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Featured Article: Foster care

Foster Care Word Cloud - 49533592261.jpg
Foster care is a system by which a certified, stand-in parent, or set of parents, cares for minor children or young people who have been removed from their biological parents or other custodial adults by state authorities, or placed into the system by parents or guardians. Foster-care involves the full-time care of a child outside of the child’s original home environment and can come in a variety of settings. Foster placements are designed as temporary options, some lasting for days or weeks. Others, however, may last for years.

Popular Article: Orchestra

Philharmonic Orchestra of Jalisco, Mexico
An orchestra is an instrumental ensemble, consisting of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion sections. The term orchestra derives from the Greek name for the semicircular area in front of the ancient Greek stage reserved for the chorus in theatrical presentations. In fifteenth century Europe, instrumental ensembles of small numbers were sometimes referred to as bands, and they might include as few as four or five players. The orchestra grew by accretion from 1600 to 1900, but changed very little during the course of the twentieth century.

Did you know?

Maori settlers originally called the North Island of New Zealand "Aotearoa," a name which is now used for the entire country (source: New Zealand)

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