Lucia Santos

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Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Lúcia Santos

Lúcia de Jesus Rosa Santos – "Sister Lúcia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart," better known as Sister Lúcia of Jesus – (March 22, 1907 – February 13, 2005) was the central participant, along with her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, who witnessed the appearance of "Our Lady of the Rosary" and spoke to her on the thirteenth day of each month from May through October, 1919. She was a Portuguese visionary and at age 41, became a Roman Catholic Carmelite nun. She wrote of her visions and the words spoken by "Our Lady" and finally revealed the secrets that she had been sworn to keep.


Lucia's maternal grandfather, Joaquim Ferreira Rosa, a native of Aljustrel of the parish of Fátima was born November 29, 1823. He married Rosa da Encarnação of Perulheira, born April 21, 1825. Together, they settled in Perulheira and had seven children. Maria Rosa was the last child, born on July 6, 1869. At the request of an aunt and uncle, Joaquim returned to Aljustrel, taking with him his wife and children, sometime between 1883 and 1884.[1]

When Maria Rosa was 21 years old she married António dos Santos, a native of Aljustrel, on November 19, 1890. The children of Maria Rosa and António dos Santos were: Maria dos Anjos, Teresa de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, Manuel Rosa dos Santos, Gloria de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, Carolina de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, Maria Rosa (died at birth), and Lucia de Jesus Rosa Santos. Although peasants, the Santos family was by no means poor, owning land "in the direction of Montelo, Our Lady of Ortiga, Fatima, Valinhos, Cabeço, Charneca, and Cova da Iria."[2]

Map of Portugal showing Fatima

Even though Lucia's birthday is registered as March 22, 1907, her actual date of birth is March 28. In those days it was required that parents bring their children for Baptism on the eighth day after birth or face a fine, and, because March 30 was a more convenient day, the 22nd was chosen as her birthday. Lucia later recalled that, at the time, no one attached much importance to one's birthday.[3]

Father De Marchi described her features in the following manner: "She was not a pretty child. The only attractions of her face — which was not on the whole repellent — were her two great black eyes which gazed out from under thick eyebrows. Her hair, thick and dark, was parted in the center over her shoulders. Her nose was rather flat, her lips thick and her mouth large."[4]

Children loved and adored Lucia. She was a fabulous storyteller with a "gift for narration."[5] According to her mother, Lucia repeated everything that she heard "like a parrot."[6] During the summer at siesta time Maria Rosa gave her children and the neighbor’s children, if they were there, catechism lessons, especially around Lent. During the winter the catechism lessons took place after supper around the fire.

Lucia's first communion was at 6 years of age (10 being the usual minimum). The local Prior, however, initially denied her from this, even though "she understands what she's doing better than many of the others," because she was too young. The priest who eventually convinced the Prior to allow her to receive was Father Cruz, a Jesuit missionary from Lisbon. He found Lucia distressed after being denied and inquired what was the matter. Having learned of the situation, he tested her on her catechism, and was satisfied that she was ready.[7]

After her first confession she prayed before the altar of Our Lady of the Rosary and saw it smile at her. Upon receiving the Eucharist, Lucia felt "bathed in such a supernatural atmosphere that the presence of our dear Lord became as clearly perceptible to me as if I had seen and heard Him with my bodily senses." Lucia's first communion left a deep impact on her. "I lost the taste and attraction for the things of the world, and only felt at home in some solitary place where, all alone, I could recall the delights of my First Communion."[8]

Apparitions of an Angel and Our Lady of Fatima

The Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima

During the summer of her eighth year she claimed that she and her friends, Teresa and Maria Maitias, and Maria Justino, saw a white vision in a human form in the field where they tended sheep.

The next spring, 1916, perhaps in preparation for the coming visitations by Our Lady of Fatima, she and her cousins, experienced three visits by the guardian angel of Portugal who directed them to pray three times:

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask forgiveness for those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love You."... "Pray in this way. The hearts of Jesus and Mary are ready to listen to you."

In the second visit he admonished them, saying:

"What are you doing? You must pray! Pray! The hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs for you. You must offer your prayers and sacrifices to God, the Most High."

When Lucia asked, "But how are we to sacrifice?" He answered, "In every way you can offer sacrifice to God in reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for sinners. In this way you will bring peace to our country, for I am its guardian angel, the angel of Portugal. Above all, bear and accept with patience the sufferings God will send you."

