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Ji Seokyeong was born on May 15, 1855 in the city of Hanseong (now Seoul), the fourth son of Ji Ikyeong (지익용, 池翼龍) an oriental medicine physician.  From an early age, he became interested in translations of western medical journals that came to Korea from China, and became interested in the work of the English doctor Edward Jenner, who was the first to administer the smallpox vaccination.  In 1876 he met Pak Yongson, who had recently participated as translator for Kim Kisu in a diplomatic mission  to observe Japan's modernization, under the terms of the Korean-Japanese Treaty of Amity.  Knowing that Ji was interested in inoculation, Pak told Ji about Japan's advances in inoculation, and gave him a set of books on the topic that he had brought back, Jongdu Guigam (종두귀감, 種痘龜鑑, Models of Inoculation) written by Dr. Odaki of Suncheondang Clinic in Tokyo. Pak.  
Ji Seokyeong was born on May 15, 1855 in the city of Hanseong (now Seoul), the fourth son of Ji Ikyeong (지익용, 池翼龍) an oriental medicine physician.  From an early age, he became interested in translations of western medical journals that came to Korea from China, and became interested in the work of the English doctor Edward Jenner, who was the first to administer the smallpox vaccination.  In 1876 he met Pak Yongson, who had recently participated as translator for Kim Kisu in a diplomatic mission  to observe Japan's modernization, under the terms of the Korean-Japanese Treaty of Amity.  Knowing that Ji was interested in inoculation, Pak told Ji about Japan's advances in inoculation, and gave him a set of books on the topic that he had brought back, Jongdu Guigam (종두귀감, 種痘龜鑑, Models of Inoculation) written by Dr. Odaki of Suncheondang Clinic in Tokyo. Pak.  
Having been interested in inoculations since an early age, and sorry that so many people were dying from infections disease, Je began to undertake research to try to develop vaccinations.  Unable to create effective inoculations on his own, in 1879, he traveled to Pusan to study inoculation at the Japanese Naval Hospital.  On the way back to Seoul he stopped at his wife's hometown in Chungjugun Deoksanmyeon and inoculated 40 children against smallpox, the first inoculations to be administered in Korea.
Having been interested in inoculations since an early age, and sorry that so many people were dying from infections disease, Je began to undertake research to try to develop vaccinations.  Unable to create effective inoculations on his own, in 1879, he traveled to Pusan to study inoculation at the Japanese Naval Hospital.  Completing his studies, he received some vaccine from the Hostpital, and on the way back to Seoul he stopped at his wife's hometown in Chungjugun Deoksanmyeon and inoculated 40 children of her relatives and neighbors against smallpox, the first inoculations to be administered in Korea.  Arriving in Seoul, he vaccinated many children, working out of his house.  However, since the vaccine he had brought with him from Busan could only treat a limited number of people, he determined to manufacture vaccine on his own.
==Further study==
==Further study==

Revision as of 19:02, 15 December 2007

This is a Korean name; the family name is Ji.

Ji Seokyeong(지석영, 池錫永) 1855-1935 was a late Joseon period physician of oriental medicine, as well as a civil minister and Hangeul scholar. He studied vaccinations and worked to educate people about them, contributing greatly to the elimination of smallpox in Korea. 본관은 충주(忠州), 자는 공윤(公胤), 호는 송촌(松村)·태원(太原)이다. He was the earliest Korean physician to administer vaccinations, and there is still much about his life and work that is unknown.

Birth and early life

Ji Seokyeong was born on May 15, 1855 in the city of Hanseong (now Seoul), the fourth son of Ji Ikyeong (지익용, 池翼龍) an oriental medicine physician. From an early age, he became interested in translations of western medical journals that came to Korea from China, and became interested in the work of the English doctor Edward Jenner, who was the first to administer the smallpox vaccination. In 1876 he met Pak Yongson, who had recently participated as translator for Kim Kisu in a diplomatic mission to observe Japan's modernization, under the terms of the Korean-Japanese Treaty of Amity. Knowing that Ji was interested in inoculation, Pak told Ji about Japan's advances in inoculation, and gave him a set of books on the topic that he had brought back, Jongdu Guigam (종두귀감, 種痘龜鑑, Models of Inoculation) written by Dr. Odaki of Suncheondang Clinic in Tokyo. Pak.

