 26 October 2021
Preceded by Constituency established
Succeeded by Anna Kassautzki

Born July 17 1954 (1954-07-17) (age 69)
Hamburg, West Germany
Political party Christian Democratic Union (1990–present)
Spouse Ulrich Merkel
(m. 1977; div. 1982)
Joachim Sauer
(m. 1998)​
Residence Am Kupfergraben, Berlin
Alma mater
  • Leipzig University (BS)
  • German Academy of Sciences at Berlin (PhD)[1]
Signature Angela Merkel's signature
Angela Merkal.

Angela Dorothea Merkel (born Angela Dorothea Kasner, July 17, 1954, in Hamburg, West Germany), is a German politician and scientist who served as the chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021, the first woman to hold this office. She is also the first German leader who grew up in the communist East. In 2007, Merkel was also President of the European Council and chair of the G8. She played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. In domestic policy, health care reform and problems concerning future energy development were the major issues of her tenure.

Merkel was considered by Forbes Magazine to be the "most powerful woman in the world at the present time." In 2007 she became the second woman to chair the G8 after Margaret Thatcher. In 2008 Merkel received the Charlemagne Prize "for her work to reform the European Union": the prize was presented by Nicolas Sarkozy.

Before entering politics in 1989 she earned a doctorate in quantum chemistry and worked as a research scientist. She published articles as author and co-author in scientific journals. She was Minister for Women and Youth in Helmut Kohl's 3rd cabinet then Minister for the Environment and Reactor Safety from 1994. As the first female leader of the world's third largest economic power, Merkel secured her place in posterity.

Early life

Angela Merkel was born as Angela Dorothea Kasner in Hamburg, as the daughter of Horst Kasner (b. August 6, 1926 in Berlin-Pankow), a Lutheran pastor and his wife, Herlind (b. July 8, 1928 in Elbing as Herlind Jentzsch), a teacher of English and Latin. Her mother is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Her grandparents on her mother's side lived in Elbing in East Prussia; one of them had Polish origin. She has a brother, Marcus (born July 7, 1957), and a sister, Irene (b. August 19, 1964).

Merkel's father studied Theology in Heidelberg and, afterwards, in Hamburg. In 1954 her father received a pastorship at the church in Quitzow near Perleberg in Brandenburg, and the family moved to Templin. Thus Merkel grew up in the countryside 80 km (50 miles) north of Berlin, in the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR). Gerd Langguth, a former senior member of Merkel's Christian Democratic Union has said that the family's ability to travel freely from East to West Germany, as well as their possession of two automobiles, leads to the conclusion that Merkel's father had a 'sympathetic' relationship with the communist regime, since such freedom and perquisites for a Christian pastor and his family would have been otherwise impossible in East Germany.[2]

Like most pupils, Merkel was a member of the official, socialist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ). Later she became a member of the district board and secretary for "Agitprop" (agitation and propaganda) at the Academy of Sciences in that organization. However, she did not take part in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, which was common in East Germany, and was confirmed instead.

Merkel was educated in Templin and at the University of Leipzig, where she studied physics from 1973 to 1978. Merkel worked and studied at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Adlershof from 1978 to 1990. Angela Merkel speaks Russian fluently, and even earned a statewide prize for her proficiency. After being awarded a doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) based on a doctoral thesis on quantum chemistry[3] she worked in research.

In 1977, Angela Kasner married physics student Ulrich Merkel. The marriage ended in divorce in 1982. Her second husband is quantum chemist and professor Joachim Sauer. He remains out of the spotlight. She has no children, but Sauer has two adult sons. [4]

In 1989, Merkel became involved in the growing democracy movement after the fall of the Berlin Wall, joining the new party Democratic Awakening. Following the first (and only) democratic election of the East German state, she became the deputy spokesperson of the new pre-unification caretaker government under Lothar de Maizière.[5]

Member of Bundestag

At the first post-reunification general election in December 1990, she was elected to the Bundestag from a constituency which includes the districts of Nordvorpommern and Rügen, as well as the city of Stralsund. This has remained her electoral district until today. Her party merged with the west German CDU and she became Minister for Women and Youth in Helmut Kohl's 3rd cabinet. In 1994, she was made Minister for the Environment and Reactor Safety, which gave her greater political visibility and a platform on which to build her political career. As one of Kohl's protégées and his youngest cabinet minister, she was referred to by Kohl as "das Mädchen" ("the girl").

Leader of the Opposition

When the Kohl government was defeated in the 1998 general election, Merkel was named Secretary-General of the CDU. She was the first women and East German to serve in this capacity of with either of the two main parties.[6] In this position, Merkel oversaw a string of Christian Democrat election victories in six out of seven state elections in 1999 alone, breaking the SPD-Green coalition's hold on the Bundesrat, the legislative body representing the states. Following a party financing scandal, which compromised many leading figures of the CDU (most notably Kohl himself, who refused to reveal the donor of DM 2,000,000 because he had given his word of honor and the then party chairman Wolfgang Schäuble, Kohl's hand-picked successor, who wasn't cooperative either), Merkel criticized her former mentor, Kohl, and advocated a fresh start for the party without him. She was elected to replace Schäuble, becoming the first female chair of her party, on 10 April 2000. Her election surprised many observers, as her personality offered a contrast to the party she had been chosen to lead; Merkel is a Protestant, originating from predominantly Protestant northern Germany, while the CDU is a male-dominated, socially conservative party with deep Catholic roots, and has its strongholds in western and southern Germany.