File:Lady of Fatima tiles.jpg
Fatima tiles showing the three praying children

In his third visit he prayed three times in prostration, "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the most precious body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. And by the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners." and then gave them communion. They never spoke about these visions until after the visions of Our Lady of Fatima. [9]

At ten she and her cousins, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, claimed to have witnessed visions of a lady that later identified herself to Lucia as "Our Lady of the Rosary" in a hollow field known as the Cova da Iria, near the village of Aljustrel, about a mile from Fátima, Portugal. Only Lucia claimed to converse directly with her, Jacinta could usually hear her but Francisco could only see her. "Our Lady of the Rosary" became identified as the Virgin Mary. Among the messages Lucia supposedly relayed from the Virgin were the Three Secrets of Fatima.

Crowds pray and await the promised miracle on October 13, 1917.

Lightening preceded the visit even though the weather was fair, and the apparition of a lovely lady dressed in white descended atop an oak tree telling them "not to fear" and "I want you to return here on the thirteenth of each month for the next six months, and at the very same hour," the Lady said. "Later I shall tell you who I am, and what it is that I most desire. And I shall return here yet a seventh time."

The Catholic Church approved the visions as "worthy of belief" in the 1930s.

Persecution, kidnapping, and doubt

Newspaper article about the visions at Fatima

Lucia made her cousins Jacinta and Francisco swear to not reveal their special experience in the countryside. Yet Jacinta couldn't keep quiet and she let slip to her mother that "Our Lady" had appeared to the children. Many incredulous queries followed and as the tale spread throughout their town, and the countryside many people came to question and ridicule the children. Their families could not believe them, accept Tio Marto who began to realize that they were not lying.

But when Lucia's mother mentioned that perhaps the devil was sending the visions Lucia became paralyzed with fear. On the next 13th of the month her cousins were going to meet the "Lady" without her when the fear was lifted and she was liberated.

Lucia was questioned by family, friends, priests and others always replying simply and sincerely. Her mother even beat her with a broom stick but she would not recant the visions. She revealed that "Our Lady" had shared a secret which must be kept and that revelation began an unbelievable barrage of questions, bribes and finally a kidnapping of all three children by the mayor of a neighboring town who imprisoned the children in his home overnight, bribed them and when they refused to tell him the 'secret' he put them in prison with the common criminals. But the children's simple devoutness and willingness to suffer and die 'so that others would be able to go to heaven' soon had the prisoners singing and dancing to cheer up the children. The mayor then said he would boil each one in oil to gain the secret, only Lucia didn't believe him. In the end he had to release them.

The children continued to visit the site each month on the thirteenth day at noon as they had been told to do. The numbers of people began to grow who would also come to the site in hopes of witnessing "Our Lady." From the repeated persecution and inquisitions the children had to endure, Lucia asked the apparition for a miracle to convince the people of her visitations.

Cathedral at Fatima

Finally, the day of the promised "miracle" that Lucia had asked for arrived. October 13th was a rainy, muddy day yet the weather was parted with lightening and bright lights that many could see and for those in the huge crowd (some say 70,000) who could "see," the "Lady of the Rosary" appeared in white followed by St. Joseph with the Christ Child in his arms both dressed in red. Then "the Lord" blessed them and the "Lady" was transformed into a figure with a blue hood, who Lucia said looked like "Our Lady of Mount Carmel."

Those who experienced phenomena reported that the sun was strangely spinning. It revolved more rapidly, more frighteningly. "It cast off beams of many-colored lights in all directions. Shafts of brilliant red came from the rim of the revolving star and fell across the earth, the people and the trees; and green lights came and violet and blue in mixed array. It is a story of wonder and of terror, too, as the great star challenges the discipline of all the ages it has known, and begins careening, trembling in the sky for seventy thousand witnesses to see. Now, horribly, it appears to plunge from its place in the heavens and fall upon the earth". [10] Not all who were in attendance gave testimony but many doubting Thomases were convinced on that day that God had wrought a miracle.

Unfortunately , eager pilgrims stripped the "holy" oak of all its limbs and bark and then vandals cut the tree down and destroyed the area.

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Interior of Cathedral at Fatima

After the "miracle," money that had been left behind was used to build a chapel to "Our Lady of the Rosary" on the spot from "Our Lady"'s direction.

The children were harshly questioned by members of the Roman Catholic Church, but by the time a formal church inquiry was started in 1922, Francisco and Jacinta had died in the influenza pandemic. The veneration of "Our Lady of Fátima" was finally authorized in 1930 by the bishop of Leiria, Portugal, and a shrine was established at the Fátima site.

