Kingdom of Israel

From New World Encyclopedia

The Kingdom of Israel (Hebrew: מַלְכוּת יִשְׂרָאֵל, Standard Hebrew Malkut Yisrael, Tiberian Hebrew Malḵûṯ Yiśrāʼēl) was the Kingdom proclaimed by the Israelite nation around 1030-1020 B.C.E., enduring until the Assyrian invasion around 681 B.C.E.

Traditionally, nation of Israel was formed as the Israelites left Egypt during the Exodus at an uncertain date, often considered to be in the late 13th century B.C.E. An alternative theory based on recent archaelogical evidence suggests a more gradual evolution of the national identity as semi-nomadic Canaanite clans affiliated to become the nation of Israel.

In the bibical account, the Hebrew people, were led by the patriarchs and later by Judges prior to the establishment of the kingdom. The notion of kingship was for a long time resisted, as it was seen as one man being put in a position of reverence and power that in their faith was reserved for the one true God. According to the Bible, it was Samuel, the last of the judges, to whom the nation appealed for a king, as his sons misused the offices of priest and judge. Although he tried to dissuade them, they were resolute and with God's acqueiscence, Samuel anointed Saul, ben Kish from the tribe of Benjamin, as king. When Saul sinned, the kingship was usurped by Davidwith Samuel's full support. David's son Solomon succeeded him. Because of Solomon's sin of idolotry, the kingdom was then divided into two parts. This article focuses on the Northern Kingdom, or Israel. For information on the Southern Kingdom, please consult the aticle on the Kingdom of Judah.

The area of Solomon's united kingdom is usually agreed to not have much exceeded 34,000 km² (13,000 square miles). Some scholars consider the area of his effective royal administration to have been much smaller. The later kingdom of Israel encompassed about 24,000 km² (9,375 square miles). However, a minority of biblical literalists grant a much larger land area for his empire. [1]

Jerusalem was the capital of the United Kingdom. The first capital of Northern Kingdom was Shechem(1 Kings 12:25), then Tirza (14:17). Samaria was subsequently chosen as the capital (16:24), and continued as such until the destruction of the kingdom by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:5).

United Monarchy

Approximate area under direct central royal administration during the United Monarchy

Around 1030-1020 B.C.E., Saul became the first King of Israel. A natural leader of uncommonly tall stature, he gained important military victories against Israel's traditional enemies, the Philistines and Amalekites. The degree to which he unified the tribes under a single Israelite authority is uncertain. According to the book of Samuel, he ruled with God's approval for only two years, due to his disobedience in failing to complete the slaughter of the Amalekites. Thereafter he continued to reign while the young and future king David gained fame among the southern tribes as bandit leader of heroic proportions. After Saul's death in battle with the Philistines, David was anoinited king by the tribe of Judah at Herbron, where he remained for seven years. The northern tribes seem to have been without a cohesive national identity during this period, during which David captured the strategic Jebusite town of Jerusalem and made it his capital. A civil war between David's forces and several northern tribes supporting the house of Saul raged intermittently, ending when Saul's son Ish-Bosheth was betrayed by his military commander, Abner.

David succeeded in unifying the Hebrew tribes to a degree, and he firmly consolidated the monarchical government in Jerusalem. He embarked on successful military campaigns against Israel's enemies, creating more secure borders for Israel. However, he faced several rebellions, in which elements of the northern tribes joined under the slogan "What have we to do with David?"

The third King of Israel, Shlomo, or "Solomon" in English, is portrayed as a leader of great wisdom who expanded the united Kingdom of Israel into a great empire and constructed a glorious national Temple in Jerusalem. His reign is described as a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity for Israel.

The Northern Kingdom

The history of the Northern Kingdom will be divided into four segments. The first begins with the ascension of Jeroboam and ends with the beginning of the Omrian dynasty. The seconds begins with Omri and ends with the coup by Jehu. The third begins with Jehu and ends with Menahem. The fourth traces the decline and fall of the kingdom of Israel from the time of Menahem until the Assyrian invasion.