Following Merkel's election as CDU leader, she enjoyed considerable popularity among the German population and was favored by many Germans to become Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's challenger in the 2002 election. However, she did not receive enough support in her own party and particularly its sister party (the Bavarian Christian Social Union, or CSU), and was subsequently out-maneuvered politically by CSU leader Edmund Stoiber, who had had the privilege of challenging Schröder but squandered a large lead in the opinion polls to lose the election by a razor-thin margin. After Stoiber's defeat in 2002, in addition to her role as CDU chairwoman, Merkel became leader of the conservative opposition in the lower house of the German parliament, the Bundestag. Her rival, Friedrich Merz, who had held the post of parliamentary leader prior to the 2002 election, was eased out to make way for Merkel.

Merkel supported a substantial reform agenda concerning Germany's economic and social system and was considered to be more pro-market (and pro-deregulation) than her own party (the CDU); she advocated changes to German labor law, specifically, removing barriers to laying off employees and increasing the allowed number of work hours in a week, arguing that existing laws made the country less competitive because companies cannot easily control labor costs at times when business is slow.

Merkel argued for Germany's nuclear power to be phased out less quickly than the Schröder administration had planned.

Merkel advocated a strong transatlantic partnership and German-American friendship. In the spring of 2003, defying strong public opposition, Merkel came out in favor of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, describing it as "unavoidable" and accusing Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of anti-Americanism. This led some critics to characterize her as an American lackey. She criticized the government's support for the accession of Turkey to the European Union and favored a "privileged partnership" instead. In doing so, she was seen as being in unison with many Germans in rejecting Turkish membership of the European Union.

Chancellor of Germany

On November 22, 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany, a position she held for four terms until December 8, 2021.

First CDU–SPD grand coalition, 2005–2009

The First Merkel cabinet was sworn in at 16:00 CET on 22 November 2005. On 31 October 2005, after the defeat of his favoured candidate for the position of Secretary General of the SPD, Franz Müntefering indicated that he would resign as party chairman, which he did in November. Ostensibly responding to this, Edmund Stoiber (CSU), who was originally nominated as Minister for Economics and Technology, announced his withdrawal on 1 November 2005. While this was initially seen as a blow to Merkel's attempt at forming a viable coalition, the manner in which Stoiber withdrew earned him much ridicule and severely undermined his position as a Merkel rival. Separate conferences of the CDU, CSU, and SPD approved the proposed Cabinet on 14 November 2005. The second Cabinet of Angela Merkel was sworn in on 28 October 2009.[7]

On 22 November 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany following a stalemate election that resulted in a grand coalition with the SPD. The coalition deal was approved by both parties at party conferences on 14 November 2005.[8] Merkel was elected Chancellor by the majority of delegates (397 to 217) in the newly assembled Bundestag on 22 November 2005, but 51 members of the governing coalition voted against her.[9]

Reports at the time indicated that the grand coalition would pursue a mix of policies, some of which differed from Merkel's political platform as leader of the opposition and candidate for Chancellor. The coalition's intent was to cut public spending whilst increasing VAT (from 16 to 19%), social insurance contributions and the top rate of income tax.[10]

When announcing the coalition agreement, Merkel stated that the main aim of her government would be to reduce unemployment, and that it was this issue on which her government would be judged.[11]

Merkel in 2007

CDU–FDP coalition, 2009–2013

Her party was re-elected in 2009 with an increased number of seats, and could form a governing coalition with the FDP. This term was overshadowed by the European debt crisis. Conscription in Germany was abolished and the Bundeswehr became a volunteer military. Unemployment sank below the mark of 3 million unemployed people.[12]

Merkel at the signing of the coalition agreement for the 18th election period of the Bundestag, December 2013

In the election of September 2013, Merkel won one of the most decisive victories in German history, achieving the best result for the CDU/CSU since reunification and coming within five seats of the first absolute majority in the Bundestag since 1957.[13] However, their preferred coalition partner, the FDP, failed to enter parliament for the first time since 1949, being below the minimum of 5% of votes required to enter parliament.[14][15]

Second CDU–SPD grand coalition 2013–2017

The CDU/CSU turned to the SPD to form the third grand coalition in postwar German history and the second under Merkel's leadership. The third Cabinet of Angela Merkel was sworn in on 17 December 2013.[16]

Midway through her second term, Merkel's approval plummeted in Germany, resulting in heavy losses in state elections for her party.[17] An August 2011 poll found her coalition had only 36% support compared to a rival potential coalition's 51%.[18] However, she scored well on her handling of the recent euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and her approval rating reached an all-time high of 77% in February 2012 and again in July 2014.[19]

Merkel's approval rating dropped to 54% in October 2015, during the European migrant crisis, the lowest since 2011.[20] According to a poll conducted after terror attacks in Germany Merkel's approval rating dropped to 47% (August 2016).[21] Half of Germans did not want her to serve a fourth term in office compared to 42% in favor.[22] However, according to a poll taken in October 2016, her approval rating had been found to have risen again, 54% of Germans were found to be satisfied with work of Merkel as Chancellor.[23] According to another poll taken in November 2016, 59% were to found to be in favour of a renewed Chancellor candidature of Merkel in 2017.[24] According to a poll carried out just days after the 2016 Berlin truck attack, in which it was asked which political leader(s) Germans trust to solve their country's problems; 56% named Merkel, 39% Seehofer (CSU), 35% Gabriel (SPD), 32% Schulz (SPD), 25% Özdemir (Greens), 20% Wagenknecht (Left Party), 15% Lindner (FDP), and just 10% for Petry (AfD).[25]

