Film Noir

From New World Encyclopedia

Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize moral ambiguity and sexual motivation. Hollywood's classic film noir period is generally regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key black-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography, while many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Depression.

The term film noir (French for "black film"), was first applied to Hollywood movies by French critic Nino Frank in 1946, though was unknown to most American film industry professionals of the era. Cinema historians and critics defined the canon of film noir in retrospect; many of those involved in the making of the classic noirs later professed to be unaware of having created a distinctive type of film.

Though film noirs were not known to be especially uplifting or spiritually redeeming, they did serve a moral purpose in that they brought to light the ambiquity of good and evil as well as how the underlying presence of temptation can disturb our fair intentions, even those related to our pursuit of justice.

Noir—What is it?

Film noirs embrace a variety of genres, from the gangster film to the police procedural to the so-called "social problem picture," and evidence a variety of visual approaches, from Hollywood mainstream to outré. While many critics refer to film noir as a genre in itself, others argue that it is more of a stylistic approach that can be applied to any genre.

The history of film noir criticism has seen fundamental questions become matters of controversy unusually intense for such a field. Where aesthetic debates tend to concentrate on the quality and meaning of specific artworks and the intentions and influences of their creators, in film noir, the debates are regularly much broader.

Outside of the classic period, it becomes harder to classify movies as noir. In order to decide which films are noir (and which are not), many critics refer to a set of elements they see as marking examples of the mode. For instance, some critics insist that a true film noir must have a bleak conclusion, though many acknowledged classics of the genre have clearly happy endings. Other common elements of the tradition are a female representing the femme fatale character, snappy dialog, an urban setting, low-lighting, crime, and characters holding a pessimistic worldview.

The prehistory of noir

Film noir draws from sources not only in cinema but from other artistic forms as well. The low-key lighting schemes commonly linked with film noirs are in the tradition of chiaroscuro and tenebrism, techniques using high contrasts of light and dark developed by fifteenth and sixteenth century painters associated with Mannerism and the Baroque.

Another important cinematic antecedent to classic noir was 1930s French poetic realism, with its romantic, fatalistic attitude and celebration of doomed heroes. Italian neorealism is yet another acknowledged influence on certain trends in noir, with its emphasis on quasi-documentary authenticity. However, Film noir's aesthetics were most deeply influenced by German Expressionism, a cinematic movement of the 1910s and 1920s closely related to contemporaneous developments in theater, photography, painting, sculpture, and architecture. The opportunities offered by the booming Hollywood film industry and, later, the threat of growing Nazi power led to the emigration of many important film artists working in Germany who had either been directly involved in the Expressionist movement. Directors such as Fritz Lang, Robert Siodmak, and Michael Curtiz brought dramatic lighting techniques and a psychologically expressive approach with them to Hollywood, where they would make some of the most famous of classic noirs. Lang's 1931 masterwork, the German M, is among the first major crime films of the "sound era" to join a characteristically noirish visual style with a noir-type plot, one in which the protagonist is a criminal, as are his most successful pursuers. M was also the occasion for the first star performance by Peter Lorre, who would go on to act in several formative American noirs of the classic era.

By 1931, director Michael Curtiz had already been in Hollywood for half a decade, making as many as six films a year. Movies of his such as 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) and Private Detective 62 (1933) are among the early Hollywood sound films arguably classifiable as noir. Giving moviemakers particularly free stylistic rein were Universal horror pictures such as Dracula (1931), The Mummy (1932) and The Black Cat (1934). The Universal horror that comes closest to noir, both in story and sensibility, however, is The Invisible Man (1933), directed by Englishman James Whale and shot by American Carl Laemmle Jr.

Regarding movies not themselves considered film noirs, perhaps none had a greater effect on the development of the genre than America's own Citizen Kane (1941), the landmark motion picture directed by Orson Welles. Its Sternbergian visual intricacy and complex, voiceover-driven narrative structure have been echoed in dozens of classic film noirs.