Jeroboam to Omri

Despite the biblical portrayal of a vast united empire under King Solomon, Jerusalem's control of the territory of Israel outside of Judah was minimal expect for some amount of taxation and forced labor. There is little to suggest that inhabitants of the territory known as "Israel" had acted together previously except in opposition to the house of David. The harsh labor policy of the Judean king Rehoboam, gave the northern tribes found a strong reason to coalesce under the leadership of Jeroboam I. Jeroboam united the northern tribes politically, and also built two national religious shrines, one in the northern district of Dan, the other just a few miles outside of Jerusalem at Beth-El. His erection of these sites, intended to provide easy access for Israelite pilgrims, earned him the enduring enmity of the Jerusalem priesthood and the biblical authors.

Israel was at first at a disadvantage against Judah due to a the lack of a standing army and because of internal strife. The rule of Jeroboam's tribe of Ephraim became unpopular; and his son Nadab (913) was slain by a usurper, Baasha, of the tribe Issachar (911). The northern districts needed special protection, because of border attacks from the Arameans of Damascus.

Baasha moved the capital at Tirzah and made a treaty with Damascus. This enable him to establish stength his position with Judah. However, when King Asa of Judah induced the Arameans to break with Baasha, Israel lost fertile lands northwest of the Sea of Galilee as well as militarily significant southern high-ground. Baasha's son Elah (888) was slain in a military coup. Two pretenders to the throne both failed to endure, and the military raised its general, Omri to the throne.

Second Period.

Policy and Success of Omri.

—Omri to Jehu (886-842):

Omri chose a new capital, Samaria, the strongest site for defense, in central Palestine. Under him the fratricidal war with Judah was changed to friendship based on common interest: and Judah became a stanch ally, almost a vassal, of Israel. Alliance with Tyre was cemented by a marriage between Omri's son Ahab and Jezebel, the daughter of the Tyrian king. Gilead was held with a firm hand against Damascus on the north and against the Moabites on the south. But west of the Jordan the Arameans were still predominant; and Omri was forced to concede an open market to them in Samaria (I Kings xx. 34). Israel, now narrowing to Ephraim, Jezreel, and Gilead, was being consolidated.

Ahab (875) carried out strenuously his father's policy. His association with Tyre was of material but not of religious advantage to Israel. The cult of the Phenician Baal and Astarte could not be reconciled with the worship of Yhwh; besides, it ministered to lust and luxury. Ahab and Jezebel thus provoked the wrath of the prophet Elijah, whose crusade against the house of Omri was further inspired by Ahab's spoliation and murder of a freeholder of Jezreel. Yet Ahab was a valiant defender of Israel against the growing power of Damascus, with which he was almost constantly at war. On the whole, he was successful; and by the peace of Aphek (855) he revoked the concessions of his father (I Kings xx.). Next year he was actually to be found with Benhadad II. of Damascus as one of many allies fighting against the Assyrians, who under Shalmaneser II. were threatening Palestine as well as Syria. But in 853 war with Damascus broke out afresh. Ahab, who had Jehoshaphat of Judah as an ally, was slain in battle at Ramoth in Gilead.

Fall of the House of Omri.

Ahab's son Ahaziah sickened and died soon after his accession; and his place was taken by his brother Joram (853). The war with Damascus was prosecuted vigorously. Ahab's policy was continued, and Jezebel still promoted the worship of her Baal. The prophet Elisha, at the head of the partizans of Yhwh, now decided upon a coup d'état; and at his instigation Jehu, an officer of the army, rose against the royal house, put Joram and Jezebel to death, and carried out on his own account a murderous proscription against all their relatives as well as against the priests of the Baal.

Third Period.

—Jehu to Menahem (842-741):

Jehu, having cleared the way to the throne, found himself at once face to face with Hazael of Damascus, who a short while before had also made himself king by the assassination of his master. To Secure himself Jehu sent many rich presents to Shalmaneser of Assyria. This, however, availed him nothing. The Assyrians had made frequent expeditions against Damascus, and thereby had greatly helped Israel—perhaps, indeed, had saved it from utter destruction; but after 839 Shalmaneser appeared no more in Syria, and Hazael had his way in Israel and Judah. Jehu's reign was thus made utterly inglorious; and his son Jehoahaz (815) was, if possible, still further reduced by the power of Damascus, so that the vassal state was allowed to maintain only a nominal guard of chariots and horsemen.