In the 2017 federal election, Merkel led her party to victory for the fourth time. Both CDU/CSU and SPD received a significantly lower proportion of the vote than they did in 2013, and attempted to form a coalition with the FDP and Greens.[26][27] The collapse of these talks led to stalemate.[28] The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier subsequently appealed successfully to the SPD to change their hard stance and to agree to a third grand coalition with the CDU/CSU.[29]

A YouGov survey published in late December 2017 found that just 36 percent of all respondents wanted Merkel to stay at the helm until 2021, while half of those surveyed voters called for a change at the top before the end of the legislature.[30]

Third CDU–SPD grand coalition, 2018–2021

The Fourth Merkel cabinet is the incumbent government of Germany, and was sworn in on 14 March 2018.[31] The negotiations that led to a Grand Coalition agreement with the Social Democrats (SPD) were the longest in German post-war history, lasting almost six months.[32][33]

In October 2018, Merkel announced that she had decided not to run for re-election in the 2021 federal election. In August 2019, 67% of Germans wanted Merkel to stay till the end of her term in 2021, while only 29% wanted her to step down earlier.[34]

In September 2021, she referred to her party after she leaves the chancellery, and said that "after 16 years one does not automatically ... return to the chancellery, that was clear to everyone in the CDU and CSU", describing the close opinion polls about the upcoming election. The remarks came as the Social Democrats had overtaken her conservatives in recent polls.[35]

On 26 September 2021, elections proved inconclusive, although the SPD won the most votes. This necessitated long negotiations among the various parties to form a government. On 23 November 2021, a new coalition was announced, with Olaf Scholz nominated to succeed Merkel.[36] Merkel continued to serve as chancellor in a caretaker capacity until 8 December 2021, when Scholz was sworn in.[37]

Foreign policy

In her first week in office, Merkel visited the French president Jacques Chirac, the EU leaders gathered in Brussels, the Secretary-General of NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and received President Pohamba of Namibia.

On September 25, 2007, Chancellor Angela Merkel met the Dalai Lama for a "private exchange" in Berlin in the Chancellery amid protest from China and against the advice of senior officials. China afterwards canceled separate talks with German officials, including talks with Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries.[38]

Policy on the Middle East and Iran

According to ‘Mail & Guardian Online’ and ‘Deutsche Welle’, Merkel in August 2006 informed the German news agency Mehr that she had received a letter from the Iranian president Ahmadinejad.[39][40] She further told Mehr, that to her opinion this letter contained “unacceptable” criticism of Israel and “put in question” the Jewish state's right to exist, and that therefore she would not formally respond to the letter.

On March 16, 2007, Merkel, along with half her cabinet, arrived in Israel to mark the 60th anniversary of the Jewish state. She was greeted at the airport by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, an honor guard and many of the country's political and religious leaders, including most of the Israeli Cabinet. Until then, U.S. President George W. Bush had been the only world leader Olmert had bestowed with the honor of greeting at the airport.[41] Merkel was granted special permission to speak before Israel's parliament, which is normally done only by heads of state.[42] Merkel made her first visit to the Middle East as President-in-office of the European Council on April 1, 2007. March 25, 2007 she spoke at the official ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.[43] She offered Europe's help to get Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table, and tried to restart international efforts for renewed peace talks.[44]

Economic and financial policy

In her first government address on 30 November 2005 she announced her objective of improving the German Economy and reducing unemployment.

Liquidity crisis

Following major falls in worldwide stock markets in September 2008, the German government stepped in to assist the Mortgage company Hypo Real Estate with a bailout which was agreed on October 6, with German banks to contribute €30 billion and the Bundesbank €20 billion to a credit line.[45]

On Saturday October 4, following the Irish Government's decision to guarantee all deposits in private savings accounts, a move she was strongly critical of, Merkel said there were no plans for the German Government to do the same.[46] However the following day, October 5, Merkel then stated that the government would guarantee the deposits in private savings accounts. However on Monday, October 6 it emerged that the pledge was of a political nature and that no legislation would be enabled.[47] This confusion led to major falls in worldwide stock markets with the FTSE 100 and DAX stock exchanges falling 6 percent at one point. The German response led to other European governments either raising the limits or promising to guarantee savings in full.[47]


The decisions of Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015 on migration policies have led to much discussion and commotion, in the whole Western world

Merkel was criticized for being personally present and involved at the M100 Media Award handover[48] to Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who had triggered the Muhammad cartoons controversy. This happened at a time of fierce emotional debate in Germany over a book by the former Deutsche Bundesbank executive and finance senator of Berlin Thilo Sarrazin, which was critical of the Muslim immigration.[49] At the same time she condemned a planned burning of Qurans by a fundamental pastor in Florida.[50] The Central Council of Muslims in Germany[51][52] and the Left Party[53] (Die Linke) as well as the German Green Party[lower-alpha 1][54] criticised the action by the centre-right chancellor. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper wrote: "This will probably be the most explosive moment of her chancellorship so far."[55] Others have praised Merkel and called it a brave and bold move for the cause of freedom of speech.

