William Wallace

From New World Encyclopedia

Wallace by the entrance of Edinburgh Castle

Sir William Wallace (c.1270 - 23 August, 1305) was a Scottish knight who led a resistance to the English Military occupation of Scotland during significant periods of the Wars of Scottish Independence. Wallace was the inspiration for the historical novel The Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, Knight of Elderslie written by the 15th century minstrel, Blind Harry. For centuries after its publication, this was the second most popular book in Scotland following the Bible.

For the Scots, William Wallace was an exemplar of unbending commitment to Scotland’s independence who died a martyr to the cause. His desire for peace and freedom united the clans, gained the loyalty of the people, struck fear into his enemies and defied the hand of an invading King - Edward 'Longshanks' Plantagenet I of England. [1]

On the contrary, for English chroniclers he was an outlaw, a murderer, the perpetrator of atrocities and a traitor. [2]

William Wallace put the freedom of his country and people above all else in life, and is considered to be Scotland's greatest patiotic hero. Dying a martyr, he became the very symbol of Scotland’s struggle for freedom, entering the realm of folktale and legend. From Blind Harry's 'Wallace' to Mel Gibson’s ‘Braveheart’, William Wallace continues to haunt the Scottish imagination with a vision of freedom. [3]

He is respected not only among the Scottish peoples but by people of all creeds and nationalities, as all can relate to the basic right of each nation to self governance, and all understand a man's love for his native soil.[4]


Due to the lack of conclusive evidence, Wallace's birthdate and birthplace are disputed. Traditionally, the birthplace of William Wallace is claimed to be Elderslie, near Paisley in Renfrewshire; although it has been suggested that his birthplace was closer to Ellerslie, an alternative name for Riccarton, near Hurlford and Kilmarnock in Ayrshire. I

The 1999 rediscovery of William Wallace's seal further enshrouds Wallace's early history in mystery. While tradition claims Sir Malcolm Wallace of Elderslie as the father of three sons, Malcolm, John, and William Wallace, the seal identifies William as the son of Alan Wallace of Ayrshire, who appears in the Ragman Roll of 1296 as "crown tenant of Ayrshire".

Dr. Fiona Watson in "A Report into Sir William Wallace's connections with Ayrshire", published in March 1999, reassesses the early life of William Wallace and concludes, "Sir William Wallace was a younger son of Alan Wallace, a crown tenant in Ayrshire". Historian Andrew Fisher, author of William Wallace (2002), writes, "If the Alan of the Ragman Roll was indeed the patriot's father, then the current argument in favour of an Ayrshire rather than a Renfrewshire origin for Wallace can be settled".

The Society of William Wallace contends that the Wallace family originated from Ness, a tiny village on the border of England and Wales, and were of the original Celtic stock of that area. They were vassals of the powerful Fitz-alan family, a family that had arrived in England at the time of the Norman conquest of England in 1066. They were large land owners in the Oswestry area, an area that was sometimes under English control, sometimes Welsh. When David I was King of Scots, he invited some of the Norman families that had settled in England to the north and bestowed offices upon them. The Fitz-alans were given land in the Renfrew/Paisley area, and were given the title High Stewards of Scotland (Steward was to be corrupted to "Stewart" over the years, and marriage to royal blood would mean that the Stewarts were to eventually be the ruling dynasty in Scotland, and later in England as well.) They built their castle at Renfrew on the River Clyde, and parcelled out the land to their followers. The family from Ness were settled in the Elderslie area, just west of Paisley. As Ness meant nothing to the local population, they began to call them " Wallace" - the old Scots word for people of Welsh stock. Several generations later, William was born, most likely at the family’s fortified site at Elderslie, today marked by a memorial, although the family owned another small estate at Auchenbothie, a few miles away, near Howwood. [5]

Wallace was allegedly educated in French and Latin by two uncles who had become priests. Blind Harry does not mention Wallace's departure from Scotland or that Wallace had combat experience prior to 1297. A record from August 1296 references "a thief, one William le Waleys" in Perth where his cousin William Crawford owned a farm nearby the present-day Elcho Castle.

While some suggest Wallace was born around 1272, the 16th century work History of William Wallace and Scottish Affairs claims 1276 as his year of birth.

Scotland in Wallace's time

William Wallace Monument

At the time of Wallace's birth, King Alexander III had reigned for over twenty years. His rule had seen a period of peace and economic stability, and he had successfully fended off continuing English claims to suzerainty. In 1286, Alexander died after falling from his horse; none of his children survived him. The Scottish lords declared Alexander's four year-old granddaughter, Margaret (called "the Maid of Norway"), Queen. Due to her age, they set up an interim government to administer Scotland until she came of age. King Edward I took advantage of the potential instability by arranging the Treaty of Birgham with the lords, betrothing Margaret to his son, Edward, on the understanding that Scotland would preserve its status as a separate nation. But Margaret fell ill and died at only eight years old (in 1290) on her way from her native Norway to Scotland. A number of claimants to the Scottish throne came forward almost immediately.

