Lesslie Newbigin

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Bishop Lesslie Newbigin in 1996

James Edward Lesslie Newbigin (December 8, 1909 – January 30, 1998) who chaired the North of England Shipowners Federation in 1922.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag.


School and University

Newbigin was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria. His father was owner and manager of a shipping company who chaired the North of England Ship Owners Federation in 1922. His mother was of Scottish ancestry and both parents were committed Presbyterians. His father was also a pacifist and chose to send Lesslie to a Quaker boarding school where he would not be required to emter the military cadets. Newbigin attended Leighton Park in Reading, Berkshire. He was attracted by Quaker concern for those on the margins of society but was not deeply religious at this period in his life.[1] He went to on matriculate at Queens' College, Cambridge in 1928. He soon became involved in the Student Christian Movement. Attending many meetings, he heard such people as William Temple and John Raleigh Mott speak. Both were pioneers of the ecumenical movement. Archbishop Temple was also a strong advocate for Christian social responsibility. Before he graduated, Newbigin made a profession of Christian faith while working at a camp for unemployed men and also became convinced that God wanted him to enter the ministry. He was conformed at St. Columbus Presbyterian Church, Cambridge. On as soon as the regulations of the Church of Scotland them, which was not until September 1936. They both intended to offer for overseas service. Newbigin was formally accepted as a missionary-designate in late 1935. Newbigin had returned to Cambridge in 1933 to train for the ministry at Westminster College, and in July 1936 he was ordained as a Church of Scotland minister. Helen, also accepted, underwent a statutory year of training and also taught for some time at her former school.[2] [Both were designated for service in Madras, India. At Westminster, Newbigin was initially set to take the theology tripos but unearthed an ancient regulation that enabled him instead to pursue a broader course of study since to be ordained he only needed to pass the College's ordination examination.[3] He embarked on a deep reading and study of the Epistle to the Romans, which he saw as the most "complete" statement of the Gospel. After their marriage, the couple embarked for India Septemnber, 26 1936. On route, Newbigin wrote his first book, Christian Freedom in the Modern World (1937).

First Term in India

After reaching India, Newbigin began intensive study of Telegu. He became a fluent speaker. Early progress, though, was hampered when he injured his leg in a bus accident and after several operations had to return to Scotland for more surgery. It seemed that amputation might be necessary, which would have ended his missionary career. Fortunately, he recovered and by 1939 the couple and their first child born while in Scotland were back in India. For the next seven years they were stationed in Kanchipuram, a city of ancient and beautiful Hindu temples.[4] Newbigin began to attend a study session and discussion held at the Ramakrishna Mission focusing on the Upanishads. Newbigin did not readily see a point of contact between Hindu religious thought and the Gospel; in his view, Hinduism had no room for a Savior. Rather, he saw "the secular experience of human life" as the place where common ground could be found.[5] For this reason, and influenced by the social theology of William Temple, he began to work with the untouchables. As he labored in the villages both in development and evangelism, he became impressed by the leadership potential he encountered. He prepared a great deal of teaching material. By 1946 he was drawn into talks at a national - or rather South Indian level - about unity between three Protestant denominations, the South Indian United Church, already a union of Presbyterians and Congregationalists to which he was himself seconded, the Anglicans and the Methodists.

Newbigin enthusiastically supported the cause of Christian unity and was deeply committed to the process by which the three separated Churches became one. Two fundamental issues were what shape would the united church take and how would three different ministries become one. Newbigin, despite his Presbyterian background, began to see the episcopacy as God's will. He came to believe that this dated back to the time of the apostles. By recognizing the bishop as chief pastor of the diocese, Christians from diverse backgrounds could unite in a common faith. However, he was adamant that ministers who lacked episcopal ordination would not have to be re-ordained. All would repent for past disunity and for past rancor and mutually covenant together. Future presbyters would be ordained by bishops but at the point of unification all ministers would be recognized. Newbigin was chosen as a bishop-elect, one of fourteen new bishops consecrated on September 27, 1947. Before he took up his duties, Newbigin went home on furlough. In the United Kingdom, he encountered criticism of the union; Anglicans were upset that ministers who lacked episcopal ordination would be officiating at the sacraments, which former Anglicans would receive while others, not least of all Presbyterians, were outrage that the united church had bishops. This led Newbigin to write another book, The Reunion of the Church: A Defence of the South India Scheme (1948), which he revised in 1960. Newbigin defended not only bishops as a form of church order or organization but the historical episcopacy, that is, one that can be traced back, bishop by bishop, to the apostolic era.