Merkel's position towards the negative statements by Thilo Sarrazin with regard to the integration problems with Arab and Turkish people in Germany has been critical throughout. According to her personal statements, Sarrazin's approach is "totally unacceptable" and counterproductive to the ongoing problems of integration.[56]

The term alternativlos (German for "without an alternative"), which was frequently used by Angela Merkel to describe her measures addressing the European sovereign-debt crisis, was named the Un-word of the Year 2010 by a jury of linguistic scholars. The wording was criticised as undemocratic, as any discussion on Merkel's politics would thus be deemed unnecessary or undesirable.[57] The expression is credited for the name of the political party Alternative for Germany, which was founded in 2013.[58]

Protestors rally against the NSA's mass surveillance, Berlin, June 2013

In July 2013, Merkel defended the surveillance practices of the National Security Agency, and described the United States as "our truest ally throughout the decades".[59][60] During a visit of U.S. President Barack Obama in Berlin, Merkel said on 19 June 2013 in the context of the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures: "The Internet is uncharted territory for us all" (German: Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland). This statement led to various internet memes and online mockery of Merkel.[61][62]

Merkel compared the NSA to the Stasi when it became known that her mobile phone was tapped by that agency. In response, Susan Rice pledged that the US would desist from spying on her personally, but said there would not be a no-espionage agreement between the two countries.[63]

File:-FsA14 - Freiheit statt Angst 060 (15062050686) (2).jpg
Germany's BND has covertly monitored European firms and officials at the request of the NSA[64]

In July 2014 Merkel said trust between Germany and the United States could only be restored by talks between the two, and she would seek to have talks. She reiterated that the US remained Germany's most important ally.[65]

Her statement "Islam is part of Germany" during a state visit of the Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu in January 2015[66] induced criticism within her party. The parliamentary group leader Volker Kauder said that Islam is not part of Germany and that Muslims should deliberate on the question why so many violent people refer to the Quran.[67]

In October 2015, Horst Seehofer, Bavarian State Premier and CSU leader, criticised Merkel's policy of allowing in hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East: "We're now in a state of mind without rules, without system and without order because of a German decision."[68] Seehofer attacked Merkel policies in sharp language, threatened to sue the government in the high court, and hinted that the CSU might topple Merkel. Many MPs of Merkel's CDU party also voiced dissatisfaction with Merkel.[69] Chancellor Merkel insisted that Germany has the economic strength to cope with the influx of migrants and reiterated that there is no legal maximum limit on the number of migrants Germany can take.[70]

At the conclusion of the May 2017 Group of Seven's leaders in Sicily, Merkel criticised American efforts to renege on earlier commitments on climate change. According to Merkel, the discussions were difficult and marred by dissent. "Here we have the situation where six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one."[71]

Merkel has faced criticism for failing to take a tough line on the People's Republic of China.[72][73][74] The Asia Times reported that "Unlike certain of her European counterparts, her China diplomacy has focused on non-interference in Beijing’s internal affairs. As such, Merkel was reportedly furious when her Foreign Minister Heiko Maas received Hong Kong dissident Joshua Wong in Berlin in September [2019], a move that Beijing publicly protested."[75]


As a female politician from a centre right party, and a scientist, Merkel has been compared by many in the English language press to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Some have referred to her as "Iron Lady," "Iron Girl" and even "The Iron Frau" (both alluding to Thatcher, whose nickname was "The Iron Lady"—Thatcher has an undergraduate degree in chemistry). Political commentators have debated the precise extent to which their agendas are similar.[76]

In addition to being the first female German chancellor and the youngest German chancellor after the War, Merkel is also the first from East Germany (although born in Hamburg), the first born after World War II, and the first with a background in natural sciences. She studied physics; her predecessors law, business and history.

Merkel topped Forbes magazine's list of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women" in 2006, 2007 and 2008. [77]

On May 30, 2005, Merkel won the CDU/CSU nomination as challenger to Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of the SPD in the 2005 national elections. Her party began the campaign with a 21 percent lead over the SPD in national opinion polls, although her personal popularity lagged behind that of the incumbent. However, the CDU/CSU campaign suffered when Merkel, having made economic competence central to the CDU's platform, confused gross and net income twice during a televised debate. She regained some momentum after she announced that she would appoint Paul Kirchhof, a former judge at the German Constitutional Court and leading fiscal policy expert, as Minister of Finance.

Merkel and the CDU lost ground after Kirchhof proposed the introduction of a flat tax in Germany, again undermining the party's credibility on economic affairs and convincing many voters that the CDU's platform of deregulation was designed to benefit only the rich. This was compounded by Merkel proposing to increase VAT to reduce Germany's deficit and fill the gap in revenue from a flat tax. The SPD were able to increase their support simply by pledging not to introduce flat taxes or increase VAT. Although Merkel's standing recovered after she distanced herself from Kirchhof's proposals, she remained considerably less popular than Schröder, and the CDU's lead was down to 9 percent on the eve of the election. Merkel was also criticized for plagiarizing a passage from a speech used by President Ronald Reagan in a 1980 US presidential debate for her own television election duel with Gerhard Schröder, the Social Democratic chancellor.

