Pablo Neruda

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Neruda recording poems at the U.S. Library of Congress in 1966

Pablo Neruda (July 12 1904 – September 23 1973) was the penname of the Chilean writer Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto. Neruda is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th-century, and one of the most important figures in the history of Latin American literature. Neruda's poetry is world-renowned for its fantastic imagery and surreal, almost otherworldly language. His poetry forms a critical link between the Surrealist movement of early 20th-century Spain and the Magic Realism of the latter 20th-century in South America. Neruda's poetry directly influenced a huge number of South American writers, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, Julio Cortazar, and Isabel Allende among them. Often believed to be one of the most widely-read poets of all-time, Neruda's continued influence on 20th-century poetry is unmatched by almost any other poet of his era.


Early years

Neruda was born in Parral, a city in Linares province, some 350 km south of Santiago, Chile. His father, José del Carmen Reyes Morales, was a railway employee; his mother, Rosa Neftalí Basoalto Opazo, was a schoolteacher who died two months after he was born. Neruda and his father soon moved to Temuco, where his father married Trinidad Candia Marverde, a woman with whom he had had a child nine years earlier, a boy named Rodolfo. Neruda also grew up with his half-sister Laura, one of his father's children by another woman.

The young Neruda was called "Neftalí", his late mother's middle name. His interest in writing and literature was opposed by his father, but he received encouragement from others, including future Nobel Prize winner Gabriela Mistral, who headed the local girls' school. His first published work was an essay he wrote for the local daily newspaper, La Mañana, at the age of thirteen. By 1920, when he adopted the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda, he was a published author of poetry, prose, and journalism.

Veinte poemas

In the following year (1921), he moved to Santiago to study French at the Universidad de Chile with the intention of becoming a teacher, but soon Neruda was devoting himself full time to poetry. In 1923 his first volume of verse, Crepusculario ("Book of Twilights"), was published, followed the next year by Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada ("Twenty Love-Poems and a Song of Despair"), a collection of love poems that was controversial for its explicitness. Both works were critically acclaimed and were translated into many languages. Over the decades, Veinte poemas would sell millions of copies and become Neruda's best-known work. Veinte poemas exemplifies Neruda's style of surreal, almost magical imagery, as well as his graceful use of free, unmetered verse. Here, as an example of this early style, is the third of the twenty love-poems, entitled Ah the vastness of pines:

Ah vastness of pines, murmur of waves breaking,
slow play of lights, solitary bell,
twilight falling in your eyes, toy doll,
earth-shell, in whom the earth sings!
In you the rivers sing and my soul flees in them
as you desire, and you send it where you will.
Aim my road on your bow of hope
and in a frenzy I will flee my flock of arrows.
On all sides I see your waist of fog,
and your silence hunts down my afflicted hours;
my kisses anchor, and my moist desire nests
in your arms of transparent stone.
Ah your mysterious voice that love tolls and darkens
in the resonant and dying evening!
Thus in the deep hours I have seen, over the fields,
the ears of wheat tolling in the mouth of the wind.

Neruda's reputation was growing both inside and outside of Chile, but he was plagued by poverty. In 1927, out of desperation, he took an honorary consulship in Rangoon, then a part of colonial Burma. Later, he worked in Ceylon, Jakarta, and Singapore. In Jakarta he met and married his first wife, a tall Dutch bank employee named Maryka Antonieta Hagenaar Vogelzang. While on diplomatic service, Neruda read large amounts of poetry and experimented with many different poetic forms. He wrote the first two volumes of Residencia en la tierra, which included many surreal poems, later to become famous.

Spanish Civil War

After returning to Chile, Neruda was given diplomatic posts in Buenos Aires and then Barcelona, Spain. He later replaced Gabriela Mistral as consul in Madrid, where he became the center of a lively literary circle, befriending such writers as Rafael Alberti, Federico García Lorca, and the Peruvian poet César Vallejo. During this period, Neruda became slowly estranged from his wife and took up with Delia del Carril, an Argentine woman who would eventually become his second wife.

As Spain became engulfed in civil war, Neruda became profoundly politicized for the first time. His experiences of the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath moved him away from individualistic, inwardly-focused work towards works that were socially and politically responsible. Neruda became an ardent communist, and remained so for the rest of his life. The radical leftist politics of his literary friends, as well as that of his second wife were contributing factors, but the most important catalyst was the execution of García Lorca by forces loyal to Francisco Franco.