Early literary influences

The primary literary movement to have influenced film noir was the "hardboiled" school of American detective and crime fiction, led in its early years by such writers as Dashiell Hammett (whose first novel, Red Harvest, was published in 1929) and James M. Cain (whose The Postman Always Rings Twice appeared five years later), and popularized in pulp magazines such as Black Mask. The classic film noirs The Maltese Falcon (1941) and The Glass Key (1942) were based on novels by Hammett. Cain's novels provided the basis for Double Indemnity (1944), Mildred Pierce (1945), The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), and Slightly Scarlet (1956). A decade before the classic era, a story of Hammett's was the source for the gangster melodrama City Streets (1931), directed by Rouben Mamoulian and photographed by Lee Garmes, who worked regularly with Sternberg. Wedding a style and story both with many noir characteristics, released the month before Lang's M, City Streets has a claim to being the first major film noir.

Raymond Chandler, who debuted as a novelist with The Big Sleep in 1939, soon became the most famous author of the hardboiled school. Not only were Chandler's novels turned into major noirs—-Murder, My Sweet (1944; adapted from Farewell, My Lovely), The Big Sleep (1946), and Lady in the Lake (1947)—-he was an important screenwriter in the genre as well, producing the scripts for Double Indemnity, The Blue Dahlia (1946), and Strangers on a Train (1951). Where Chandler, like Hammett, centered most of his novels and stories on the character of the private eye, Cain featured less heroic protagonists and focused more on psychological exposition than on crime solving. For much of the 1940s, one of the most prolific and successful authors of this often downbeat brand of suspense tale was Cornell Woolrich. No writer's published work provided the basis for more film noirs of the classic period than Woolrich's: thirteen in all, including Black Angel (1946), Deadline at Dawn (1946), and Fear in the Night (1947).

A crucial literary source for film noir, now often overlooked, was W. R. Burnett, whose first novel to be published was Little Caesar, in 1929. It would be adapted into the hit for Warner Bros. in 1931; the following year, Burnett was hired to write dialogue for Scarface, while Beast of the City was adapted from one of his stories. Some critics regard these latter two movies as film noirs, despite their early date. Burnett's characteristic narrative approach fell somewhere between that of the quintessential hardboiled writers and their noir fiction compatriots—his protagonists were often heroic in their way, a way just happening to be that of the gangster. During the classic era, his work, either as author or screenwriter, was the basis for seven movies now widely regarded as film noirs, including three of the most famous: High Sierra (1941), This Gun for Hire (1942), and The Asphalt Jungle (1950).

The classic period

One of the quintessential film noirs, Out of the Past (1947) features many of the genre's hallmarks: a cynical private detective as the protagonist, a sexy femme fatale, multiple flashbacks with voiceover narration, dramatic chiaroscuro photography, and a fatalistic mood leavened with provocative banter. The film stars Robert Mitchum, one of the foremost male icons of film noir.

The 1940s and 1950s are generally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir. The movie most commonly cited as the first "true" film noir is Boris Ingster's Stranger on the Third Floor (1940). While City Streets and other pre-WWII crime melodramas such as Fury (1936) and You Only Live Once (1937), both directed by Fritz Lang, are considered full-fledged noir by some critics, most categorize them as "proto-noir" or in similar terms.

Orson Welles's Touch of Evil (1958) is frequently cited as the last noir of the classic period. Some scholars believe film noir never really ended, but has continued to transform even as the characteristic noir visual style began to seem dated and changing production conditions led Hollywood in different directions. In this view, post-1950s films made in the noir tradition are seen as part of a continuity of classic noir. A majority of critics, however, regard comparable movies made outside the classic era to be something other than genuine film noirs. They regard true film noir as belonging to a temporally and geographically limited cycle or period, treating subsequent films that evoke the classics as fundamentally different due to general shifts in moviemaking style and latter-day awareness of noir as a historical source for allusion.