On September 18 Merkel's CDU/CSU and Schröder's SPD went head-to-head in the national elections, with the CDU/CSU winning 35.3 percent (CDU 27.8 percent/CSU 7.5 percent) of the second votes to the SPD's 34.2 percent. Neither the SPD-Green coalition nor the CDU/CSU and its preferred coalition partners, the Free Democratic Party, held enough seats to form a majority in the Bundestag, and both Schröder and Merkel claimed victory. A Grand Coalition between the CDU/CSU and SPD faced the challenge that both parties demanded the chancellorship. However, after three weeks of negotiations, the two parties reached a deal whereby Merkel would become Chancellor and the SPD would hold 8 of the 16 seats in the cabinet.[78] The coalition deal was approved by both parties at party conferences on 14 November.[79] Merkel was elected Chancellor by the majority of delegates (397 to 217) in the newly assembled Bundestag on November 22 but 51 members of the governing coalition voted against her.[80]

Reports had indicated that the Grand Coalition would pursue a mix of policies, some of which differ from Merkel's political platform as leader of the opposition and candidate for Chancellor. The coalition's intent was to cut public spending whilst increasing VAT (from 16 to 19 percent), social insurance contributions and the top rate of income tax.[81] Employment protection will no longer cover employees during their first two years in a job, pensions will be frozen and subsidies for first-time home buyers will be scrapped. On foreign policy, Germany would maintain its strong ties with France and eastern European states, particularly Russia, and support Turkey for one day joining the European Union.

Merkel had stated that the main aim of her government would be to reduce unemployment, and that it is this issue on which her government will be judged.[82] She had, says Clemens, worked her way in and up from the outside; "despite, and partly thanks, to being an agent of change."[83]


In 2007 Angela Merkel was awarded the honorary doctorate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[84] She received the Karlspreis (Charlemagne Prize) for 2008 for distinguished services to European unity.[85] In January 2008 she was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany). She was also awarded the honorary doctorate from Leipzig University in June 2008 and University of Technology in Wrocław (Poland) in September 2008.


It could be argued that for a country that describes itself as the "fatherland" to elect a woman head of government was a sharper break from tradition than was involved for the British, for example, when they elected Margaret Thatcher. A woman was monarch when Thatcher was elected and at earlier points in history Queens had also reigned over the island nation. Germany had not had a female monarch. When women gain high office, comparison with Margaret Thatcher dubbed the "Iron lady" often follows; Tansu Çiller, Turkey's first woman Prime Minister, was compared with Thatcher as was Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberia's President. Merkel has invited the same comparison. Women leaders may still need to prove that they are as tough as men in a world where relatively few women have yet held their nations' highest offices. Some women leaders have been accused of hindering rather than helping the role of women in politics. Thatcher, says a former Cabinet Minister, did not go "out of her way to help women" and had only one woman, apart from herself, in her Cabinet, leaving "talented figures … languishing in lesser posts".[86] According to another woman Cabinet member, Patricia Hewitt, Thatcher actually undermined the position of women in society.[86] In contrast, although Merkel has been criticized for not campaigning on women's issues, "The share of female ministers in the present government under Angela Merkel is 36 percent" although this is a little "shy of an all-time high of 46 percent women under the previous" government.[87] This suggests that Merkel may self-consciously regard strengthening the role of women as a responsibility, even though she responded to criticism that she did not champion women's issues during her election campaigning by saying that "A chancellor has German interests."[88] Ferree says that while she is "not in any meaningful sense a feminist" she is "not allergic to contact with feminism or incapable of trusting and promoting other women around her." She is, too, well aware of the strategies men use to demean and exclude women.[89] Indeed, says Ferree, when women such as Merkel step into political prominence they "make all women visible as citizens, with interests that are sometimes distinctive and sometimes overlapping with those of men".[90] On unemployment and the economy, the two issues on which Merkel said that her administration would be judged, she made progress at least until the global meltdown of 2008. Forbes cited her as having improved the economy, cut unemployment and as having pushed "through a later retirement age."[91] When the presence of women in leadership positions becomes so commonplace that people no longer point out their gender, they may be freer to stamp their work with distinctively female qualities.

Merkel brings three distinctive commitments to her role as Chancellor. First, her commitment to what she describes as the "idea" of Europe can be summed up as freedom, peace and unity. She may have German interests but her vision for Germany is firmly rooted within membership of the European Union; "We, the citizens of Europe, have united for the better. For we know, Europe is our common future." Europe's greatest strength, says Merkel, is " the power of freedom, freedom in all its manifestations." "The European Union," she says, "is one of the most impressive works of peace on Planet Earth." "European unification" she continued "is a happy achievement for the people of Europe" which "safeguards their freedom and paves the way for prosperity."[43] On human right, she has declared "Human rights are indivisible! "[43]Speaking in Israel, she extended her vision to a world of "freedom, peace and cooperation."[92] Second, her commitment to sustainable energy; "Europe must also lead the way in renewable energies, energy efficiency and protection of our climate."[43] She has already succeeded in "getting G-8 leaders to agree to significant cuts in carbon emissions."[77] Third, her desire for rapprochement between Europe and Russia alongside the existing trans-Atlantic Alliance; "We need both a strategic partnership with Russia and the transatlantic alliance." She rejoiced that the former "unnatural" division between East and West Europe has been "the consigned to the past." [43] Merkel's place in history is secure, although the full value of her legacy will depend on how she continues to conduct herself as Germany's leader. She has been praised for her efficient Presidency of the EU, especially for her willingness to listen to "willingness to listen to big and small alike." "She is," says one observer, "firm but not threatening."[93]

Selected published works

  • Der, R., Merkel, A., and Czerwon, H.-J. 1980. On the influence of spatial correlations on the rate of chemical reactions in dense gases. I. Quantum statistical theory. Chemical Physics. 53 (3):427-435.
  • Der, R., Merkel, A., and Haberlandt, R. 1980.. “On the influence of spatial correlations on the rate of chemical reactions in dense systems. II. Numerical results.”

