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'''Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis''' ([[95 B.C.E.]]–[[46 B.C.E.]]), known as '''Cato the Younger''' to distinguish him from his great-grandfather [[Cato the Elder]], was a politician and statesman in the late [[Roman Republic]], and a follower of the [[Stoicism|Stoic]] philosophy. He is remembered for his legendary stubbornness and tenacity (especially in his lengthy conflict with [[Gaius Julius Caesar]]), as well as his immunity to [[Bribery|bribes]] and famous distaste for [[political corruption|corruption]].
'''Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis''' ([[95 B.C.E.]]–[[46 B.C.E.]]), known as '''Cato the Younger''' to distinguish him from his great-grandfather [[Cato the Elder]], was a politician and statesman in the late [[Roman Republic]], and a follower of the [[Stoicism|Stoic]] philosophy. He is remembered for his legendary stubbornness and tenacity (especially in his lengthy conflict with [[Gaius Julius Caesar]]), as well as his immunity to [[Bribery|bribes]] and famous distaste for [[political corruption|corruption]].
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Cato's life is immortalized in [[Joseph Addison]]'s play, [[Cato, A Tragedy]], which [[George Washington]] often quoted and had performed during the winter at Valley Forge, in spite of a Congressional ban on such performances.
Cato's life is immortalized in [[Joseph Addison]]'s play, [[Cato, A Tragedy]], which [[George Washington]] often quoted and had performed during the winter at Valley Forge, in spite of a Congressional ban on such performances.
In spite of his reputation as the last bastion of pure Republican ideals during a time when Rome moved inexorably towards a military autocracy, Cato himself bears a great deal of the responsibility for the downfall of the Republic.  Cicero observed that Cato's absolute inability to compromise made him a liabilty to the Optimates.  Cato's obstructionist policies in opposing Caesar forced Caesar to take up arms against the state to secure his political future.  Cato's war-mongering after Caesar crossed the Rubicon precluded the possibility of a negotiated settlement between Caesar and the Senate.  Cato's strategy of pushing Caesar into mutiny would have been a tenable way to dispose of Caesar as a political rival if the senatorial army under Pompey was clearly superior to Caesar's legions.  However, Cato greviously miscalculated the balance of military power.  Although smaller, Caeser's army was vastly more experienced, having just completed the 10-year subjugation of Gaul.  Caeser's troops were fiercy loyal their charismatic leader.  Cato also underestimated Caesar, a man astutely described by Cicero as "afraid of nothing and ready for everything."  Cato believed that when faced with the threat of military action by Pompey, Caesar would back down, or that Caesar's troops would refuse to follow Caesar into rebellion, or that Pompey's larger army would easily prevail.  Cato was wrong on all counts.  When Cato's machinations forced Caesar to either end his political career in exile and ignominy or to rebel, Caesar reacted decisively.  He seized the initiative, invading Italy before Pompey had time to prepare his defenses.  Pompey, Cato, and the Optimates were forced to abandon Rome in a move that was strategically necessary but that had a disastrous effect on public opinion.  Caesar was able to enter Rome unchallenged and legitimize his position.  In the ensuing civil war, Caesar's outnumbered army routed the Optimates and their foreign allies in a series of brilliantly conducted military campaigns in Spain, Asia Minor, and north Africa.  Caesar's total victory effectively ended the Republic.  Cato's part in precipitating the civil war was made more egregious by the fact that he disclaimed any responsibilty once things started going badly for the Optimates.  Despite his reputation for integrity, Cato was not above pointing the finger at his fellow Optimates for the disaster that he largely engineered.  In fact, Cato had few admirable personal qualities.  He was often blunt to the point of being rude and he consistently alienated like-minded politicians who could have presented a united front against the First Triumverate; he cultivated a reputation for incorruptability but he was not above bending the law when his own interests were at stake; he was a clumsy politician who obdurately refused to countenance even modest compromises to deal with Rome's increasingly intractable social problems.  Cato's reputation came from what he represented rather than who he was.  The austerity of his lifestyle and his inability to embrace change evoked traditional Roman values of simpler times.  Cato did not live up to the image he cultivated in either practice or principle, except in the singular instance of his death.  Even his suicide is better regarded as a petulent refusal to accept Caesar's clemency than as the stoic act of martyrdom it has been taken for.  In balance, Cato's legacy as the embodiment of Republican virtue is totally undeserved.
==Cato's descendants and marriages==
==Cato's descendants and marriages==
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[[bg:Катон Млади]]
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[[he:מרקוס פורקיוס קאטו]]
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[[ru:Марк Порций Катон Младший]]
[[fi:Cato nuorempi]]
[[sv:Cato d.y.]]