Most of the film noirs of the classic period were modestly budgeted features without major stars, also known as B-movies (either literally or in spirit), in which writers, directors, cinematographers, and other craftsmen were relatively free from the typical big-picture constraints. While enforcement of the Production Code ensured that no movie character could literally get away with murder, at the B level of noir one could come awful close. Thematically, film noirs as a group were most exceptional for the relative frequency with which they centered on women of questionable virtue—a focus very rare in Hollywood films after the mid-1930s and the end of the pre-Code era. The signal movie in this vein was Double Indemnity, directed by Billy Wilder and starring Barbara Stanwyck as the unforgettable femme fatale. An A-level feature all the way, the movie's commercial success and seven Oscar nominations made it probably the most influential of the early noirs.

Conventional A films, however emotionally tortuous, were ultimately expected to convey positive, reassuring messages. And in terms of style, invisible camerawork and editing techniques, flattering soft lighting schemes, and deluxely trimmed sets were the standard for these features. The makers of film noir turned all this on its head, creating sophisticated, sometimes bleak dramas tinged with mistrust, cynicism, and a sense of the absurd, in settings that were frequently either real-life urban or budget-saving minimalist, with often strikingly expressionist lighting and unsettling techniques such as wildly skewed camera angles and convoluted flashbacks. The noir style gradually influenced the mainstream, even beyond Hollywood.

Thirty-five notable American film noirs of the classic period

(with directors and significant noir performers—supporting players in italics)1


  • Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) d. Boris Ingster, w/ Peter Lorre, Elisha Cook Jr.
  • High Sierra (1941) d. Raoul Walsh, w/ Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart, Arthur Kennedy
  • The Maltese Falcon (1941) d. John Huston, w/ Bogart, Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, Cook
  • Shadow of a Doubt (1943) d. Alfred Hitchcock, w/ Joseph Cotten
  • Laura (1944) d. Otto Preminger, w/ Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb
  • Double Indemnity (1944) d. Billy Wilder, w/ Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson
  • The Lost Weekend (1945) d. Wilder, w/ Ray Milland
  • Mildred Pierce (1945) d. Michael Curtiz, w/ Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott, Bruce Bennett
  • Detour (1945) d. Edgar G. Ulmer, w/ Tim Ryan, Esther Howard, Don Brodie (starring Tom Neal and Ann Savage)
  • The Big Sleep (1946) d. Howard Hawks, w/ Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Dorothy Malone
  • Gilda (1946) d. Charles Vidor, w/ Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready, Joseph Calleia
  • The Killers (1946) d. Robert Siodmak, w/ Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Edmond O'Brien, Albert Dekker, Sam Levene, Charles McGraw, William Conrad, Jeff Corey
  • Notorious (1946) d. Hitchcock, w/ Claude Rains (starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman)
  • The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) d. Tay Garnett, w/ Lana Turner, John Garfield, Audrey Totter
  • The Stranger (1946) d. Orson Welles, w/ Robinson, Loretta Young, Erskine Sanford
  • Dark Passage (1947) d. Delmer Daves, w/ Bogart, Bacall, Bennett
  • The Lady from Shanghai (1947) d. Welles, w/ Hayworth, Welles, Everett Sloane, Ted de Corsia, Sanford
  • Out of the Past (1947) d. Jacques Tourneur, w/ Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Richard Webb, Steve Brodie
  • Key Largo (1948) d. Huston, w/ Bogart, Robinson, Bacall, Claire Trevor, Thomas Gomez
  • White Heat (1949) d. Walsh, w/ James Cagney, O'Brien, Steve Cochran, Fred Clark (costarring Virginia Mayo)