With Scotland threatening to descend into a dynastic war, the leading men of the realm invited Edward's arbitration. Before the process could begin, Edward insisted that all of the contenders recognize him as Lord Paramount of Scotland. After some initial resistance, all, including John Balliol and Robert Bruce, the chief contenders, accepted this precondition. Finally, in early November 1292, at a great feudal court held in the castle at Berwick-upon-Tweed, judgment was given in favour of John Balliol, having the strongest claim in law. Formal announcement of the judgment was given by Edward on November 17th.

Although the outcome of the Great Cause had been both fair and legal, Edward proceeded to use the political concessions he had gained to undermine the independence of Scotland, and to make King John's position intolerable. Goaded beyond endurance, Balliol renounced his homage in March 1296, and by the end of the month Edward had stormed Berwick-upon-Tweed, sacking the then Scottish border town with much bloodshed. He slaughtered nearly everyone who resided there, even those who had fled to the churches. In April, the Scots were defeated at the Battle of Dunbar (1296) in Lothian, and by July Edward had forced Balliol to abdicate at Kincardine Castle. Edward went to Berwick in August to receive formal homage from some 2,000 Scottish nobles (see Ragman Roll), having previously removed the Stone of Destiny from Scone Palace, the stone on which all of the Kings of Scots had been crowned.

Wallace's exploits begin

Legend has it that Wallace's father was killed in a skirmish at Loudon Hill in 1291, which planted the seed of his hatred for the foreign occupation of Scotland.

In 1296 Scotland had been conquered. Beneath the surface there were deep resentments. Many of the Scottish nobles were imprisoned, the people were punitively taxed and expected to serve King Edward I in his military campaigns against France. The flames of revolt spread across Scotland.

In May 1297 Wallace slew William Heselrig, the English Sheriff of Lanark, and dismembered his corpse, supposedly to avenge the death of Marion Braidfute of Lamington, the young maiden Wallace allegedly courted and married. Soon his rising gained momentum, as men ‘oppressed by the burden of servitude under the intolerable rule of English domination’ joined him.

Soon, from his base in the Ettrick Forest, he and his followers struck and achieved victory in skirmishes at Loudoun Hill (near Darvel, Ayrshire), Ancrum and Dundee; he also fought alongside Sir William Douglas in Scone, routing the English regent, William Ormesby.

When word reached Wallace of the hanging of Sir Ronald Crawford, he sprung into action and killed the entire English garrison in Ayr in a traditional Scottish method, locking the doors as the garrison slept and firing the flammable structures. When word reached the Crawford family that Sir Ronald had been killed, Sir Ronald's son, William, joined Wallace in the forest.

At the same time in the north, the young Andrew Murray led an even more successful rising. From Avoch in the Black Isle, he took Inverness and stormed Urquhart Castle by Loch Ness. His MacDougall allies cleared the west, while he struck through the north east. Wallace’s rising drew strength from the south.

A major blow was struck when Scottish nobles agreed to terms with the English at Irvine in July. In August, with most of Scotland liberated, Wallace left Selkirk Forest with his following to join forces with Murray's following at Stirling, where they prepared to face open battle with an English army. [6]

The Battle of Stirling Bridge

On September 11th, Wallace and Murray achieved a stunning victory at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Although vastly outnumbered, the Scottish forces led by Wallace and Murray. The Earl of Surrey's professional army of 300 cavalry and 10,000 infantry met disaster as they crossed to the north side of the river. The narrowness of the bridge prevented many soldiers from crossing together (possibly as few as three men abreast), so while the English soldiers crossed, the Scots held back until half of them had passed and then killed the English as quickly as they could cross. A pivotal charge was led by Hamish Campbell, Wallace's long time companion and one of his captains. English soldiers started to retreat as others pushed forward, and under the overwhelming weight, the bridge collapsed and many English soldiers drowned.

The English left with 5,000 dead on the field, including their despised treasurer, Hugh Cressingham, whose flayed skin was taken as a trophy of victory and to make a belt for Wallace’s sword. The Scots suffered one significant casualty, Andrew Murray, who was badly wounded and died two months later. William Crawford led 400 Scottish heavy cavalry to complete the action by running the English out of Scotland.

Soon Wallace was knighted as 'Commander of the Army of the Kingdom of Scotland’ and made Guardian of Scotland in Balliol’s name at the forest kirk, at either Selkirk or Carluke. It was a remarkable achievement for a mere knight to hold power over the nobles of Scotland. In a medieval world obsessed with hierarchy, Wallace’s extraordinary military success catapulted him to the top of the social ladder. He now guided Scottish policy. Letters were dispatched to Europe proclaiming Scotland’s renewed independence and he managed to obtain from the Papacy the appointment of the patriotic Bishop Lamberton to the vacant Bishopric of St Andrews.