Revision as of 15:48, 5 June 2006

Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis (95 B.C.E.–46 B.C.E.), known as Cato the Younger to distinguish him from his great-grandfather Cato the Elder, was a politician and statesman in the late Roman Republic, and a follower of the Stoic philosophy. He is remembered for his legendary stubbornness and tenacity (especially in his lengthy conflict with Gaius Julius Caesar), as well as his immunity to bribes and famous distaste for corruption.

Early life

Cato was born in 95 B.C.E. in Rome, the son of Marcus Porcius Cato by his wife Livia Drusa. He lost both of his parents very early and moved to live in the house of his maternal uncle Marcus Livius Drusus, who also looked after Quintus Servilius Caepio and Servilia from Livia's first marriage, as well as Porcia (Cato's sister), and Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus (Livius' adopted son). Drusus was assassinated when Cato was 4 years old.

The legend of Cato's stubbornness began in his early years. Sarpedon, his tutor, reports a very obedient and questioning child, although slow in being persuaded of things and sometimes difficult. A story told by Plutarch tells of Quintus Popaedius Silo, leader of the Marsi and involved in a highly controversial business in the Roman Forum, who made a visit to his friend Marcus Livius and met the children of the house. In a playful mood he asked the children's support for his cause. All of them nodded and smiled except Cato, who stared at the guest with most suspicious looks. Silo demanded an answer from him and seeing no response took Cato and hanged him by the feet out of the window. Even then, Cato would not say anything. Being a friend of the family, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, the Roman dictator, liked to talk with Cato and his inseparable effeminate half-brother Caepio, and appreciated his company even when the teenager defied his opinions in public.

Political beginnings

After receiving his inheritance, Cato moved from his uncle's house and began to study Stoic philosophy and politics. He began to live in a very modest way, as his great-grandfather Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder had famously done. Cato subjected himself to violent exercise, and learned to endure cold and rain with a minimum of clothes. He ate only what was necessary and drank the cheapest wine on the market. This was entirely for philosophical reasons, since his inheritance would have permitted him to live comfortably. He remained in private life for a long time, rarely seen in public. But when he did appear in the forum, his speeches and rhetorical skills were most admired.

Although Cato was promised Aemilia Lepida, a patrician woman, she married Quintus Caecilius Metellus Scipio instead. He threatened to sue them both in the courts, but his friends convinced him to step aside and marry a woman called Atilia. By her, he had a son, Marcus Porcius Cato, and a daughter, Porcia, who would become the second wife of Marcus Junius Brutus.

As a military tribune, Cato was sent to Macedon in 67 B.C.E. at the age of 28 and given command of a legion. He led his men from the front, sharing their work, food and sleeping quarters. He was strict in discipline and punishment but was nonetheless loved by his legionaries. While Cato was in service in Macedon, he received the news that his beloved half-brother was dying in Thrace. He immediately set off to see him and got there in time to watch Caepio die. Cato was overwhelmed by grief and, for once in his life, he spared no expense to organize a lavish funeral for his brother. Caepio left his fortune to be divided between his daughter Servilia and Cato.

At the end of his military commission in Macedon, Cato went on a private journey through the Roman provinces of the Middle East.