  • The Asphalt Jungle (1950) d. Huston, w/ Sterling Hayden, Barry Kelley, Ray Teal
  • D.O.A. (1950) d. Rudolph Maté, w/ O'Brien, Luther Adler
  • In a Lonely Place (1950) d. Nicholas Ray, w/ Bogart, Gloria Grahame, Frank Lovejoy, Carl Benton Reid, Art Smith, Jeff Donnell
  • Night and the City (1950) d. Jules Dassin, w/ Richard Widmark, Gene Tierney, Mike Mazurki
  • Sunset Boulevard (1950) d. Wilder, w/ William Holden, Clark, Jack Webb (costarring Gloria Swanson)
  • Ace in the Hole (1951) d. Wilder, w/ Douglas, Jan Sterling, Robert Arthur, Frank Cady, Richard Benedict, Teal, Lewis Martin, Timothy Carey
  • Strangers on a Train (1951) d. Hitchcock, w/ Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Kasey Rogers, John Doucette (costarring Robert Walker)
  • Pickup on South Street (1953) d. Samuel Fuller, w/ Widmark, Richard Kiley, Milburn Stone
  • The Big Heat (1953) d. Fritz Lang, w/ Ford, Grahame, Lee Marvin, Carolyn Jones, Doucette
  • Kiss Me Deadly (1955) d. Robert Aldrich, w/ Dekker, Paul Stewart, Marian Carr, Jack Elam, Helton (starring Ralph Meeker)
  • The Night of the Hunter (1955) d. Charles Laughton, w/ Mitchum, Shelley Winters (costarring Lillian Gish)
  • The Killing (1956) d. Stanley Kubrick, w/ Hayden, Coleen Gray, Vince Edwards, Jay C. Flippen, Cook, Marie Windsor, de Corsia, Carey, Joe Turkel, Jay Adler
  • The Wrong Man (1956) d. Hitchcock, w/ Henry Fonda, Harold J. Stone (costarring Vera Miles)
  • Sweet Smell of Success (1957) d. Alexander Mackendrick, w/ Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Levene, Donnell, Jay Adler
  • Touch of Evil (1958) d. Welles, w/ Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, Welles, Calleia, Ray Collins

Neo-noir and echoes of the classic mode

The 1960s and 1970s

While it is hard to draw a line between some of the noir films of the early 1960s such as Blast of Silence (1961) and Cape Fear (1962) and the noirs of the late 1950s, new trends emerged in the post-classic era. The Manchurian Candidate (1962), directed by John Frankenheimer, Shock Corridor (1962), directed by Samuel Fuller, and Brainstorm (1965), directed by experienced noir character actor William Conrad, all treat the theme of mental dispossession within stylistic and tonal frameworks derived from classic film noir.

In a different vein, filmmakers such as Arthur Penn, John Boorman, and Alan J. Pakula directed movies that knowingly related themselves to the original film noirs, inviting audiences in on the game. Conscious acknowledgment of the classic era's conventions, as historical archetypes to be revived, rejected, or reimagined, is what puts the "neo" in neo-noir, according to many critics. Though several late classic noirs, Kiss Me Deadly in particular, were entirely self-knowing and post-traditional in conception, none that were top- or midbudgeted tipped its hand in a way noticeable to most audiences of the time. The first broadly popular crime drama of an unmistakable neo-noir nature was not a movie, but the TV series Peter Gunn (1958–61), created by Blake Edwards.

Neo-noir/Take 1: As car thief Michel Poiccard, aka Laszlo Kovacs, Jean-Paul Belmondo does his best Humphrey Bogart in À bout de souffle (Breathless; 1960), written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard from a story by François Truffaut.

A manifest affiliation with noir traditions—which, by its nature, allows for different sorts of commentary on them to be inferred can also provide the basis for explicit critiques of those traditions. The first major film to work this angle was French director Jean-Luc Godard's À bout de souffle (Breathless; 1960), which pays its literal respects to Bogart and his crime films while brandishing a bold new style for a new day. In 1973, director Robert Altman, who had worked on Peter Gunn, flipped off noir piety with The Long Goodbye.

The most acclaimed of the neo-noirs of the era was director Roman Polanski's 1974 Chinatown. Written by Robert Towne, it is set in 1930s Los Angeles, an accustomed noir locale nudged back some few years in a way that makes the pivotal loss of innocence in the story even crueler. Where Polanski and Towne raised noir to a black apogee by turning rearward, director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader brought the noir attitude crashing into the present day with Taxi Driver (1976), a cackling, bloody-minded gloss on bicentennial America. In 1978, Walter Hill wrote and directed The Driver, a chase movie as might have been imagined by Jean-Pierre Melville in an especially abstract mood.