Having been interested in inoculations since an early age, and sorry that so many people were dying from infections disease, Je began to undertake research to try to develop vaccinations. Unable to create effective inoculations on his own, in 1879, he traveled to Pusan to study inoculation at the Japanese Naval Hospital. Completing his studies, he received some vaccine from the Hostpital, and on the way back to Seoul he stopped at his wife's hometown in Chungjugun Deoksanmyeon and inoculated 40 children of her relatives and neighbors against smallpox, the first inoculations to be administered in Korea. Arriving in Seoul, he vaccinated many children, working out of his house. However, since the vaccine he had brought with him from Busan could only treat a limited number of people, he determined to manufacture vaccine on his own.

Further study

In 1880 Ji opened his first vaccination clinic in Seoul, and in the same year he traveled to Japan in the company of Kim Hongjip's staff as part of another official diplomatic mission to observe Japanese progress, and in the same year he opened his first vaccination clinic in Seoul.

In late 19th century Joseon Korea there was rising tension regarding Japanese influence in Korea. In 1882, during the Military Mutiny of 1882, or Imo Kullan, a Japanese military training officer was killed, and the Hanabusa, the head of the Japanese mission in Korea was also attacked. In the aftermath, Koreans like Ji Seokyeong who had close ties to Japan came under suspicion of siding with Japan. Under threat of arrest, Ji was forced to leave Seoul. He traveled south, and at the request of the governor of Jeolla province, establishing vaccination clinics in Jeonju and Gongju before returning to Seoul later in the year to instruct other doctors about vaccinations.

Clinics and teaching facilities

He passed the civil service examination in 1883, but once again, his connections to Japan led to his arrest in 1887 and four years of exile in Sinjido, an island off the coast of Jeolla province. During his time in exile, he continued to teach, and finally in 1893, was able to return to Seoul, he established the Wuduboyeongdang (우두보영당, 牛痘保嬰堂) clinic, where he continued inoculating children and training doctors.

Based on his qualification from the civil service exam in 1883, Ji Seokyeong was appointed to a district chief post near Pusan in 1891, where he served for a time. In 1899,

1899년 의학교가 설치되자 초대 교장으로 임명되었다.

1907년 통감부에서 의학교를 폐지하고 1908년 대한의원의육부(大韓醫院醫育部)로 개편할 때 교장직에서 쫓겨나 학감으로 자리를 옮겼으나 곧 학감 자리에서도 쫓겨나게 된다.

학교에서 쫓겨난 뒤 지석영은 한글에 관한 글이나 우두법 보급에 관한 활동을 하였다. 그러나 대한제국 정부나 일제에는 협력하지 않았고 공직에도 나가지 않았다.

우두법 신화

1929년에 조선 왕조의 무능과 그로부터 탄압 받은 인물로서 조선 총독부와 조선사 편수회 등이 그를 우상화하기 시작한다. 이때 1929년은 지석영이 부산의 제생의원(濟生醫院) 원장 마쓰마에[松前讓]와 군의(軍醫) 도즈카[戶塚積齊]로부터 종두법을 배운[1] 지 50주년이 되는 해로, 조선총독부에서는 “우두법 도입 50주년” 행사에 그를 불러냈다. 지석영에 대한 우상화는 죽 이어져 급기야 총독부 기관지였던 매일신보 1931년 1월 25일자에서는 “조선의 젠너 송촌 지석영 선생”이라는 기사가 실리기도 했다.

