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White tea was formerly a luxury reserved for the emperor of China (source: White tea)

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Sepoy Indian Troops Dividing the Spoils after Their Mutiny against British Rule
The First War of Indian Independence, known by the British usually as the Indian Mutiny or the Sepoy Mutiny, was a period of rebellions in northern and central India against British power in 1857–1858. It is widely acknowledged to be the first-ever united rebellion against colonial rule in India. The result of the uprising was a feeling among the British that they had conquered India and were entitled to rule. The Mughal Emperor was banished and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom was declared sovereign. The British East India Company was closed down and replaced by direct control from London through a Governor-General.

Popular Article: Reconstruction

A political cartoon of Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln, 1865
Reconstruction is the name of the historical period following the American Civil War during which the U.S. government attempted to resolve the divisions of the war, rebuild the southern economy, and integrate former slaves into the political and social life of the country. With the end of the war and the collapse of the Confederacy in 1865, Southern states which had borne the brunt of the war were in ruins. Slavery was abolished first among states in rebellion by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and later by the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1865.

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