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The gas chamber was originally introduced to provide a more humane method of execution than hanging. (source: Gas chamber)

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Featured Article: Apple Inc.

Apple Company headquarters in Cupertino, California.
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics and software products. The company's best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, the iPod, and the iPhone. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system, the iTunes media browser, the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, the iWork suite of productivity software, and Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products.

Popular Article: Baal

Ba'al with raised arm, fourteenth-twelfth century B.C.E., found at Ras Shamra
In the Bible, Baal (also rendered Baʿal) was an important Canaanite god, often portrayed as the primary enemy of the Hebrew God Yahweh. The Semitic word "baal" (meaning '"Lord") was also used to refer to various deities of the Levant. Many of the Biblical references to "baal" designate local deities identified with specific places, about whom little is known. However, the term "Baal" in the Bible was more frequently associated with a major deity in the Canaanite pantheon, being the son of the chief god El and his consort Ashera (In some sources Baal is the son of Dagon, with El being a more distant ancestor; and Ashera is not always portrayed as his mother.). He is thought by many scholars to be a Canaanite version of the Babylonian god Marduk and identical with the Assyrian deity Hadad. In Canaanite lore, he was the ruler of Heaven as well as a god of the sun, rain, thunder, fertility, and agriculture.

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