Bishop of Madurai and Ramnad

Newbigin's diocese was in the south east of Tamil Nadu state. He continued to work in the villages and oversaw a growing diocese but by now he was also active on the international scene. His book about the South Indian Church union attracted wide acclaim. He served on the planning committee for the inaugural assembly of the World Council of Churches, more or less drafting what became its "Message". He was appointed to chair the committee preparing for the second assembly, which took place in 1954.[6] Next, he became Vice-Chair of the Faith and Order Commission and was instrumental in making "the nature of unity" a major theme at the third assembly, which too place in New Delhi, India in 1961. By then, he had taken up an ecumenical appointment outside India.

Other international meetings include the 1948 and the 1958 Lambeth Conferences of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which he attended as a personal guest of Archbishop Geoffrey Fisher, the Archbishop of Canterbury. He remained disappointed to the end of his life that that "full communion" was not granted to the CSI.[7] During 1952, Newbigin delivered the Kerr lectures at Glasgow, later published as The Household of God. This reflects his interest in the "nature of the Church." He links this closely with what shape Christian unity ought to take. His Harvard University William Belden Noble Lectures series, delivered in 1958 was published as A faith for this One World? (1961). Later, lectures given at Yale became The Finality of Christ. With reference to the existence of a plurality of faiths, Newbigin began to develop his distinctive contribution in thinking about religious diversity. In this book and in later writing, Newbigin argued that while Christianity cannot claim finality, Christians can and must regard Jesus as God's Final self-disclosure, as the unique agent of redemption as that all history is to be interpreted with reference to God's presence in Jesus Christ.[8] Honorary doctorates began to follow; the first was awarded by Chicago Theological Seminary in 1953, the second by St Andrews, Scotland in 1958 and he third by Hamburg in 1960. Three others would follow.

The International Missionary Council

Now regarded as one of the world's leading thinkers on mission and unity, Newbigin was invited by the International Missionary Council to serve as General Secretary. His appointment was confirmed by the IMC's Ghana Assembly in 1958. Newbigin was reluctant to leave India but believed that he had a contribution to make as integration talks between the IMC and the WCC were well in hand. He agreed to serve for five years after which he intended to return to India. The IMC was based in London but Newbigin travelled extensively. In 1960, he toured Africa "visiting 15 countries."[9] 1961 saw him traveling around the Pacific and the Caribbean. Integration was confirmed at the New Delhi Assembly that year, making Newbigin the first director of the WCC's Division of World Mission and Evangelism. He moved, with his family, to Geneva in 1962. The following year he was in Mexico for the Division's first international conference, on "Mission in Six Continents." He was especially anxious to end the old distinction between churches that send and those that receive missionaries; all churches should send and receive, the latter determined according to need by mutual consultation, not by a committee in the "mother" country that planted the daughter church a hundred or more years ago. Newbigin also emphasized and articulated a Trinitarian missiology at this time in his The Relevance of Trinitarian Doctrine for Today's Mission originally published in 1963. Christian must proclaim but it is the Holy Spirit that brings people to faith, often in ways that we fail to recognize. Between 1963 and the end of his term in 1965, books continued to flow from his pen. However, Newbigin and his wife were ready to return to India and glad when he was invited to take up appointment as Bishop of Madras.

Bishop of Madras

Madras saw Newbigin enjoying a return to pastoral and episcopal ministry, although he was still involved in the Faith and Order Commission attending the 1971 meeting. More books followed. Newbigin was now a widely respected theologian, although he had never occupied an academic post. Basel awarded him his fourth honorary doctorate in 1965. In 1968, he was a delegate to the WCC Assembly in Sweden. The diocese had been created as an Anglican bishopric in 1835. One of India's largest cities, the overflowing population had created slums where Newbigin began social welfare programs in addition to serving as deputy moderator of the whole CSI. In 1973 he was at the Mission and Evangelism conference in Thailand. Reaching 65 in 1974, the CSI retirement age Newbigin decided not to apply for a five-year extension but to return to the United Kingdom. He and Helel fulfilled a lifelong ambition by traveling overland, carrying their own luggage. The journey took two months, catching buses.