Some of the strongest 1970s noirs were remakes of the classics, "neo" mostly by default. Altman's heartbreaking Thieves Like Us (1973), based on the same source as Ray's They Live by Night, and Farewell, My Lovely (1975), the Chandler tale made classically as Murder, My Sweet, remade here with Robert Mitchum in his last notable noir role. Detective series, prevalent on American television during the period, updated the hardboiled tradition in different ways, but the show conjuring the most noir tone was the horror crossover, Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974–75), featuring a Chicago newspaper reporter investigating strange, usually supernatural occurrences.

The 1980s through the present

The turn of the decade brought Scorsese's black-and-white Raging Bull (cowritten by Schrader); an acknowledged masterpiece that is often voted as the greatest film of the 1980s in critics' polls. The film tells the story of a boxer's moral self-destruction that recalls in both theme and visual ambience noir dramas such as Body and Soul (1947) and Champion (1949). From 1981, the popular Body Heat, written and directed by Lawrence Kasdan, invokes a different set of classic noir elements, this time in a humid, erotically charged Florida setting. Its success confirmed the commercial viability of neo-noir, at a time when the major Hollywood studios were becoming increasingly risk averse. Such mainstreaming of neo-noir is evident in films such as Black Widow (1987), Shattered (1991), and Final Analysis (1992). Few neo-noirs have made more money or more wittily updated the tradition of the noir double-entendre than Basic Instinct (1992), directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Joe Eszterhas.

Over the past twenty-five years, the big-budget auteur to work most frequently in a neo-noir mode has been Michael Mann, with the films Thief (1981), Heat (1995), and Collateral (2004), as well as the 1980s TV series Miami Vice and Crime Story. Mann's output exemplifies a primary strain of neo-noir, in which classic themes and tropes are revisited in a contemporary setting with an up-to-date visual style and rock or hip hop–based musical soundtrack.

Working generally with much smaller budgets, brothers Joel and Ethan Coen have created one of the most substantial film oeuvres influenced by classic noir, with movies such as Blood Simple (1984) and Fargo (1996), considered by some a supreme work in the neo-noir mode.

Perhaps no contemporary films better reflect the classil noir A-movie-with-a-B-movie-soul than those of director-writer Quentin Tarantino; neo-noirs of his such as Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994) display a relentlessly self-reflexive, sometimes tongue-in-cheek sensibility, similar to the work of the New Wave directors and the Coens.

Characteristics of classic film noir

Visual style

Forget it, Jake. It's...the blinds. Private eye Jake Gittes, performed by Jack Nicholson, undergoes some old-school shadowcasting in Chinatown (1974).

Film noirs tend to use low-key lighting schemes producing stark light/dark contrasts and dramatic shadow patterning. The shadows of Venetian blinds or banister rods, cast upon an actor, a wall, or an entire set, are an iconic visual component used in film noir and had already become a cliché well before the neo-noir era. Characters' faces may be partially or wholly obscured by darkness—-a relative rarity in conventional Hollywood moviemaking.

Film noir is also known for its use of Dutch angles, low-angle shots, and wide-angle lenses. Other devices of disorientation relatively common in film noir include shots of people reflected in one or more mirrors, shots through curved or frosted glass or other distorting objects, and special effects sequences of a sometimes bizarre nature.

In an analysis of the visual approach of Kiss Me Deadly (1955), a late and self-consciously stylized example of classic noir, critic Alain Silver describes how cinematographic choices emphasize the story's themes and mood. In one scene, the characters, seen through a "confusion of angular shapes," thus appear "caught in a tangible vortex or enclosed in a trap." Silver makes a case for how "[s]ide light is reflect character ambivalence," while shots of characters in which they are lit from below "conform to a convention of visual expression which associates shadows cast upward of the face with the unnatural and ominous."[1]

Structure and narrational devices

Film noirs tend to have unusually convoluted story lines, frequently involving flashbacks, flashforwards, and other techniques that disrupt and sometimes obscure the narrative sequence. Voiceover narration is sometimes used as a structuring device as well. Both flashbacks and voiceover narration are today often used in movies looking to quickly establish their neo-noir bona fides.