Chemical Physics 53(3):437-442.

  • Boeger, I., Merkel, A., Lachmann, H-J. Spangenberg, and Turanyi, T. 1982. An Extended Kinetic Model and its Reduction by Sensitivity Analysis for the Methanol/Oxygen Gas-Phase Thermolysis. Acta Chim. Hung. 129(6):855-864.
  • Merkel, Angela, Ilka Böger, Hans Joachim Spangenberg, Zülicke, Lutz. 1982. Berechnung von Hochdruck-Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für Zerfalls- und Rekombinationsreaktionen einfacher Kohlenwasserstoffmoleküle und –radikale. (Calculation of High Pressure Velocity Constants for Reactions of Decay and Recombinations of simple Hydrocarbon Molecules and Radicals.) Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. 263(3): 449-460.
  • Merkel, Angela and Lutz Zülicke, 1985. Berechnung von Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für den C-H-Bindungsbruch im Methylradikal. (Calculation of Velocity Constants for the Break of the[Carbon-Hydrogen-Bond in the Methyl Radical.) 353-361. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. 266(2)
  • Merke;, Angela and Lutz Zülicke, 1987. Nonempirical parameter estimate for the |statistical adiabatic theory of unimolecular fragmentation carbon-hydrogen bond breaking in methyl. Molecular Physics 60 (6): 1379-1393.
  • Merkel, Angela, Zdenek Havlas, and Rudolf Zahradník, 1988. Evaluation of the rate constant for the SN2 reaction fluoromethane + hydrid+methane+fluoride in the gas phase. Journal of American Chemical Society 110 (25): 8355-8359.
  • Mix, H., J. Sauer, K-P Schröder, and A. Merjel, 1988. Vibrational Properties of Surface Hydroxyls: Nonempirical Model Calculations Including Anharmonicities. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 53 (10): 2191-2202.
  • Merkel, Angela and Lutz Zülicke, 1990. Theoretical approach to reactions of polyatomic molecules. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 36: 191-208.
  • Merkel, Angela. 1998. The role of science in sustainable development. 336-337. Science 281: 5375.
  • Schneider, F. and A. Merkel, 1989. The lowest bound states of triplet (BH2)+. Chemical Physics Letters 161 (6):527-531.