Militarily he took the war into the north of England, raiding around Newcastle and wreaking havoc across the north. Contemporary English chroniclers accused him of atrocities, some no doubt warranted. However, in Wallace’s eyes the war, since its beginning, had been marked by brutality and butchery. [7]

Upon his return from the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Wallace was knighted along with his second-in-command John Graham and his third-in-command William Crawford, possibly by Robert the Bruce, and Wallace was named "Guardian of Scotland and Leader of its armies", now Sir William Wallace.

In the six months following Stirling Bridge, Wallace led a force to York, at first cleansing the countryside, then laying siege to the City. His intent was to take the battle to English soil to demonstrate to Edward that Scotland also had the power to inflict the same sort of damage south of the border. Naturally, Edward was infuriated and refused to be intimidated.

The Battle of Falkirk

A year later the military tables turned at the Battle of Falkirk. On 1 April, 1298, the English had invaded Scotland at Roxburgh. They plundered Lothian and regained some castles, but had failed to bring Wallace to combat. The Scots had adopted a scorched-earth policy, and English suppliers' mistakes had left morale and food low, but Edward's search for Wallace would end at Falkirk.

Wallace had arranged his spearmen in four "schiltrons" — circular, hedgehog formations surrounded by a defensive wall of wooden stakes. The English gained the upper hand, however, attacking first with cavalry, and wreaking havoc through the Scottish archers. The Scottish knights were pulled back by command, and Edward's men began to attack the schiltrons. It remains unclear whether the infantry throwing bolts, arrows and stones at the spearmen proved the deciding factor, although it is very likely that it was the arrows of Edward's bowmen.

Either way, gaps in the schiltrons soon appeared, and the English exploited these to crush the remaining resistance. The Scots lost many men, but Wallace escaped, though his military reputation suffered badly. John Graham was killed and William Crawford became Wallace's second. According to one account, during his flight Wallace fought and killed Brian de Jay, master of the English Templars in a thicket at Callendar.

By September 1298, Wallace had decided to resign as Guardian of Scotland in favour of Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick, and John Comyn of Badenoch, ex-King John Balliol's brother-in-law because of the discouraging lack of commitment and support from the Scottish nobility. Bruce became reconciled with King Edward in 1302, while Wallace spurned such moves towards peace.

According to Harry, Wallace left with William Crawford in late 1298 on a mission to the court of King Philip IV of France, Le Bel of France to plead the case for assistance in the Scottish struggle for independence. On their trip down the English coast, the small convoy ran into the infamous pirate Richard Longoville, also known as the Red Reiver for his red sails and ruthless raids. Hiding in the hold of the ship while Crawford and a small contingent of men sailed the ship, Wallace surprised the pirates as they boarded the ship after grappling them together. Longoville was captured and taken to Paris where the Scots convinced Phillip to grant amnesty so that Longoville could wreak havoc on English ships.

But after serving with the Scots Guard in France in two supposed military victories over the English as well as a side trip to Rome to plead for Scotland, in 1303 Wallace and his men returned to Scotland where they slipped in under the cover of darkness to recover on the farm of William Crawford, near Elcho Wood. Having heard rumors of Wallace's appearance in the area, the English moved in on the farm. A chase ensued and the band of men slipped away after being completely surrounded in Elcho Wood. It is at this point in the chase where Wallace took the life of one of his men that he suspected of hidden loyalty, in order to divert the English from the trail.

Wallace's capture and execution

File:Memorial To Sir William Wallace.jpg
This plaque stands near the site of Wallace's execution.

Sir William evaded capture by the English until 5 August, 1305, when Sir John de Menteith, a Scottish knight loyal to Edward, turned Wallace over to English soldiers at Robroyston, near Glasgow. Wallace was transported to London and tried for treason at Westminster Hall where he was crowned with a garland of oak to suggest that he was the king of outlaws. He responded to the charge, "I could not be a traitor to Edward, for I was never his subject." The absent John Balliol was officially his king; however, Wallace was declared guilty.

On 23 August, 1305, following the trial Wallace was removed from the courtroom, stripped naked and dragged at the heels of a horse to Smithfield Market. He was drawn and quartered: strangled by hanging but released near death, emasculated, eviscerated, beheaded, then divided into four parts (the four horrors) at the Elms in Smithfield, London. His head was placed on a pike atop London Bridge, which was later joined by the heads of his brother, John, and Sir Simon Fraser. His limbs were displayed, separately, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Stirling, and Aberdeen, Scotland.

The plaque in the photograph stands in a wall of St. Bartholomew's Hospital near the site of Wallace's execution at Smithfield. Scottish patriots and other interested people frequently visit the site, and flowers often appear there.