Bold experiments in storytelling were sometimes attempted in noir: Lady in the Lake, for example, is shot entirely from the point of view of protagonist Philip Marlowe; the face of the character is seen only in mirrors. The Chase (1946) takes oneirism and fatalism as the basis for its fantastical narrative system, redolent of certain horror stories, but with little precedent in the context of a putatively realistic genre. In their different ways, both Sunset Boulevard and D.O.A. are tales told by dead men. Latter-day noir has been in the forefront of structural experimentation in popular cinema, as exemplified by such films as Pulp Fiction and Memento.

Plots, characters, and settings

Crime, usually murder, is an element of almost all film noirs, with greed and/or jealousy frequently rooted as the criminal motivation. A crime investigation—-by a private eye, a police detective, or a concerned amateur—-is the most prevalent, but far from dominant, basic plot. In other common plots the protagonists are implicated in heists or con games, or in murderous conspiracies often involving adulterous affairs. False suspicions and accusations of crime are frequent plot elements, as are betrayals and double-crosses. Amnesia is far more common in film noir than in real life, and cigarette smoking can seem virtually mandatory.

Pursued (1947): A Western adopting noir style, or a film noir set in the Wild West?

Film noirs tend to revolve around heroes who are more flawed and morally questionable than the norm, often fall guys of one sort or another. The characteristic heroes of noir are described by many critics as alienated, or in the words of Silver and Ward, "filled with existential bitterness."[2] Certain archetypal characters appear in many film noirs—-hardboiled detectives, femmes fatales, corrupt policemen, jealous husbands, intrepid claims adjusters, and down-and-out writers. As can be observed in many movies of an overtly neo-noir nature, the private eye and the femme fatale are the character types with which film noir has come to be most identified, but only a minority of movies now regarded as classic noir feature either.

Film noir is often associated with an urban setting, with Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago being the most commonly utilized. In the eyes of many critics, the city is presented in noir as a "labyrinth" or "maze." Bars, lounges, nightclubs, and gambling dens are frequently the scene of action. The climaxes of a substantial number of film noirs take place in visually complex, often industrial settings, such as refineries, factories, trainyards, and power plants. In noir, it is almost always night and almost always rains, though a substantial trend has taken place within the latter-day noir—dubbed "film soleil", which heads in precisely the opposite direction, with tales of deception, seduction, and corruption exploiting bright, sun-baked settings, stereotypically the desert or open water, to caustic effect.

Worldview, morality, and tone

Film noir is often described as essentially pessimistic. The noir stories that are regarded as most characteristic tell of people trapped in unwanted situations (which, in general, they did not cause but are responsible for exacerbating), striving against random, uncaring fate, and frequently doomed. The movies are seen as depicting a world that is inherently corrupt. Classic film noir has been associated by many critics with the American social landscape of the era-—in particular, with a sense of heightened anxiety and alienation that is said to have followed World War II. Nicholas Christopher's opinion is representative: "it is as if the war, and the social eruptions in its aftermath, unleashed demons that had been bottled up in the national psyche."[3] Film noirs, especially those of the 1950s and the height of the Red Scare, are often said to reflect cultural paranoia.

The tone of film noir is generally regarded as downbeat, though some critics experience it as darker still: "overwhelmingly black," according to Robert Ottoson.[4] Influential critic (and filmmaker) Paul Schrader wrote in a seminal 1972 essay that "film noir is defined by tone," a tone he seems to perceive as "hopeless."[5]

"You've got a touch of class, but I don't know how far you can go." "A lot depends on who's in the saddle." Bogey. Bacall. The Big Sleep.