Lecturer at Selly Oak Colleges

Newbigin accepted a part-time teaching post in mission studies at the Selly Oak College, a federation of colleges mainly affiliated to British Protestant missionary societies where missionary candidates are trained but also where students from overseas churches could pursue various certified and non-certified courses. Certified courses, which included higher degrees, were awarded by the University of Birmingham. Subsequently, some but not all of the Federation's members formally integrated with the University. Although the Anglican bishop invited Newbigin to serve as an Assistant Bishop, and despite his strong support for episcopacy, he decided to return to his roots. The Presbyterians and Congregationalists had by now united in England and Wales to form the United Reformed Church, of which Newbigin became a minister. He was, though, always referred to as Bishop Newbigin and remained a Bishop of the CSI. In 1974, he was honored as a Companion of the British Empire. 1975 saw another honorary doctorate, from Hull. 1978-79 saw him serving as national Moderator of the URC. More books followed, including several on the question of Christianity's public role and ability to engage with, critique and contribute to public life. Having spent so much time away from Europe, Newbigin was surprised to find that religion had retreated from the public square; it had become private. Newbigin passionately believed that Christians have a right to speak on issues of national and global concern. Several books addressed this, some written for the British Council of Churches. These include The Other Side of 1984 and Foolishness to the Greeks. As a result, a major initiative called

In 1947, the fledgeling Church of South India, an ecumenical group of Protestants, appointed him as one of their first bishops in the Diocese of Madurai Ramnad – a surprising career path for a presbyterian minister. In 1959 he became the General Secretary of the International Missionary Council and oversaw its integration with the World Council of Churches, to which he became Associate General Secretary. He remained in Geneva until 1965, when he returned to India as Bishop of Madras, where he stayed until he retired in 1974. He and wife Helen then made their way overland back to the UK using local buses, carrying two suitcases and a rucksack.

They then settled in Birmingham, where Newbigin became a lecturer at the Selly Oak Colleges for five years, followed by taking on the pastorate of the little United Reformed Church (URC) opposite the gates of Winson Green prison. He was Moderator of the URC between 1978 and 1979. During this time, he preached at Balmoral and continued the prolific writing career that established him as one of the most respected and significant theologians of the Twentieth century.

He is remembered especially for the period of his life when he had returned to England from his long missionary service and travels and tried to communicate the need for the church to take the Gospel anew to the post-Christian Western culture, which he believed had unwisely accepted the notions of objectivity and neutrality developed during the Enlightenment. It was during this time that he wrote two of his most important works, Foolishness to the Greeks and The Gospel in a Pluralist Society.[10]

In his "theological/intellectual/spiritual biography" of Newbigin, theologian Geoffrey Wainwright assesses the bishop's influential writing, preaching, teaching, and church guidance, concluding that his stature and range is comparable to the "Fathers of the Church."[11]

At Newbigin's funeral on February 7, 1998 his close friend H. Dan Beeby said, "Not too long ago, some children in Selly Oak were helped to see the world upside down when the aged bishop stood on his head! Not a single one of his many doctorates or his CBE fell out of his pockets. His episcopacy was intact."

Secondary literature

  • Bearing the Witness of the Spirit: Lesslie Newbigin's Theology of Cultural Plurality, George R. Hunsberger, Eerdmans, 1998, ISBN 978-0-8028-4369-7
  • Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life, Geoffrey Wainwright, Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 978-0-19-510171-5
  • "As The Father Has Sent Me, I Am Sending You": J. E. Lesslie Newbigin's Missionary Ecclesiology, Michael W. Goheen, Boekencentrum, 2000, ISBN 978-0239-0976-3
  • Lesslie Newbigin: Missionary Theologian: a Reader, Paul Weston (ed.), SPCK/Eerdmans, 2006 ISBN 978-0802829825 (includes nearly 30 texts by Newbigin)
  • Grasping Truth and Reality: Lesslie Newbigin's Theology of Mission to the Western World, Donald LeRoy Stults, Wipf and Stock, 2008, ISBN 13: 978-1-55635-723-7
  • Newbigin, Lesslie, and John Macmurray. 1937. Christian freedom in the modern world. London: Student Christian movement Press. OCLC 2769000
  • Newbigin, Lesslie. 1960. 1979. The reunion of the church: a defence of the South India scheme. London: SCM; Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. ISBN 9780313207976.
  • Newbigin, L. 1954. The household of God; Lectures on the nature of the church. New York: Friendship Pr.
  • Newbigin, Lesslie. 1969. The finality of Christ. Richmond, Va: John Knox Press. ISBN 9780804205559.
  • Newbigin, Lesslie. 2006. Trinitarian doctrine for today's mission. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers. ISBN 9781597529242.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  1. Wainwright, page 3.
  2. Newbigin and Weston, pages 4-5.
  3. Newbigin and Weston, page 5.
  4. Newbigin and Weston, page 6.
  5. Newbigin and Weston, page 6.
  6. Newbigin and Weston, page 8.
  7. Newbigin and Weston, page 9.
  8. see Newbigin and Weston, pages 60-65.
  9. Newbigin and Weston, page 10.
  10. "Lesslie Newbigin". The Ship of Fools magazine (1998). Retrieved 2007-02-01.
  11. Wainwright, Geoffrey. Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 2000. page v.

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