  1. (20 September 2013)Angela Merkel: Her bio in brief. The Christian Science Monitor.
  2. Luke Harding, in Berlin, June 26, 2005. East German past of iron lady unveiled: Biography tells of Merkel family's links to communists. The Guardian, UK. Langguth. 2007. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  3. Angela Merkel, 1986. Untersuchung des Mechanismus von Zerfallsreaktionen mit einfachem Bindungsbruch und Berechnung ihrer Geschwindigkeitskonstanten auf der Grundlage quantenchemischer und statistischer Methoden. (Investigation of the mechanism of decay reactions with single bond breaking and calculation of their velocity constants on the basis of quantum chemical and statistical methods.) (Berlin: Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic; Langguth. 2007), 109, and listed in the Catalogue of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek under subject code 30 (Chemistry).
  4. Germany's First Fella, Angela Merkel Is Germany's Chancellor; But Her Husband Stays Out Of The Spotlight. CBS News. November 16, 2008.
  5. Gerd Langguth. 2007. Angela Merkel: Aufstieg zur Macht: Biografie. (DTV Series, 34414) (München, DE: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. ISBN 9783423344142. 2007), 112-137. (German).
  6. David P. Conradt, Gerald R. Kleinfeld, and Christian Søe. A precarious victory: Shroeder and the German elections of 2002. (New York, NY: Berghahn, 2004), 59.
  7. Penfold, Chuck, "Merkel's new cabinet sworn in", Deutsche Welle, 30 October 2009.
  8. "German parties back new coalition", BBC News, 14 November 2005.
  9. "Merkel becomes German chancellor", BBC News, 22 November 2005.
  10. "German coalition poised for power", BBC News, 11 November 2005.
  11. "Merkel defends German reform plan", BBC News, 12 November 2005.
  12. "Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosigkeit 2011 meist unter drei Millionen", 27 October 2010. (written in de)
  13. "German election: Angela Merkel secures historic third win", The Guardian, 23 September 2013. (written in en-GB)
  14. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named cwn
  15. Moulson, Geir, "Angela Merkel reaches deal with SPD to form German-Grand-Coalition", The Independent, 27 November 2013.
  16. Müller, Volker. Deutscher Bundestag – Bundeskanzlerin und Bundeskabinett vereidigt (in de).
  17. Pidd, Helen, "Angela Merkel's party crushed in Hamburg poll", 21 February 2011.
  18. German opposition hits 11-year high in polls. France 24 (5 August 2011).
  19. "Union dank Merkel im Umfrage-Aufwind", 10 February 2012. (written in de)
  20. Buergin, Rainer, "Merkel Approval Rating Drops to Four-Year Low on Refugee Crisis", Bloomberg, 2 October 2015.
  21. Ehni, Ellen (4 August 2016). ARD-Deutschlandtrend: Mehrheit gegen EU-Beitritt der Türkei (in de-DE).
  22. "Half of Germans Oppose Fourth Term for Angela Merkel, Survey Finds", The Wall Street Journal, 28 August 2016.
  23. Ehni, Ellen, "ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Merkel überwindet ihr Tief", ARD-tagesschau, 6 October 2016. (written in de-DE)
  24. "Forsa-Umfrage: Mehrheit für erneute Kanzlerkandidatur Merkels". (written in de-DE)
  25. "Flüchtlingskrise wird 2017 die größte Herausforderung", 27 December 2016. (written in de-DE)
  26. "Koalition: Merkel lädt ab Mittwoch kommender Woche zu Jamaika-Gesprächen", Der Spiegel, 9 October 2017.
  27. Angela Merkel Ready to Move Forward with Jamaica Coalition. Politico (7 October 2017).
  28. "Germany's SPD is ready for talks to end coalition deadlock", 24 November 2017.
  29. "Bundestag wählt Angela Merkel zum vierten Mal zur Bundeskanzlerin", 14 March 2018.
  30. Delhaes, Daniel, "Waning support puts Merkel's future in doubt", 28 December 2017.
  31. Müller, Volker (14 March 2018). Deutscher Bundestag – Angela Merkel mit 364 Stimmen zur Bundeskanzlerin gewählt (in de).
  32. Germany's never-ending coalition talks break record. Deutsche Welle (20 December 2017).
  33. Oltermann, Philip, "Merkel secures fourth term in power after SPD backs coalition deal", The Guardian, 4 March 2018. (written in en-GB)
  34. "Zwei Drittel für volle Amtszeit", n-tv, 11 March 2019.
  35. "Merkel says her conservatives face hard battle after 16 years in power", Reuters, 9 September 2021.
  36. Welle (, Deutsche. Germany's SPD, FDP and Greens unveil governing coalition deal | DW | 24.11.2021 (in en-GB).
  37. "Olaf Scholz elected as Germany's new Chancellor, replacing Angela Merkel", 8 December 2021.
  38. Merkel angers China on Dalai Lama. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  39. Ahmadinejad Claims Holocaust Invented to Embarrass Germany. Deutsche Welle. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  40. Aresu Eqbali, 2006. Ahmadinejad: Holocaust was made up. Mail and Guardian Online. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  41. Friends in High Places. The pomp and symbolism of Angela Merkel's visit to Israel The Economist, March 2008. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  42. PHOTO GALLERY: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th. Spiegel. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Angela Merkel. 2007. Speech by Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and President of the European Council, at the official ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome. Germany 2007 - Presidency of the European Union. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  44. Merkel visits Mideast as EU president. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved November 16, 2008. Merkel has spoken in support of the Saudi Peace Plan; Almaeena, Khaled. 2008. Merkel Backs King’s Peace Initiatives. Arab News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  45. Brian Parkin and Oliver Suessnews. 2008. Hypo Real Gets EU50 Billion Government-Led Bailout. Bloomberg. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  46. Merkel slams Ireland over bank guarantees. The Economic Times, Oct 7, 2008 Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  47. 47.0 47.1 Bank uncertainty hits UK shares. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  48. "Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award", Reuters, 8 September 2010.
  49. "The Sarrazin Debate: Germany Is Becoming Islamophobic", Der Spiegel.
  50. Connor, Richard, "Merkel defends 'Muhammad' cartoonist, condemns Koran-burning", Deutsche Welle, 8 September 2010.
  51. BBC: Germany's Central Muslim Council (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland) criticised Mrs. Merkel for attending the award ceremony. 8 September 2010. A ZMD spokesman, Aiman Mazyek, told public broadcaster Deutschlandradio that the Chancellor was honouring someone "who in our eyes kicked our prophet, and therefore kicked all Muslims". He said giving Mr Westergaard the prize in a "highly charged and heated time" was "highly problematic".