Cato and the Optimates

On his return to Rome in 65 B.C.E., Cato was elected to the position of quaestor. Like everything else in his life, he took great care to study the background necessary for the post, especially the laws relating to taxes. One of his first moves was to prosecute former quaestors for illegal appropriation of funds and dishonesty. Cato also prosecuted Sulla's informers, who had acted as head-hunters during Sulla's dictatorship, despite their political connections among Cato's own party and despite the power of Gnaeus Pompey Magnus, who had been known as the "teenage butcher" for his service under Sulla. The informers of Sulla were accused first of illegal appropriation of treasury money, and then of homicide. At the end of the year, Cato stepped down from his quaestorship but never ceased to keep an eye on the Treasury, always looking for irregularities.

As senator, Cato was scrupulous and determined. He never missed a session of the Senate and publicly criticized the ones who did so. From day one he aligned himself with the Optimates, the conservative faction of the Senate. Among the optimates, Cato was a young turk. Many of the optimates at this time had been personal friends of Sulla, whom Cato had despised since his youth, and Cato attempted to make his name by returning his faction to its pure republican roots.

Propaganda cup of Cato, for his election campaign for Tribune of the Plebs of 62 B.C.E. (left cup). These cups, filled with food or drinks, were distributed in the streets to the people, and bore an inscription supporting the candidate to the election.

In 63 B.C.E., he was elected tribune of the plebs and assisted the consul, Marcus Tullius Cicero, in dealing with the Catiline conspiracy. Lucius Sergius Catilina, a noble patrician, was leading a rebellion inside Rome, with the purpose of becoming king. Cicero and Cato annihilated the danger and prosecuted all the men involved and sentenced them to death (a very unusual thing for a Roman citizen). In the public discussion on the subject, Julius Caesar agreed that the conspirators were guilty, argued against a public trial for them, yet advocated a sentence of life exile for the conspirators while their comrades were still in arms.

Cato's political, and personal, differences with Caesar date from this day. In a meeting of the Senate dedicated to the Catilina affair, Cato harshly reproached Caesar for reading personal messages while the senate was in session to discuss a matter of treason. Cato accused Caesar of involvement in the conspiracy and suggested that he was working on Catilina's behalf, which might explain Caesar's otherwise odd stance that the conspirators should receive no public hearing yet be shown clemency. Caesar replied that it was only a love letter. Not believing the poor excuse, Cato took the paper from his hands and read it. Unfortunately, Caesar was right: it was indeed a love letter from his mistress Servilia, Cato's sister. This quickly turned into a minor personal scandal. Servilia was divorced from her husband and the Roman senators started to look out for their households, since Caesar was as notorious for liking to sleep with his political enemies' wives as he was notorious for sleeping with the king of Bithynia. Some believe that Cato's wife Atilia was one of Caesar's conquests, but the matter is speculative at best.

After divorcing Atilia, Cato married Marcia, the daughter of Lucius Marcius Philippus. A few years later, however, his friend Quintus Hortensius, an old man known for his rhetorical skills, asked for the hand of Cato's daughter from his previous marriage. But at the time, Porcia was married to Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, who was unwilling to let her go. Instead Cato took the surprising step of divorcing Marcia and giving her to Hortensius. After Hortensius' death, Cato married Marcia for the second time, taking possession of part of Hortensius' inheritance.

Cato against the triumvirate

After the Catilina conspiracy, Cato turned all his political skills to oppose the designs of Caesar and his triumvirate allies (Pompey and Marcus Licinius Crassus), who had among them a near-monopoly on the reins of the Roman state. From Caesar, Pompey and Crassus had access to the popular assembly. From Pompey, Crassus and Caesar had access to the legions of Rome. From Crassus, Caesar and Pompey had the support of the tax-farmers and a fortune gained at the expense of the provinces.