이러한 총독부의 우상화로 말미암아 지석영 또는 조선 정부의 우두 보급과 관련하여 왜곡된 사실이 널리 퍼지게 되었으며, 이를 우두법 신화 또는 지석영 신화로 부르기도 한다. 이 작업에 참여한 유명한 사람으로는 1934년 조선 총독부 과학관 겸 해군소장이었던 오오무라[重村義一]가 있다.

오오무라가 그의 저서에서 밝힌 지석영의 이야기 또는 우두법 신화를 전개한 이들이 강조한 점은 다음과 같다.

  1. 신문물의 전파자 “일본” : 지석영이 우두에 대해 알게된 것은 중국에서 한역한 서적을 통해서였다. 일본에서 전파한 사항이 아님에도 오오무라를 비롯한 일본 학자들은 이를 일본이 최초로 전파했다고 왜곡하고 있다.
  2. 조선 정부의 무능 : 한마디로 조선 정부가 무능하여 효능이 우수한 우두법의 전파가 느렸으며, 심지어 전파를 방해하기까지도 했다는 뜻이다. 그러나 이는 1885년부터 1890년 사이에 이르는 우두법 보급 초기에 일어났던 일이며, 본격 보급되던 1894년 이후에는 초기의 실패 요인이 모두 제거되었다. 초기의 실패 요인은 크게 민간의 저항과 민간 현실에 비해 지나치게 비싼 접종 비용, 우두 의사의 횡령과 횡포였다. 민간의 저항은 외래적인 것(낯선 것)에 대한 저항이나 무녀의 선동 때문이었지만, 이는 크게 문제가 되지 않았다. 서양에서도 신학자나 종교인이 우두 보급을 반대하고 나선 예가 없지 않기 때문이다. 다만 값비싼 우두 접종비나 우두 의사의 행태는 우두의 보급에 큰 장애가 되었고, 이를 일신하려고 1895년에 “종두규칙”을 제정하여 반포하게 된다. 여기에 우두 접종의 의무화를 비롯한 개혁적 조치가 포함되었고, 이는 뒷날 일본조차 한때는 “유일하게 성공을 거둔 부문”으로 평가하게 된다. 그러나 지석영 우상화를 거치면서 이러한 평가는 사라진다.
  3. 조선 민중의 무지 : 민간의 저항을 조선 민중의 무지로만 편협하게 해석하였다. 그러나 우두에 대한 저항은 동서양을 막론하고 일어난 일임에도 오직 조선 민중만이 무지하여 저항하였다고 주장하는 오류를 보이고 있다. 심지어 “종두의 과학적 효과를 전혀 이해하지 못하고 민중은 도리어 이를 외국의 마술, 사법(邪法)으로 간주하여 국가를 어지럽히는 것으로 생각했고, 집에도 받아들이지 않았다”라고 하였다.
  4. 조선 정부의 지석영에 대한 박해와 지석영의 희생 : 지석영은 한때 갑신정변의 배후로 모함을 받아 유배를 가게 된다. 이를 조선 정부가 무능하여 “훌륭한 인사”를 박해하였다고 주장하였다. 그리고 횡포를 일삼는 종두 의사에게 내려진 포박령을 지석영에게 내려진 포박령으로 왜곡하기도 했다. 또한 지석영이 실비에도 미치지 못하는 1문의 싼값으로 시술한 일을 희생으로 평가하였다. 하지만 초기 우두 의사의 횡포로 말미암아 우두 의사에 대한 세간의 평가는 매우 좋지 않았고, 결국 지석영은 1문이라는 매우 싼값으로 시술할 수밖에 없는 상황에 놓였을 뿐 특별히 희생했다고 보기는 힘들다. 결정적으로 그러한 “훌륭한 인사”를 의학교에서 쫓아낸 이들은 바로 일본이었다.
  5. 우두법에 대한 강조와 과장 : 천연두로 말미암아 불행에 처한 조선 민중을 구제하는 유일한 수단인 양 우두법에 대한 찬사와 과장을 하였다.

Died February 1, 1935

See Also

  • List of Korea-related topics


  1. 브리태니커 백과사전, “지석영”

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