
From New World Encyclopedia
Revision as of 11:29, 5 October 2007 by Svemir Brkic (talk | contribs) (Add link for ExtensionFunctions.php)
Purpose Replaces default MediaWiki search with Sphinx
Author Svemir Brkic
Version 0.2
Extension files



This site uses Sphinx full-text search engine as a replacement for standard MediaWiki search. Our code is based on SphinxSearch extension by Paul Grinberg. The changes we made include:

  • Changed the overall model based on LuceneSearch extension to make Sphinx the main (and only) search engine on this wiki.
  • Added support for the Go button so user is redirected to an exact title match automatically.
  • Changed the main data fetch query for the indexer to make it somewhat faster. Added page_id attribute to the index to make fetching of search results faster as well.
  • Added an incremental index. We index the entire wiki every night and update the incremental index with recently changed articles several times a day.
  • Tweaked handling of namespaces, so initial search uses namespaces from user's preferences.

Install Sphinx

To install our version of this extension, first download and install Sphinx.

Now create a sphinx.conf file. Sphinx comes with well-commented sample file, but if you want to use our code, you need to start with our sphinx.conf and modify it further if necessary:

  • You will need to update the file paths and table names (if you use some prefix.)
  • If your wiki is very large, you may want to consider specifying a query range in the conf file.
  • If your wiki is not in English, you will need to change (or remove) the morphology attribute.

When done, run the indexer:

indexer --config /path/to/conf/sphinx.conf --all --rotate

You will see a report about documents being fetched etc. If everything seems fine, do a test search:

search --config /path/to/conf/sphinx.conf "test search"

You will see the result stats immediatelly (Sphinx is FAST) but the actual article content will take a while to start displaying. Do not worry - that is only because of a sub-optimal sql_query_info in sphinx.conf file. In the extension we can get to the article content much faster because we will have both page_id and old_id available.

Install the extension

Create a SphinxSearch sub-folder in your extensions folder and copy SphinxSearch.php and SphinxSearch_body.php there. Also, copy the sphinxapi.php file from your Sphinx installation api folder into SphinxSearch. Finally, if you do not have it already, download ExtensionFunctions.php library to your extensions folder.

Add this line to your LocalSettings.php

require_once( "$IP/extensions/SphinxSearch/SphinxSearch.php" );

Keep the index updated

Setup a cron job for the full index - for example once every night:

0 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/indexer --config /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf wiki --rotate > /dev/null 2>&1

Setup a more frequent cron to update the smaller index regularly:

0 9,15,22 * * * /usr/local/bin/indexer --config /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf wikilatest > /dev/null --rotate 2>&1

Hacks and TODOs

  • We use SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED for better relevance weights, but we process the search term to make it assume an OR instead of an AND on multiple. This will be replaced with an option on the search form.
  • Indexing query currently uses the old_id from the text table as the primary key. That creates duplicate entries in the search results when incremental index indexes a newer revision. Maybe using page_id would solve that, but in that case search result excerpt would in some case come from a yet unindexed revision...
  • Due to the way the weights are calculated, it is hard to get title matches to always appear first. That can be solved by internally running the search twice, first time with @page_title attribute, second time with @old_text.


This wiki uses a separate system for public feedback. Click the feedback tab and register (it is an integrated Wordpress blog.) You may also send an email directly to svemir at thirdblessing dot net.