  52. "Merkel honours Danish Muhammad cartoonist Westergaard", BBC News, 8 September 2010.
  53. Buchholz, Christine. "Merkel's affront to Muslims", Die linke, 9 September 2010. (written in de)
  54. 54.0 54.1 "Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning", Der Spiegel.
  55. "Ehrung des Mohammed-Karikaturisten: Angela Merkels Risiko", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 8 September 2010. (written in de)
  56. "Merkel: Sarrazin spaltet Gesellschaft". (written in de)
  57. "Sprachkritik: "Alternativlos" ist das Unwort des Jahres", Der Spiegel, 18 January 2011. (written in de)
  58. Prantl, Heribert, "Alternative dank Merkel", 24 September 2013.
  59. "German Chancellor Merkel Defends Work of Intelligence Agencies", Der Spiegel, 10 July 2013.
  60. "Germany's Merkel rejects NSA-Stasi comparison", 10 July 2013.
  61. Strange, Hannah, "Angela Merkel refers to internet as 'virgin territory'", 20 June 2013.
  62. Frickel, Claudia, "Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht über Merkels "Internet-Neuland"", 20 June 2013. (written in de)
  63. Traynor, Ian, "Merkel compared NSA to Stasi in heated encounter with Obama", 17 December 2013.
  64. Kirschbaum, Erik (4 May 2015). Merkel defends German intelligence cooperation with NSA. Reuters.
  65. "Sensible talks urged by Merkel to restore trust with US", Germany News.Net.
  66. "Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland? Kauder widerspricht Merkel" {{#invoke:webarchive|webarchive}}, Idea, 19 January 2015 {{#invoke:lang/utilities|in_lang|template=in lang}}
  67. "Kauder: 'Der Islam gehört nicht zu Deutschland'", 18 January 2015. (written in de)
  68. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named
  69. "Merkel splits conservative bloc with green light to refugees", Reuters, 6 September 2015.
  70. Germany: 'No Limit' To Refugees We'll Take In. Sky News (5 September 2015).
  71. Fouquet, Helene; Delfs, Arne; and Wingrove, Josh, "Trump Goes His Own Way as G-7 Cobbles Together an Awkward Truce", Bloomberg, 27 May 2017.
  72. "Germany's reluctance to speak out against China", Deutsche Welle, 7 July 2020.
  73. "Merkel is under pressure to cut Germany's ties with China as the Hong Kong crisis triggers a European backlash against Beijing", Business Insider, 8 July 2020.
  74. "China Is Merkel's Biggest Failure in Office", Foreign Policy, 15 September 2020.
  75. "China, Germany tight ties will face post-Merkel test", Asia Times, 26 August 2020.
  76. Clay Risen, 2005, (Washington Post/Newsweek), Deutschland's Iron Lady’s Angela Merkel the next Maggie Thatcher? Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  77. 77.0 77.1 Elizabeth MacDonald and R. Schoenberger Chana, 2007. The World's 100 Most Powerful Women. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  78. Merkel named as German chancellor. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  79. German parties back new coalition. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  80. Merkel becomes German chancellor. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  81. German coalition poised for power. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  82. Merkel defends German reform plan. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  83. Clay Clemens, 2006. "From the Outside In." in Eric Langenbacher. Launching the grand coalition: the 2005 Bundestag election and the future of German politics. (New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2006), 150-190.
  84. German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives Honorary doctorate from Hebrew University. American Friends of the Hebrew University. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  85. Charlemagne Prize 2008: Angela Merkek. City of Aachen. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  86. 86.0 86.1 Ollie Stone-Lee, citing Shirley Williams. 2005. Thatcher's role for women. BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  87. Paula Maurie Poindexter, Sharon Meraz, and Amy Schmitz Weiss. 2008. Women, men, and news: divided and disconnected in the news media landscape. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2008), 181.
  88. Merkel's misguided modesty. Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  89. Myra Marx Ferree, 2006. "Angela Merkel," 95-108 in Langenbacher, 2006, 106.
  90. Ferree, in Langenbacher, 2006, 97.
  91. Chancellor Merkel named world's most powerful woman. German Information Center. Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  92. Angela Merkel, 2008. Statements by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Ben-Gurion Airport welcoming ceremony. Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. March 16. Retrieved November 12, 2008.
  93. Merkel's Legacy. Financial Times. Retrieved November 16, 2008.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Conradt, David P., Gerald R. Kleinfeld, and Christian Søe. A precarious victory: Shroeder and the German elections of 2002. New York, NY: Berghahn, 2004. ISBN 9781571818645
  • Langguth, Gerd. Angela Merkel: Aufstieg zur Macht: Biografie. DTV (Series), 34414. München, DE: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2007. ISBN 9783423344142 (German).
  • Langenbacher, Eric. Launching the grand coalition: the 2005 Bundestag election and the future of German politics. New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2006. ISBN 9781845452834
  • Mills, Cliff. Angela Merkel. Modern world leaders. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 2007. ISBN 0791094960
  • Poindexter, Paula Maurie, Sharon Meraz, and Amy Schmitz Weiss. Women, men, and news: divided and disconnected in the news media landscape. (LEA's communication series.) New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. ISBN 9780805861020

External links

All links retrieved January 20, 2022.

Political offices
Preceded by:
Ursula Lehr
Minister for Women and Youth of Germany
1991 – 1994
Succeeded by:
Claudia Nolte
Preceded by:
Klaus Töpfer
Minister for the Environment and Reactor Safety
1994 – 1998
Succeeded by:
Jürgen Trittin
Preceded by:
Gerhard Schröder
Chancellor of Germany
2005 – present
Preceded by:
Vladimir Putin
Chair of the G8
Succeeded by: Yasuo Fukuda
Preceded by:
Matti Vanhanen
President of the European Council
Spring 2007
Succeeded by: José Sócrates
Party Political Offices
Preceded by:
Peter Hintze
Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany
1998 – 2000
Succeeded by:
Ruprecht Polenz
Preceded by:
Wolfgang Schäuble
Chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany
2000 – present
Preceded by:
Friedrich Merz
Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group
2002 – 2005
Succeeded by:
Volker Kauder


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Cite error: <ref> tags exist for a group named "lower-alpha", but no corresponding <references group="lower-alpha"/> tag was found