Cato's opposition took two forms. First, in 61 B.C.E., Pompey returned from his Asian campaign with two ambitions: to celebrate a Triumph, and become consul for the second time. In order to achieve both goals, he asked the Senate to postpone consular elections until after his Triumph. At first, due to Pompey's enormous popularity, the Senate was willing to oblige him. Then Cato intervened and convinced the Senate to force Pompey to choose. The result was Pompey's third Triumph, one of the most magnificent ever seen in Rome. Next, Cato applied the same law in the following year to Caesar, who was returning from his governorship of Hispania Ulterior, but Caesar chose to lose the right to the Triumph and run for the consulship (which he won).

When Caesar became consul, Cato opposed every law he suggested, especially the agrarian laws that established farmlands for Pompey's veterans on public lands. Caesar responded by having Cato arrested when Cato was making a speech against him at the rostra. So many senators protested this extraordinary and unprecedented use of force by threatening to go to prison with Cato that Caesar finally relented. Cato was also closely allied to Caesar's consular college, his son-in-law Marcus Bibulus. Throughout most of the term, Bibulus remained at home making announcements about the unfavorable omens in a unsuccessful bid to undermine Caesar’s consular acts. Cato did not relent in his opposition to the triumvirs, unsuccessfully attempting to prevent Caesar's 5-year appointment as governor of Illyria and Cisalpine Gaul.

Cato in Cyprus

Cato's opposition to Caesar and his triumvirate allies led them to get Cato out of town. The incentive was too good to refuse: the governorship of the new province of Cyprus. Cato accused them of trying to get rid of him, but eventually accepted the honour of being governor above being praetor.

Cato appeared to have two major goals in Cyprus. The first was to enact his foreign policy agenda, expressed in a letter to Cicero, which called for a policy of benevolence and justice to Roman-controlled territories. The second was to implement his reforms of the quaestorship on a larger scale. This second goal also provided Cato with an opportunity to burnish his Stoic credentials: the province was rich both in gold and opportunities for extortion. Thus, against common practice, Cato took none, and he prepared immaculate accounts for the senate, much as he had done earlier in his career as quaestor. According to Plutarch, Cato ultimately raised the enormous sum of 7,000 talents of silver for the Roman treasury. He thought about every unexpected event, even to tying ropes to the coffers with a big piece of cork on the other end, so they could be located in the event of a shipwreck. Unfortunately, luck played him a trick. Of his perfect accounting books, none survived: the one he had was burnt, the other were lost at sea with the freedman carrying it. Only Cato's untainted reputation saved him from charges of extortion.

The Senate of Rome recognized the effort made in Cyprus and offered him a reception in the city, an extraordinary praetorship, and other privileges, all of which he stubbornly refused as an unlawful honour.

Cato in the Civil War

The triumvirate of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus was broken in 54 B.C.E. at the same time as Cato's election as praetor. Judging their enemy in trouble, Cato and the optimates faction of the Senate spent the coming years trying to force the recall of Caesar from Gaul, whence Caesar had illegally crossed into Germania. It was a time of political turmoil, when patrician demagogues like Publius Clodius tried to make their political careers by wooing the crowds and resorting to violence. Cato fought them all, and he ended as Pompey's ally and political advisor.

In 49 B.C.E., Caesar crossed the Rubicon accompanied by his thirteenth legion to run for a second consulship while maintaining a military force that would protect him from prosecution. Formally declared an enemy of the State, Caesar pursued the senatorial party, now led by Pompey, who abandoned the city to raise arms in Greece, with Cato among them. After first reducing Caesar's army at the battle of Dyrrahecium (where Cato commanded the port), the army led by Pompey was ultimately defeated by Caesar in the battle of Pharsalus (48 B.C.E.). Cato and Metellus Scipio, however, did not yet concede defeat and escaped to the province of Africa to continue resistance from Utica. Due to his presence in this city and command of the port there, Cato is sometimes referred to as Cato Uticensis (from Utica). Caesar pursued Cato and Metellus Scipio after installing the queen Cleopatra VII in the throne of Egypt, and in February 46 B.C.E. he defeated the army led by Metellus Scipio at the Battle of Thapsus.