Following the election in 1938 of President Pedro Aguirre Cerda, whom Neruda supported, he was appointed special consul for Spanish emigration in Paris. There Neruda was given responsibility for what he called "the noblest mission I have ever undertaken": shipping 2,000 Spanish refugees, who had been housed by the French in squalid camps, to Chile on an old boat called the Winnipeg.

Return to Chile

In 1943, following a three-year stint as Consul General to Mexico City, Neruda made a tour of Peru, where he visited Machu Picchu. The austere beauty of the Inca citadel later inspired Alturas de Macchu Picchu, a book-length poem in twelve parts which he completed in 1945 and which marked a growing awareness and interest in the ancient civilizations of the Americas: themes he was to explore further in Canto General. In this work, Neruda celebrated the achievement of Machu Picchu, but also condemned the slavery which had made it possible. In what is perhaps the most famous part of the poem, Canto XII, Neruda calls upon the dead of many centuries to be born again and to speak through him, to rejuvenate the spirit of South America. Although too lengthyh to be quoted in full, this moving canto begins as follows:

Arise to birth with me, my brother.
Give me your hand out of the depths
sown by your sorrows.
You will not return from these stone fastnesses.
You will not emerge from subterranean time.
Your rasping voice will not come back,
nor your pierced eyes rise from their sockets.
Look at me from the depths of the earth,
tiller of fields, weaver, reticent shepherd,
groom of totemic guanacos,
mason high on your treacherous scaffolding,
iceman of Andean tears,
jeweler with crushed fingers,
farmer anxious among his seedlings,
potter wasted among his clays—
bring to the cup of this new life
your ancient buried sorrows.
Show me your blood and your furrow;
say to me: here I was scourged
because a gem was dull or because the earth
failed to give up in time its tithe of corn or stone.
Point out to me the rock on which you stumbled,
the wood they used to crucify your body.
Strike the old flints
to kindle ancient lamps, light up the whips
glued to your wounds throughout the centuries
and light the axes gleaming with your blood.
I come to speak for your dead mouths.

Neruda and Stalinism

Bolstered by his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, Neruda, like many left-leaning intellectuals of his generation, came to admire the Soviet Union, partly for the role it played in defeating Nazi Germany (poems Canto a Stalingrado (1942) and 'Nuevo canto de amor a Stalingrado' (1943)). In 1953 Neruda was awarded the Stalin Peace Prize.

Neruda's fervent Stalinism eventually drove a wedge between him and his longtime friend and writer Octavio Paz who commented that "Neruda became more and more Stalinist, while I became less and less". Although Paz still considered Neruda "the greatest poet of his generation", in an essay on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn he wrote that when he "thinks of … Neruda and other famous Stalinist writers I feel the gooseflesh that I get from reading certain passages of Dante’s Inferno. No doubt they began in good faith, but insensibly, commitment by commitment, they saw themselves becoming entangled in a mesh of lies, falsehoods, deceits and perjuries, until they lost their souls."

Neruda later came to rue his support of the Russian leader; after Nikita Khrushchev's famous Secret Speech at the 20th Party Congress in 1956, in which he denounced the "cult of personality" that surrounded Stalin and accused him of committing crimes during the Great Purges, Neruda wrote in his memoirs "I had contributed my share to the personality cult," explaining that "in those days, Stalin seemed to us the conqueror who had crushed Hitler's armies". On a subsequent visit to China in 1957, Neruda would later write: "What has estranged me from the Chinese revolutionary process has not been Mao Tse-tung but Mao Tse-tungism", which he dubbed Mao Tse-Stalinism: "the repetition of a cult of a Socialist deity". However, despite his disillusionment with Stalin, Neruda never lost his essential faith in communism and remained loyal to its ideals.

Political Career

On March 4 1945 Neruda was elected a Communist party senator for the northern provinces of Antofagasta and Tarapacá in the arid and inhospitable Atacama Desert. In 1946, Radical Party presidential candidate Gabriel González Videla asked Neruda to act as his campaign manager. González Videla was supported by a coalition of left-wing parties and Neruda fervently campaigned on his behalf. Once in office, however, González Videla turned against the Communist Party. The breaking point for Senator Neruda was the violent repression of a Communist-led miners' strike in October 1947, where striking workers were herded into island military prisons and a concentration camp in the town of Pisagua. Neruda's criticism of González Videla culminated in a dramatic speech in the Chilean senate on 6 January 1948 called Yo acuso ("I accuse"), in the course of which he read out the names of the miners and their families who were imprisoned at the concentration camp.