A sword which supposedly belonged to Wallace was held for many years in Dumbarton Castle, and is now in the Wallace National Monument near Stirling. However, examination of the sword by experts has concluded that its design belongs to a period a few centuries after Wallace.

Portrayal in fiction

An insignificant amount of comprehensive and historically accurate information was written about Wallace. Many stories, however, are based on the wandering 15th century minstrel Blind Harry's epic poem, "The Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, Knight of Elderslie", written around 1470. Historians disagree with parts of Blind Harry's tale, or dismiss the entire composition. Although Blind Harry wrote from oral tradition describing events 170 years earlier, giving rise to alterations of fact, Harry's work still remains the most authoritative description of Wallace's exploits. Indeed, much of Harry's work is supported by circumstantial evidence including names from land charters, the Ragman Roll, and religious and public office holders and their archives. While not all details are consistent, the general flow is consistent with contemporary histories. It should be noted that the Bishop of St. Andrew's did commission a friar to write a first-hand account of Wallace's exploits, but the disposition of this manuscript is not known.

Blind Harry's poem "Barns of Ayr", for example, describes the incident when three hundred and sixty Scottish nobles, led by Wallace’s uncle, Sir Ronald Crawford, were summoned by the English to a conference in Spring of 1297. As each passed through a narrow entry, a rope was dropped around his neck, and he was hanged. It is speculated this incident did not occur assuming Blind Harry misread a line from an earlier poem about Robert the Bruce, which tells how certain Scottish nobles were hanged "in ar" (a legal term meaning "by a circuit court"). However, there is no evidence that Harry ever read the earlier poem. The incident as described by Blind Harry does appear in the 1995 film Braveheart with much less accuracy, placing the event in the childhood of Wallace and ignoring the murder of his uncle Crawford. Nevertheless, Sir Ronald Crawford did die at this time and his son replaced him as Sheriff of Ayrshire, giving some credence to the story.

In the early 19th century, Sir Walter Scott wrote of Wallace in Exploits and Death of William Wallace, the "Hero of Scotland"', and Jane Porter penned a romantic version of the Wallace legend in The Scottish Chiefs in 1810.

G.A. Henty wrote a novel in 1885 about this time period titled In Freedom's Cause. Henty, a producer of Boys Own fiction who wrote for that magazine, portrays the life of William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, The Black Douglas, and others, while dovetailing the novel with historical fiction.

Nigel Tranter authored an intended fiction titled The Wallace, published in 1975, which is said by academics to be more accurate than its literary predecessors.

Perhaps the best known account of the life of William Wallace is the 1995 film, Braveheart, directed by and starring Mel Gibson and written by Randall Wallace. This film has been criticized for its considerable historical inaccuracies, but was a commercial and critical success, winning five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

The game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings contains several of Wallace's battles in its Campaign mode, including the Battle of Stirling Bridge.

700th anniversary of Wallace's execution

In 2005, the 700th anniversary of Wallace's execution, his sword became the most popular feature of an exhibition in New York during the celebrations of Tartan Week. This marked the first time the sword, weighing 6 pounds (2.5 kilograms) and measuring five feet and four inches, was removed from Scotland.

Historian David R Ross walked 450 miles from Robroyston in Glasgow, Scotland to London to mark the anniversary of Wallace's capture and execution. A symbolic funeral was then held at the site of Wallace's execution in Smithfield, London with an empty coffin. While the event hosted 300 attendees, more than 900 people unsuccessfully applied for tickets to the event — a testament to Wallace's enduring legacy.


  • Brown, Chris. William Wallace. The True Story of Braveheart. Stroud: Tempus Publishing Ltd, 2005. ISBN 0752434322.
  • Clater-Roszak, Christine. "Sir William Wallace ignited a flame." Military History 14 (1997): 12–15. .
  • Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain. London: The Reader’s Digest Association, 1973, 519-20.
  • Harris, Nathaniel. Heritage of Scotland: A Cultural History of Scotland & Its People. London: Hamlyn, 2000. ISBN 0600598349..
  • MacLean, Fitzroy. Scotland: A Concise History. London: Thames & Hudson, 1997. ISBN 0500277060.
  • Morton, Graeme. William Wallace. London: Sutton, 2004. ISBN 0750935235.
  • Reese, Peter. William Wallace: A Biography. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1998. ISBN 0862416078.
  • Scott, Sir Walter. "Exploits and death of William Wallace, the 'Hero of Scotland'."
  • Stead, Michael J., and Alan Young. In the Footsteps of William Wallace. London: Sutton, 2002.
  • Wallace, Margaret. William Wallace: Champion of Scotland. Musselborough: Goblinshead, 1999. ISBN 1899874194.

See also

  • Clan Wallace
  • Lugar Water

External links


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