Rather than focusing on simple "black and white" decisions, film noirs tend to pose moral quandaries that are unusually ambiguous and relative, or at least within the context of Hollywood cinema. Characters that do pursue goals based on clear-cut moral standards may be more than willing to let the "ends justify the means." For example, the investigator hero of The Stranger, obsessed with tracking down a Nazi war criminal, places other people in mortal danger in order to capture his target. Whereas the Production Code obliged almost all classic noirs to see that steadfast virtue was ultimately rewarded and vice, in the absence of shame and redemption, severely punished.


Note 1: There is no completely objective way of establishing the most appropriate length for a list of notable films in a particular field or for deciding on the criteria for inclusion. A list of 20 films from the 1940s and 15 from the 1950s (reflecting the relative number of noirs detected by latter-day critics in each decade) provides comfortingly round numbers and a scope large enough to include (almost) all the classic film noirs claimed to be essential yet small enough not to overwhelm the reader intent on a self-education in noir from the ground up.

The methodology employed to identify "notability"—restated later in the text of the article as "enduring fame"—relies on's Power Search function. With the "first" (Stranger on the Third Floor) and "last" (Touch of Evil) classic noirs guaranteed inclusion into the rosters of 20 and 15, the list of notables is based on the IMDb-identified film noirs most highly rated by that site's users, with a minimum vote count of 2,000 for the 1940s and (reflecting the lower awareness of later noir) 1,000 for the 1950s, and a minimum average "rating" of 7.1 (out of a possible 10).

This rating procedure led to a nearly "perfect" 20 films for the 1940s (with Stranger on the Third Floor making 21) and a "perfect" 15 films (including Touch of Evil) for the 1950s. One exclusion needed to be made from the 1940s, which was easily done. Though identified by IMDb as a film noir, there is not presently a critical consensus that Suspicion (1941), directed by Alfred Hitchcock, qualifies for inclusion in the category. In addition, Hitchcock is already represented four times on the notables list.

In the case of the 1950s, a single substitution was made—the imperative was not exclusion, but inclusion: Night and the City, for reasons described in the article, is treated by almost all film historians as an American film noir; furthermore, it is regarded by almost all critics who have published extensively in the field as one of the finest movies of the type. It passes the 1,000-vote criterion, it has a very high rating of 8.0, and it is fair to say that any critic would be shocked to see it excluded from a list of notable examples of classic noir. The movie dropped in its favor was The Desperate Hours (1955): (a) star Humphrey Bogart is already represented six times on the list; (b) no published critics regard it as a prime example of the form; and (c) the leading encyclopedia in the field, Silver and Ward's, does not conclusively state that it is a noir. In terms of historical notability, based on the critical literature, the most important film missing from the list is probably Murder, My Sweet and the most important missing director is certainly Anthony Mann (covered in the article). Of those films on the present list professional critics would be most likely to sacrifice in favor of Murder, My Sweet, some would forego High Sierra (insufficiently noir in style), others The Lost Weekend (insufficiently noir in plot), still others The Stranger (insufficiently noir in provocation).

Actors are listed as "significant noir performers" according to different criteria for stars and supporting players: The former are listed as significant if they were star-billed in at least three film noirs total or in two films on the notables list (stars of listed films who do not qualify as significant noir performers are named in parentheses). The latter are identified as significant (and thus named) if they appeared in at least five film noirs total—the name of one nonqualifying supporting player is included: Lee Marvin appeared in only two movies now regarded as film noirs of the classic period, but his performance as Vince Stone in The Big Heat is one of the most renowned villainous turns in the chronicles of noir. An accounting of the most important missing star or featured actors would include at least Veronica Lake, Robert Ryan, Richard Conte, Dan Duryea, Alan Ladd, Dick Powell, and heavies William Bendix and Raymond Burr. Character actor Whit Bissell appeared in no fewer than a dozen classic noirs.