But deliverance was granted when most sorely needed. The Assyrians again came against Damascus after the death of Hazael (803); and under Joash (799), son of Jehoahaz, Israel gradually revived. In 797 Damascus was captured by the Assyrians, and for two generations remained innocuous. The Assyrians soon retired; and, freed from the double danger, Israel still further revived, till Jeroboam II. (783), son of Joash, brought it to a height of power and prosperity never before known. Indeed, for a time, the old ideal boundaries both east and west of the Jordan were maintained. But the glory was external and short-lived. The moral causes of decay are shown in the prophecies of Amos and Hosea. Jeroboam's son Zachariah (742) had scarcely begun to reign when a usurper, Shallum, put him to death, he in his turn being summarily disposed of by an army officer, Menahem.

Fourth Period.

Vassalage, Revolt, and Ruin.

—Menahem to Hoshea (741-722):

In the time of Menahem, Israel had at last to deal directly with the Assyrians, who under Tiglathpileser III. were now beginning their final era of conquest. In 738 he bought them off for a thousand talents of silver. His reign was brief, and his son Pekahiah, after ruling little more than a year, was slain by his general Pekah (735). In 734 the Assyrians returned. To cope with them Pekah made an alliance with Damascus. The Assyrians annexed Galilee and Damascus, dethroned Pekah, and put an intriguer, Hoshea, in his place. Over the central remnant Hoshea reigned as an Assyrian vassal till in 724 he was incited to revolt by Egypt under the Ethiopian dynasty. Samaria was soon placed under siege, and at the end of 722 was taken. Of the little kingdom 27,290 people were deported, and it was made an Assyrian province.

During the siege of Samaria (lasting for three years) by the Assyrians, Shalmaneser V died and was succeeded by Sargon II of Assyria, who himself records the capture of that city thus: "Samaria I looked at, I captured; 27,280 men who dwelt in it I carried away" (2 Kings 17:6) into Assyria. Thus, after a duration of two hundred and fifty-three years, the kingdom of the ten tribes came to an end. They were scattered throughout the East, and are popularly known as the Lost ten tribes of Israel.

" Judah held its ground against Assyria for yet one hundred and twenty-three years, and became the rallying-point of the dispersed of every tribe, and eventually gave its name to the whole race. Those of the people who in the last struggle escaped into the territories of Judah or other neighbouring countries naturally looked to Judah as the head and home of their race. And when Judah itself was carried off to Babylon, many of the exiled Israelites joined them from Assyria, and swelled that immense population which made Babylonia a second Judah".

After the deportation of the ten tribes, the vacated land was colonized by various eastern tribes, especially Syrians, whom the king of Assyria sent there (Ezra 4:2, 10; 2 Kings 17:24-29).

Map of the southern Levant, c.800 B.C.E.

The Kings of Israel

For this period, most historians follow either of the older chronologies established by William F. Albright or Edwin R. Thiele, or the newer chronology of Gershon Galil, all of which are shown below. All dates are BCE.