Life in the Convent

In March 1948, aged 41, Lucia Santos joined the Carmel of St. Teresa at Coimbra, where she lived until her death at the age of almost 98. She had been suffering prolonged colds and flu in an unheated cell. She died of cardio-respiratory failure, due to her advanced age.

Lucia lived in semi-seclusion in a Carmelite convent and wrote six memoirs during her lifetime. The first four were written between 1935 and 1941, and the English translation is published under the name Fatima in Lúcia's Own Words. The fifth and six memoirs, written in 1989 and 1993, are published in English under the name Fatima in Lúcia's Own Words II. Additional writings include 'Calls' From the Message of Fatima published in 2000, and Appeals of the Fatima Message, published in 2001.

The day of her funeral, February 15, 2005, was declared a day of national mourning in Portugal; even campaigning for the national parliamentary election scheduled for Sunday, February 20, was interrupted.

While most historical accounts correctly refer to Lucia as Lúcia Santos, some of the more modern accounts refer to Lucia as Lúcia dos Santos. This confusion likely arose with the publication of her first book of memoirs, wherein the editor states that the parish register lists her father's name as Antonio dos Santos. Lucia confirms that her family name is Santos in her fifth and six memoirs.[11]

Controversy Around Lucia and the Secrets of Fatima

Statuette of Our Lady of Fatima

There have been accusations of a campaign to cover up the message of Fatima by ecclesiastical authorities within the Catholic Church, including the motivation behind imposing an order of silence against Sister Lucia. Lucia was already under orders of silence as a Carmelite sister, giving no interviews or statements to the public without permission, and she continued to write private diaries and personal letters up until her death.

However, when journalists sought out Lucia after the Vatican refused to release the Third Secret in 1960, they found it had become increasingly difficult to see her. [12] She was forbidden not only to reveal the Secret but also to speak about the Third Secret at all. She could not, from 1960 forward, receive any visitors except close relatives. [13]

Even her confessor of many years, Father Aparicio, who had been in Brazil for over twenty years, was not permitted to see her when he visited Portugal. He stated: "I have not been able to speak with Sister Lucia because the Archbishop could not give the permission to meet her. The conditions of isolation in which she finds herself have been imposed by the Holy See. Consequently, no one may speak with her without a license from Rome." [14]

More than forty years later, Lucia remained under the imposition of silence. Only Pope John Paul II or Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) could grant the permission necessary for her to speak openly or to be visited.

On November 15, 1966 Pope Paul VI revised the Code of Canon Law, striking down canons 1399 and 2318, which among other things had prohibited and penalized the publication of any material concerning any apparitions (approved or not) without beforehand obtaining a bishop’s imprimatur. After the revision, therefore, anyone in the Church was permitted to publish freely on Marian apparitions, including those at Fatima. Yet Sister Lucia was still forbidden to reveal the Fatima Secret. She remained under an order of silence until her death in February 2005, unable to speak freely about Fatima without special permission from the Vatican. [15]

Crest of Fatima

On the 50th anniversary (May 13, 1967) of the first vision, she accompanied Pope Paul VI to the shrine with about one million pilgrims.

The “secrets of Fátima,” were not revealed until the 1940s, when church officials disclosed two of them. The first was a vision of hell, and the second was understood as prophesying the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II and the rise and fall of communism. The third secret was not revealed until the day of the beatification ceremonies for Francisco and Jacinta in 2000, when the Vatican indicated it had been a prediction of the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981.


  1. Fatima in Lucia's own Words II (1999), pg. 55.
  2. ibid. pg. 9.
  3. ibid. pgs. 13-14.
  4. De Marchi, John. Fatima The Full Story, pg. 31.
  5. Walsh, William Thomas. Our Lady of Fatima, pg. 11.
  6. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words I (2003), pg. 67).
  7. ibid., pgs. 69-70; Walsh, William Thomas. Our Lady of Fatima, pg. 7.
  8. ibid.(2003), pgs. 72-73.
  9. Father John de Marchi. The True Story of Fatima. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  10. ibid.
  11. Fatima in Lúcia's Own Words II (1999), pg. 9,68
  12. Church Approval and Attack on Fatima (1930-2004). Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  13. ibid.
  14. [ibid.
  15. ibid.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • De Marchi, Joao. Fatima The Full Story. AMI Press; 2nd ed., 1986. ISBN 978-0911988703
  • Haffert, John M. Deadline: The Third Secret of Fatima. 101 Foundation, Inc., 2002. ISBN 978-1890137496
  • Santos, Lucia. Calls From the Message of Fatima. Ravengate Press, 2005.

ISBN 978-0911218435

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