Being in Utica, Cato did not participate in the battle and, unwilling to live in a world led by Caesar and refusing even implicitly to grant Caesar the power to pardon him, he committed suicide. According to Plutarch, Cato attempted to commit suicide by stabbing himself with his own sword, but failed to do so due to an injured hand. One of Cato's slaves found him on the ground and called for a physician to stitch up and bandage Cato's wounds. Cato waited until they left him and then tore off the bandages and the stitches with his fingers and pulled out his own intestines, thereby completing his suicide attempt.

After Cato

Cato is remembered as a Stoic philosopher and one of the most active paladins of the Republic. His high moral standards and incorruptible virtue gained him praise even from his political enemies, such as Sallust (our source for the anecdote about Caesar and Cato's sister). After Cato's death, Cicero wrote a manifest eulogizing Cato's qualities, to which Caesar (who never forgave him for all the obstructions) answered with his Anticato speech. Cicero's pamphlet has not survived, but its contents might be inferred from Plutarch's Life of Cato, which also repeats many of the stories that Caesar put forward in his Anticato.

Republicans under the Empire remembered him fondly, and the poet Virgil, writing under Augustus, made Cato a hero in his Aeneid. Lucan, writing under Nero, also made Cato the hero of Book IX of his unfinished epic, the Pharsalia. From the latter work originates the epigram, "Victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni" ("The conquering cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato"). This phrase is also inscribed at the base of the memorial to the Confederate soldiers outside Arlington cemetery.

In Dante's The Divine Comedy, Cato is portrayed as the guardian of the seaward approach to the island of purgatory. In Canto I, Dante writes of Cato:

:: I saw close by me a solitary old man, worthy, by

his appearance, of so much reverence that never
son owed father more.
Long was his beard and mixed with white hair,
similar to the hairs of his head, which fell to his
breast in two strands.
The rays of the four holy lights so adorned his
face with brightness that I saw him as if the sun
had been before him.

Cato's life is immortalized in Joseph Addison's play, Cato, A Tragedy, which George Washington often quoted and had performed during the winter at Valley Forge, in spite of a Congressional ban on such performances.

Cato's descendants and marriages

  • First wife, Atilia (divorced for adultery)
    • Porcia, married first to Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, then to Marcus Junius Brutus
    • Marcus Porcius Cato, later killed in the Second Battle of Philippi
  • Second (and third) wife, Marcia.


  • 95 B.C.E. – Birth in Rome
  • 67 B.C.E. – Military tribune in Macedon
  • 65 B.C.E. – Quaestor in Rome
  • 63 B.C.E. – Tribune of the Plebs, Catilina's conspiracy
  • 60 B.C.E. – Forces Caesar to choose between consulship and triumph
  • 59 B.C.E. – Opposes Caesar's laws
  • 58 B.C.E. – Governorship of Cyprus
  • 54 B.C.E. – Praetor
  • 49 B.C.E. – Caesar crosses the Rubicon and invades Italy; Cato goes with Pompey to Greece
  • 48 B.C.E. – Battle of Pharsalus, Pompey defeated; Cato goes to Africa
  • 46 B.C.E.
    • Defeated in the Battle of Thapsus
    • Commits suicide

Fictional portrayals

In the television series Rome, the character Cato, loosely based on the historical Cato, is played by actor Karl Johnson.

In the 2002 miniseries Julius Caesar, Cato is played by Christopher Walken.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Hughes-Hallett, Lucy. Heroes: A History of Hero Worship. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, New York, 2004. ISBN 1-4000-4399-9.
  • Taylor, Lily Ross. "Party Politics in the Age of Caesar." University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 1971, ISBN 0-520-01257-7.
  • Plutarch. Cato the Younger.

Template:Plutarch's lives


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