Albright dates Thiele dates Galil dates Common/Biblical name Regnal Name and style Notes
The House of Saul
c.1021–1000   c.1030–1010 Saul שאול בן-קיש מלך ישראל
Shaul ben Qysh, Melek Ysr’al
Killed in battle
c.1000   c.1010–1008 Ishbaal
איש-בשת בן-שאול מלך ישראל
Ish-boshet ben Shaul, Melek Ysr’al
The House of David
c.1000–962   c.1008–970 David דוד בן-ישי מלך ישראל
David ben Yeshy, Melekh Ysr’al
Son-in-law of Saul, brother-in-law of Ish-boseth
c.962–c.922   c.970–931 Solomon שלמה בן-דוד מלך ישראל
Shelomoh ben David, Melekh Yisr’al
Son of David by Bathsheba, his rights of succession were disputed by his older half-brother Adonijah
Israel was divided into northern (Israel) and southern (Judah) kingdoms
The House of Jeroboam
922–901 931–910 931–909 Jeroboam I ירבעם בן-נבט מלך ישראל
Yerobo’am ben Nebat, Melek Ysr’al
901–900 910–909 909–908 Nadab נדב בן-ירבעם מלך ישראל
Nadab ben Yerobo’am, Melek Ysr’al
The House of Baasha
900–877 909–886 908–885 Baasha בעשא בן-אחיה מלך ישראל
Ba’asa ben Achiy’a, Melek Ysr’al
877–876 886–885 885–884 Elah אלה בן-בעשא מלך ישראל
’Alah ben Ba’asa, Melek Ysr’al
The House of Zimri
876 885 884 Zimri זמרי מלך ישראל
Zimry, Melek Ysr’al
Servant of Elah, ruled for 7 days
The House of Omri
876–869 885–874 884–873 Omri עמרי מלך ישראל
’Omry, Melek Ysr’al
Captain of the Hosts. "Khumri" in some foreign records, founder of a new dynasty.
869–850 874–853 873–852 Ahab אחאב בן-עמרי מלך ישראל
Achwav ben ’Omry, Melek Ysr’al
Sent troops against the Assyrians in the Battle of Karkar, 853; killed in siege
850–849 853–852 852–851 Ahaziah אחזיהו בן-אחאב מלך ישראל
’Achazyhu ben ’Ach’ab, Melek Ysr’al
849–842 852–841 851–842 Joram יורם בן-אחאב מלך ישראל
Yoram ben ’Ach’ab, Melek Ysr’al
The House of Jehu
842–815 841–814 842–815 Jehu יהוא בן-נמשי מלך ישראל
Yehu’a ben Nimshi, Melek Ysr’al
See Note 1
815–801 814–798 819–804 Jehoahaz יהואחז בן-יהוא מלך ישראל
Yeho’achaz ben Yehu’a, Melek Ysr’al
801–786 798–782 805–790 Jehoash
יואש בן-יואחז מלך ישראל
Yeho’ash ben Yeho’achaz, Melek Ysr’al
Jehoash paid tribute to King Adad-nirari III of Assyria (810–783).
786–746 782–753 790–750 Jeroboam II ירבעם בן-יואש מלך ישראל
Yerobo’am ben Yeho’ash, Melek Ysr’al
Israel at the height of its power
746 753 750–749  Zachariah זכריה בן-ירבעם מלך ישראל
Zachariah ben Yerobo’am, Melek Ysr’al
The House of Jabesh
745 752 749 Shallum שלם בן-יבש מלך ישראל
Shallum ben Yabesh, Melek Ysr’al
The Last Houses of Israel
745–738 752–742 749–738 Menahem מנחם בן-גדי מלך ישראל
Menochem ben Gady, Melek Ysr’al
738–737 742–740 738–736 Pekahiah פקחיה בן-מנחם מלך ישראל
Pekahyah ben Menahem, Melek Ysr’al
737–732 740–732 736–732 Pekah פקח בן-רמליהו מלך ישראל
Pekah ben Ramalyhu, Melek Ysr’al
732–722 732–722 732–722 Hoshea הושע בן-אלה מלך ישראל
Hosh’e ben ’Alah, Melek Ysr’al
Deposed. See Note 2

1. Jehu: Considered to be a contemporary of the Assyrian King Shalmaneser III (858–824) to whom he paid tribute. This is based on an inscription on The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III showing "Yaua" son of Omri paying tribute, dated to 841 B.C.E.

2. Hoshea: Paid tribute to the Assyrian King Shalmaneser V (727–722 B.C.E.) but rebelled in 725 B.C.E. Shalmaneser besieged the capital, Samaria, but died shortly before the fall of the city. His brother Sargon II (722–705 B.C.E.) completed the siege with success in 722, making Judah the sole remaining Hebrew kingdom. The ten tribes were exiled to other parts of the Assyrian Empire and never heard from again in recorded history. A small group of people fled south to take refuge in Judah.

See also

  • Government of ancient Israel
  • Kingdom of Judah
  • History of ancient Israel and Judah

External links

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