A few weeks later, Neruda went into hiding and he and his wife were smuggled from house to house, hidden by supporters and admirers for the next thirteen months. Whilst in hiding, Senator Neruda was removed from office and in September 1948 the Communist Party was banned altogether under the Ley de Defensa Permanente de la Democracia (Law for the Permanent Defense of Democracy) which eliminated over 26,000 people from the electoral registers, thus stripping them of their right to vote. Neruda's life underground ended in March 1949 when he fled over the Andes Mountains to Argentina on horseback. He would dramatically recount his escape from Chile in his Nobel Prize lecture.

Neruda spent the next three years travelling extensively throughout Europe as well as taking trips to India, China, and the USSR. While in Mexico Neruda also published his lengthy epic poem Canto General, a Whitman-inspired catalog of the history, geography, and flora and fauna of South America, accompanied by Neruda's observations and experiences.

Return to Chile

By 1952, the González-Videla dictatorship was on its last legs, weakened by corruption scandals. The Chilean Socialist Party was in the process of nominating Salvador Allende as its candidate for the September 1952 presidential elections and was keen to have the presence of Neruda — by now Chile's most prominent left-wing literary figure — to support the campaign.

By this time, Neruda enjoyed worldwide fame as a poet, and his books were being translated into virtually all the major languages of the world. He was also vocal on political issues, vigorously denouncing the U.S. during the Cuban Missile Crisis . But being one of the most prestigious and outspoken leftwing intellectuals alive also attracted opposition from ideological opponents.

Final years

In 1970, Neruda was nominated as a candidate for the Chilean presidency, but ended up giving his support to Salvador Allende, who later won the election and was inaugurated in 1970 as the first democratically elected socialist head of state. Shortly thereafter, Allende appointed Neruda the Chilean ambassador to France (lasting from 1970-1972; his final diplomatic posting). Neruda returned to Chile two and half years later due to failing health.

In 1971, having sought the prize for years, Neruda was finally awarded the Nobel Prize. This decision did not came easily, as some of the committee members had not forgotten Neruda's past praise of Stalinist dictatorship. As the Chilean coup of 1973 unfolded, Neruda, then deathly ill from prostate cancer, was devastated by the mounting attacks on the Allende government. The final military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet on 11 September saw Neruda's hopes for a socialist and democratic Chile literally go up in flames. Shortly thereafter, during a search of the house and grounds at Isla Negra by Chilean armed forces at which he was present, Neruda famously remarked:

Look around — there's only one thing of danger to you here — poetry.

Neruda died of heart failure on the evening of September 23, 1973, at Santiago's Santa María Clinic. His funeral took place with a massive police presence, and mourners took advantage of the occasion to protest the Pinochet regime. Neruda's poetry was outlawed in Chile by the junta until the restoration of democracy in 1990.


  • Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life / Feinstein, Adam., 2004
  • Pablo Neruda and the U.S. culture industry / Longo, Teresa., 2002
  • Windows that open inward: images of Chile / Rogovin, Milton., 1999
  • Neruda's ekphrastic experience: mural art and Canto general / Méndez-Ramírez, Hugo., 1999
  • Pablo Neruda: Nobel prize-winning poet / Goodnough, David., 1998
  • Poet-chief: the Native American poetics of Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda / Nolan, James., 1994
  • Pablo Neruda / Roman, Joe., 1992
  • Neruda: an intimate biography / Teitelboim, Volodia., 1992
  • Pablo Neruda: absence and presence / Poirot, Luis., 1990
  • Pablo Neruda (Modern Critical Views) / Bloom, Harold., 1989
  • On elevating the commonplace: a structuralist analysis of the "Odas" of Pablo Neruda / Anderson, David G., 1987
  • Pablo Neruda (Twayne's World Author's Series) / Agosín, Marjorie., 1986
  • Pablo Neruda, the poetics of prophecy / Santí, Enrico Mario., 1982
  • Earth tones: the poetry of Pablo Neruda / Durán, Manuel., 1981
  • Pablo Neruda: all poets the poet / Bizzarro, Salvatore., 1979
  • The poetry of Pablo Neruda / Costa, René de., 1979
  • Pablo Neruda: Memoirs (Confieso que he vivido: Memorias) / tr. St. Martin, Hardie., 1977
  • The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems. Edited by Mark Eisner. City Lights, 2004.

External links

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Adam Feinstein, Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life, Bloomsbury, 2004. (ISBN 1582344108)
  • Pablo Neruda, Confieso que he vivido: Memorias, translated by Hardie St. Martin, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1977. (ISBN 9374206600)


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