Note 2: A fifth fundamental question also prompts little agreement: What is the preferred English plural of "film noir"? There are valid arguments to be made for and against "films noirs" (the spelling in the original French), "films noir" (arguably the most grammatical English), and "film noirs" (the most prevalent usage). Individual writers and publishing concerns are free to select any one of the three styles according to their own preferences. In Wikipedia, however, a group of writer-editors with different and often strongly held opinions on the matter must agree to use a common style. As the matter of controversy comes down to the spelling of a word and the topic of discussion is primarily American, the standard reference authority is the leading dictionary of American English, Merriam-Webster's. The latest edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary—acknowledging all three aforementioned styles as acceptable—gives as the preferred spelling "film noirs." That is the style used in this article.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Aziz, Jamaluddin Bin (2005). "Future Noir," chap. in "Transgressing Women: Investigating Space and the Body in Contemporary Noir Thrillers." Ph. D. dissertation, Department of English and Creative Writing, Lancaster University (chapter available online).
  • Borde, Raymond, and Etienne Chaumeton (2002 [1955]). A Panorama of American Film Noir, 1941–1953, trans. Paul Hammond. San Francisco: City Lights Books. ISBN 0-87286-412-X
  • Christopher, Nicholas (1997). Somewhere in the Night: Film Noir and the American City. New York: Free Press. ISBN 0-684-82803-0
  • Dancyger, Ken, and Jeff Rush (2002). Alternative Scriptwriting: Successfully Breaking the Rules. Boston et al.: Focal Press. ISBN 0-240-80477-5
  • Greenspun, Roger (1973). "Mike Hodges's 'Pulp' Opens; A Private Eye Parody Is Parody of Itself," New York Times, February 9.
  • Hirsch, Foster (2001). The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir. New York: Da Capo. ISBN 0-306-81039-5
  • McGilligan, Patrick (1997). Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast. New York and London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-19375-7
  • Naremore, James (1998). More Than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-21294-0
  • Ottoson, Robert (1981). A Reference Guide to the American Film Noir: 1940–1958. Metuchen, N.J., and London: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-1363-7
  • Palmer, R. Barton (2004). "The Sociological Turn of Adaptation Studies: The Example of Film Noir," in A Companion To Literature And Film, ed. Robert Stam and Alessandra Raengo (pp. 258–277). Maiden, Mass., Oxford, and Carlton, Australia: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-23053-X
  • Schatz, Thomas (1998 [1996]). The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era, new ed. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-19596-2
  • Schrader, Paul (1972). "Notes on Film Noir," Film Comment 8, no. 1 (collected in Silver and Ursini, Film Noir Reader [1]).
  • Silver, Alain (1995). "Kiss Me Deadly: Evidence of a Style," rev. ver. (collected in Silver and Ursini, Film Noir Reader [1]; available online).
  • Silver, Alain, and James Ursini (and Robert Porfirio—vol. 3), eds. (2004 [1996–2004]). Film Noir Reader, vols. 1–4. Pompton Plains, N.J.: Limelight Editions (introductions to vols. 1 and 2 and selected essays available online).
  • Silver, Alain, and Elizabeth M. Ward, eds. (1992). Film Noir: An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style, 3d ed. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press. ISBN 0-87951-479-5

Further reading

  • Biesen, Sheri Chinen (2005). Blackout: World War II and the Origins of Film Noir. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8217-6
  • Cameron, Ian, ed. (1993). The Book of Film Noir. New York: Continuum. ISBN 0-8264-0589-4
  • Chopra-Gant, Mike (2005). Hollywood Genres and Postwar America: Masculinity, Family and Nation in Popular Movies and Film Noir. London: IB Tauris. ISBN 1-85043-838-2
  • Clarens, Carlos (1980). Crime Movies: An Illustrated History. New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 0-393-01262-X
  • Cochran, David (2000). America Noir: Underground Writers and Filmmakers of the Postwar Era. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-56098-813-4

External links


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  1. Silver (1995), pp. 219, 222.
  2. Silver and Ward (1992), p. 6.
  3. Christopher (1997), p. 37.
  4. Ottoson (1981), p. 1.
  5. Schrader (1972), p. 54. For characterization of definitive tone as "hopeless," see pp. 53 ("the tone more hopeless") and 57 ("a fatalistic, hopeless mood").